What does doğal dil in Turkish mean?
What is the meaning of the word doğal dil in Turkish? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use doğal dil in Turkish.
The word doğal dil in Turkish means natural, doğal, tabii, natürel, doğal, sağlıklı, doğal, tabii, doğal, olağan, tabii, temiz kalpli, saf, doğal, tabii, doğal, tabii, doğal, doğal, tabii, natürel, doğal, doğuştan, doğal, içten, samimi, önlenemez afet, doğal olmayan, suni, artifisyel, yapay, (doğal) arı kovanı, (doğal hayatı, çevreyi, vb.) koruma, doğal sonuç, netice, doğal ortam, (doğal) çevre, doğal olmayan, yapmacık, yapay, doğal büyüklükte, doğal ortam, doğal çevre, doğal ortamında, bir yere özgü, bir yerde doğal olarak yetişen/bulunan, yerli (tür, vb.), doğal olarak, tabii olarak, doğal olarak, doğal yetenek, kabiliyet, istidat, bir yere özgü, doğal nota, doğal afet, doğal gaz, doğal kaynaklar, doğal görünüm, tabii görünüş, doğal görünümlü, doğal olarak, doğal bir biçimde, doğal manzara, elbette ki, yansıma, onomatope, doğal sesleri yansıtan kelimeler kullanma, doğal/akıcı, (doğal hayat, çevre) koruma, (belli bir amaç veya topluluk için) ayrılmış bölge/arazi, doğal olarak, doğal olmayan/yapmacıklı, doğaya aykırı, doğal olmayan, anormal, doğal olmayan, yapay, suni, elektrik/su/doğal gaz faturası, rastgele, doğal hayat, yaban hayatı. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word doğal dil
doğal, tabii, natürel(existing in nature) (doğada bulunan) Çok yapmacıksız biridir. This bread is made of all natural ingredients. |
doğal(innate, natural) Cats have the inborn ability to land on their feet. |
sağlıklı(healthfood products) (besin) We bought the lentils at a wholefood store. |
doğal, tabii(unaffected, natural) The actress seems to be unselfconscious about her body in the love scenes. |
doğal, olağan, tabii(understandable, expected) Bu durumda kıskançlık göstermen doğaldır. It is natural for you to be jealous in this situation. |
temiz kalpli, saf(ingenuous, not devious) Lily's friends loved her for her frequent acts of artless generosity. |
doğal, tabii(natural, genuine) Smith's unaffected manner made him a very popular politician. |
doğal, tabii(inherent) (hal, vb.) The lake was in its natural state, without waves. |
doğal(unadulterated) (saç, vb.) Her hair was a natural auburn shade. |
doğal, tabii, natürel(food: without chemicals) (gıda) Natural food is becoming more popular every year. |
doğal(music: natural, not sharp or flat) (diyez veya bemol olmayan) Audrey played C natural instead of C sharp. |
doğuştan(inherent, instinctive) She has a native ability to intuit what people are feeling. |
doğal(unstudied) Leah had an air of careless sophistication about her. |
içten, samimi(US (unaffected) He spoke plain, as he was a simple, honest man. |
önlenemez afet(law: unpreventable disaster) The insurance company refused to pay out, ruling that the damages resulted from an act of God. |
doğal olmayan, suni, artifisyel, yapay(man-made, not natural) (yiyecek) I can't eat foods with artificial sweeteners. |
(doğal) arı kovanı(natural bees' nest) There's a beehive in one of my oak trees. |
(doğal hayatı, çevreyi, vb.) koruma(wildlife, etc: protection) Rural residents are divided on the issue of wildlife conservation. |
doğal sonuç, netice(natural consequence) Downsizing was a corollary of the downturn in the economy. |
doğal ortam(figurative (natural habitat) (mecazlı) Jane is in her element at parties, being an extrovert. |
(doğal) çevre(of natural environment) Environmental concerns, such as global warming, are very topical at the moment. |
doğal olmayan, yapmacık, yapay(unnatural) The actor's lines sounded forced, so the producer had to change them. |
doğal büyüklükte(life size) The artist specializes in painting full-scale portraits. |
doğal ortam, doğal çevre(natural environment) The habitat of the rare turtle is being destroyed. |
doğal ortamında(in the original place) I like to see wild flowers in situ rather than indoors in a vase. |
bir yere özgü, bir yerde doğal olarak yetişen/bulunan, yerli (tür, vb.)(species: native) Invasive weeds are threatening several indigenous species of grass. |
doğal olarak, tabii olarak(by nature) I try to get my dog to run but she is inherently lazy. |
doğal olarak(inherently, by nature) People innately know that killing is wrong. |
doğal yetenek, kabiliyet, istidat(natural aptitude) She has an instinct for recognizing undeveloped talent. |
bir yere özgü(indigenous) Domates Amerika Kıtası'nda doğal olarak bulunan (or: yetişen) bir bitkidir. The tomato is native to the American continent. |
doğal nota(music: natural note) (müzik) The white keys on the piano are for the naturals, and the black ones for sharps and flats. |
doğal afet(meteorological or geological catastrophe) |
doğal gaz(fuel consisting largely of methane) I heat my home with natural gas. |
doğal kaynaklar(natural fuels and energy) Pollution is harming our natural resources. |
doğal görünüm, tabii görünüş(natural appearance) The naturalism of this painting is astounding. |
doğal görünümlü(appearing natural) The mannequin's naturalistic appearance fooled me for a moment. |
doğal olarak, doğal bir biçimde(in normal way) Sarah's doctor recommended a Caesarean, but she wanted to give birth naturally. |
doğal manzara(scenery) Look at the nature round here! It's so beautiful! |
elbette ki(naturally, as might be expected) Of course, I will need to know where you are going. |
yansıma, onomatope, doğal sesleri yansıtan kelimeler kullanma(word imitating sound) This comic book uses onomatopoeia to make it more exciting. |
doğal/akıcı(flowing, natural) Becoming a sculptor was an organic development from carpentry for him. |
(doğal hayat, çevre) koruma(wildlife, environment: protection) Local people take part in the preservation of the wetlands. |
(belli bir amaç veya topluluk için) ayrılmış bölge/arazi(geography: reserved) This is a Native American reservation. |
doğal olarak(naturally) The leaves spontaneously changed color when the weather began to cool. |
doğal olmayan/yapmacıklı(unnatural, stiff) Because Harry was so nervous, his speech was stilted. |
doğaya aykırı, doğal olmayan, anormal(supernatural, strange) That man bears an uncanny resemblance to my father; if I didn't know dad had been dead for fifteen years, I'd swear that was him! |
doğal olmayan, yapay, suni(artificial, affected) His way of speaking is extremely unnatural, isn't it? |
elektrik/su/doğal gaz faturası(invoice for water or electricity, etc.) |
rastgele(naturally) A large variety of flowers and herbs grow wild in the nearby meadow. |
doğal hayat, yaban hayatı(uncountable (animals, plants, etc.) The zoologist had spent years studying wildlife. |
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Turkish is a language spoken by 65-73 million people around the world, making it the most commonly spoken language in the Turkic family. These speakers mostly live in Turkey, with a smaller number in Cyprus, Bulgaria, Greece and elsewhere in Eastern Europe. Turkish is also spoken by many immigrants to Western Europe, especially in Germany.