What does dünya geneli in Turkish mean?
What is the meaning of the word dünya geneli in Turkish? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use dünya geneli in Turkish.
The word dünya geneli in Turkish means general, genel, yaygın, genel, umumi, genel, umumî, genel, umumi, yaygın, genel, genel, genel, tahmini, normal, sıradan, genel, genel, yaygın, genel, kapsamlı, kapsamlı, kamu, kamusal, genel, genel/kabul edilen anlam, genel af, umumi af, toplam, genel toplam, genelde, genelde, genellikle, genel olarak, genel kural/ilke/standart, genel sınav, genel durum, toplam, genel toplam, Genel Müdür, kamu düzenini bozan davranış, genel orta öğretim sertifikası, genel bilgi, genel anlaşma/sözleşme, genel inanç, genellikle, genel olarak, genelde, genel toplam, genel kurallar, genel merkez, merkez, genel merkez, genel merkez, genel âdet/kural/kaide, norm, genel tanım, genelde, genel olarak, genel giderler, genel masraflar, genel bakış, özet, genel görünüş/manzara, panorama, genel bakış, tam, genel kurul toplantısı, tüm üyelerin hazır bulunduğu toplantı, başkan, genel müdür, özet, hülasa, genel tür, genel çeşit, taslak, genel bilgi. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word dünya geneli
genel, yaygın(widespread) Onun hata yaptığı şeklinde bir genel duygu hakimdi. The general feeling is that he made a big mistake. |
genel, umumi(non-specific) The complaints were generic and did not single out anyone. |
genel, umumî(global, overall) This is a general rule that applies to all of my employees. |
genel, umumi(accessible to all) Genel toplantı düzenleniyor. A public meeting is being held. |
yaygın, genel(for all) AB Plasma is a universal blood type and can be used for all patients. |
genel(figurative (complete) The residents of the city expressed blanket disapproval of genetically modified products. |
genel, tahmini(approximate) Neden bahsettiği hakkında genel bir fikrim var. I have a general idea what he is talking about. |
normal, sıradan, genel(normal, average) Hiçbir özelliği yok, sıradan bir çekiç işte. It is just a standard hammer - nothing special. |
genel(general) The gross population loss was about a million. |
yaygın, genel(widespread) Doubts about the policy's success are now epidemic. |
kapsamlı(figurative (general, catch-all) Many psychiatrists believe that the term schizophrenia is an umbrella word that covers a number of different mental disorders. |
kapsamlı(comprehensive, overall) The school aims to provide an all-around education for its students. |
kamu, kamusal(concerning all people) This work is in the public domain. |
genel(edition: for general sale) A trade edition is one intended for general distribution to the public. |
genel/kabul edilen anlam(common definition or use) Dictionaries explain the accepted meanings of words. |
genel af, umumi af(official pardon) The government granted the imprisoned dissident an amnesty. |
toplam, genel toplam(sum total) The amount on the bill was more than he expected. |
genelde(in general) The education systems of England, Scotland and Wales are broadly similar. |
genelde, genellikle, genel olarak(in general, on the whole) Not everything about my job is good, but by and large, I enjoy it. |
genel kural/ilke/standart(accepted standard) Her behavior goes against the canon of ethics. |
genel sınav(US, Can, informal, abbreviation (comprehensive exam) |
genel durum(beings: general state) Philosophers consider the human condition. |
toplam, genel toplam(sum total) Are you done? What's the total count? All the patients showed an increase in their white cell counts. |
Genel Müdür(mainly UK, initialism (Director General) The DG of the enterprise is out of the country this week. |
kamu düzenini bozan davranış(law: rowdy behavior in public) He was cautioned for disorderly conduct. |
genel orta öğretim sertifikası(UK, initialism (General Certificate of Secondary Education) Students in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland take GCSEs in various subjects. |
genel bilgi(UK, informal, abbreviation (general information) The human resources worker is trying to gather gen on potential new hires. |
genel anlaşma/sözleşme(opinion of most people) Scientists are in general agreement that the Big Bang took place about 17 billion years ago. |
genel inanç(sth commonly considered true) Contrary to general belief, penguins do not just live in extremely cold conditions. |
genellikle, genel olarak, genelde(usually) Kelly generally didn't go out to eat; she preferred to cook. |
genel toplam(final) The grand total for this house came to two hundred thousand dollars. |
genel kurallar(figurative (general rules) The guidelines for the project were not very clear, so Amy had to guess. |
genel merkez(company: head office) (şirket) The tech company's headquarters are in California. |
merkez, genel merkez(home base: headquarters, main office) Detroit şehri, Amerikan otomobil endüstrisinin merkezi durumundadır. Detroit is the home of the US's automobile industry. |
genel merkez(informal, initialism (headquarters) Back at HQ, the boss was thinking of a new plan. |
genel âdet/kural/kaide, norm(general rule, custom) It's the norm to send a note to thank someone for a gift. |
genel tanım(general description) I'll tell you the general outline of our development plans. |
genelde, genel olarak(generally) Genelde bayağı iyi bir iş yaptı. Overall, he did a fairly good job. |
genel giderler, genel masraflar(business: basic expenses) This business has very high overheads. |
genel bakış, özet(summary) Kısa birkaç cümle, bir kitabın konusuna genel bakış olanağı tanıyabilir. A few short sentences can provide the overview of a book's plot. |
genel görünüş/manzara, panorama(wide view) Climbing to the top of the mountain is hard work, but the panorama is worth the effort. |
genel bakış(figurative (comprehensive overview) Malcolm's book offers a panorama of Chinese history. |
tam(full, complete) The dictator enjoyed his plenary powers. |
genel kurul toplantısı(plenary session) The senator had to attend a plenary. |
tüm üyelerin hazır bulunduğu toplantı(meeting with full attendance) The members will decide on the matter at the upcoming plenum. |
başkan, genel müdür(business) (şirket, vb.) Şirket başkanı çok para kazanıyor. The company president makes a lot of money. |
özet, hülasa(summary) The family watched the sports roundup on the evening news. |
genel tür, genel çeşit(typical kind) She's different from the typical run of candidates. |
taslak(overview) The survey of the art market was extremely well done. |
genel bilgi(general knowledge) I honestly don't know where she picks up all this trivia. |
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Do you know about Turkish
Turkish is a language spoken by 65-73 million people around the world, making it the most commonly spoken language in the Turkic family. These speakers mostly live in Turkey, with a smaller number in Cyprus, Bulgaria, Greece and elsewhere in Eastern Europe. Turkish is also spoken by many immigrants to Western Europe, especially in Germany.