What does burung laut in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word burung laut in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use burung laut in Indonesian.

The word burung laut in Indonesian means seabird, seafowl, tropic bird, seabird. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word burung laut



Anda jgn mengatakan burung laut, bilang saja pelikan.
You wouldn't say seabirds, you would say pelicans.



tropic bird

noun (seagul)


noun (birds that have adapted to life within the marine environment)

Burung laut ini membuat sarang bagi anak-anaknya, sedangkan burung dara-laut putih tidak demikian.
Whereas these seabirds build a nest for their young, the white terns do not.

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Burung, terutama burung laut, merupakan bagian penting dari kehidupan binatang Islandia.
Birds, especially seabirds, are an important part of Iceland's animal life.
Walaupun koloni burung laut yang paling di Cape Afrika menurun, populasi pelikan putih bersarang pada Dassen tumbuh.
Although most sea bird colonies on the African Cape are in decline, the population of white pelicans nesting on Dassen is growing.
¤ s jika mendapatkan IIFT tidak cukup untuk biji- biji, burung laut aIso memberikan mereka dengan eIse sesuatu
As if getting a lift wasn' t enough for these seeds, seabirds also provide them with something else
Yang terakhir burung laut memulai perjalanan panjang mereka di selatan, hanya menyisakan sedikit hardy penduduk di belakang
The last seabirds begin their long journey south,leaving only a few hardy residents behind
Para burung laut pertama kali berevolusi pada periode Cretaceous, dan keluarga burung laut modern muncul pada masa Paleogen.
The first seabirds evolved in the Cretaceous period, and modern seabird families emerged in the Paleogene.
Banyak burung laut yang memiliki kelenjar di dekat matanya yang memungkinkan mereka minum air laut.
Many seabirds have glands near the eyes that allow them to drink seawater.
Anda jgn mengatakan burung laut, bilang saja pelikan.
You wouldn't say seabirds, you would say pelicans.
Tebing pantai sekarang penuh bersama burung laut bersarang, dan tidak lama sebelum mereka mendapat perhatian tak diinginkan.
The coastal cliffs now teem with nesting seabirds, and it's not long before they attract unwelcome attention.
Albatros besar merupakan burung laut dari genus Diomedea dalam keluarga albatros.
The great albatrosses are seabirds in the genus Diomedea in the albatross family.
Namanya berasal dari burung laut yang menyerupai.
Its name is derived from the seabirds which it resembles.
Selain itu, atol yang terpencil ini adalah salah satu kawasan perbiakan terpenting bagi burung laut di Lingkaran Tropik.
Furthermore, this remote coral atoll is one of the most important breeding grounds for seabirds in the Tropics.
Yang terakhir burung laut memulai perjalanan panjang mereka di selatan, hanya menyisakan sedikit hardy penduduk di belakang.
The last seabirds begin their long journey south, leaving only a few hardy residents behind.
Merampas makanan dari burung laut lain.
It also steals food from other seabirds.
Petrel badai adalah burung laut dalam keluarga Hydrobatidae, yang merupakan bagian dari ordo Procellariiformes.
Northern storm petrels are seabirds in the family Hydrobatidae, part of the order Procellariiformes.
Sate Burung Ayam-ayaman Sate yang terbuat dari ampela, hati, dan usus "burung ayam-ayaman" (sejenis burung laut).
Sate Burung Ayam-ayaman Bird Satay, the satay is made from gizzard, liver, and intestines of burung ayam-ayaman (watercock).
Satu-satunya yang mengamati mereka adalah ratusan burung laut yang mengitari angkasa.
The only eyes watching were those of hundreds of seabirds wheeling above.
Burung laut ini membuat sarang bagi anak-anaknya, sedangkan burung dara-laut putih tidak demikian.
Whereas these seabirds build a nest for their young, the white terns do not.
Di timur Sierra adalah Lembah Owens dan Danau Mono, sebuah habitat burung laut penting.
To the east of the Sierra Nevada are Owens Valley and Mono Lake, an essential migratory bird habitat.
Sebagian besar makanan berasal dari laut - protein dan lemak dari ikan, anjing laut, dan burung laut.
Food was almost entirely marine-sourced — protein and fat from fish, fur seals, and the fatty young of sea birds.
Seperti es mencair, ribuan mil laut terbuka menjadi diakses, memberikan tambang emas bagi jutaan burung laut.
As the ice melts, thousands of miles of open ocean become accessible, providing a bonanza for millions of seabirds.
Di tempat ini terdapat gajah sri lanka, macan tutul sri lanka, dan burung-burung laut.
It is important for the conservation of Sri Lankan elephants, Sri Lankan leopards and aquatic birds.
Mereka adalah burung laut sejati.
"They are sea birds.
Perjanjian ini dibuat untuk menghentikan penurunan drastis populasi burung laut di belahan bumi selatan, khususnya albatros dan petrel Procellariidae.
It was created in order to halt the drastic decline of seabird populations in the Southern Hemisphere, particularly albatrosses and petrels procellariids.
Rapa Nui juga merupakan ”daerah perkembangbiakan burung laut terkaya di Polinesia dan mungkin di seluruh Pasifik”, kata majalah Discover.
Rapa Nui was also “the richest seabird breeding site in Polynesia and probably in the whole Pacific,” says Discover magazine.
Surat kabar itu menambahkan, ”Dari 300 spesies burung laut dunia, lebih dari 100 diketahui memakan plastik secara tidak sengaja.”
The paper adds: “More than 100 of the world’s 300 species of seabird are known to eat plastic accidentally.”

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Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.