What does ok in Korean mean?

What is the meaning of the word ok in Korean? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use ok in Korean.

The word ok in Korean means 좋아, 문제없는, 괜찮은, 괜찮은, 괜찮은, 괜찮은, 괜찮은, 양호한, 괜찮은, 순조로운, 알겠지, 승인하다, 찬성하다, 괜찮은, 괜찮은, ~에게 괜찮은, 훌륭히, 성공적으로, 똑바로, 제대로, 자, 그러면, 승인, 오클라호마. To learn more, please see the details below.

Listen to pronunciation

Meaning of the word ok


(informal (yes, agreed) (동의의 의미)

좋아, 내가 쓰레기를 치울께.
OK, I'll take out the trash.

문제없는, 괜찮은

(informal (not a problem, acceptable) (비격식)

괜찮아, 내일 그 문제를 고칠수 있을 거야.
That's OK. I'll be able to fix the problem tomorrow.


(informal (not injured) (상처, 부상)

괜찮니? 세게 넘어졌는데.
Are you OK? You fell pretty hard.


(informal (healthy, not unwell) (몸 상태, 건강)

You were sick yesterday. Are you OK today?


(informal (emotionally fine) (비격식: 감정적으로)

괜찮아요? 오늘 스트레스를 받은것 같던데요.
Are you feeling OK? You seem to be stressed today.

괜찮은, 양호한

(informal (just satisfactory, mediocre) (보통)

He did an OK job on the project. It was nothing great.

괜찮은, 순조로운

(informal (proceeding well) (절차)

Everything is OK with the construction.


(informal (asking approval) (허락을 요청할 때)

I'm going to the store. OK?

승인하다, 찬성하다

(informal (approve, agree to) (OK를 써서)

Has the boss OK'd the proposal yet?


(informal (sufficiently likeable)

She's OK. Her sister is much more friendly, though.


(informal (person: decent)

Yes, he's an OK guy. You can trust him.

~에게 괜찮은

(informal (acceptable to)

Is it OK with you if I open the window? Tuesday is OK with me; see you then!

훌륭히, 성공적으로

(informal (successfully, satisfactorily)

He did OK for himself. He is a doctor now.

똑바로, 제대로

(informal (correctly, alright)

He can walk OK now.

자, 그러면

(informal (calling attention, indicating transition)

OK, what can I do to help now?


(informal (approval, go-ahead)

The OK from the boss still hasn't arrived.


(written, abbreviation (US state: Oklahoma) (미국의 주)

Let's learn Korean

So now that you know more about the meaning of ok in Korean, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Korean.

Do you know about Korean

Korean is the most widely spoken language in the Republic of Korea and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, and is the official language of both the North and the South on the Korean peninsula. Most of the residents who speak this language live in North Korea and South Korea. Today, however, there is a section of Koreans who are working and living in China, Australia, Russia, Japan, Brazil, Canada, Europe and the US.