What does pukul in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word pukul in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use pukul in Indonesian.

The word pukul in Indonesian means hit, strike, punch. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word pukul


verb (to give a blow)

Tom hampir kena pukul.
Tom narrowly escaped being hit.


noun (pukul (habis)

Aku dengar kau membunuh Anthony dengan sekali pukul.
I heard you killed Anthony with one strike.


noun (pukul (terus)

Jika kau mau memukul orang, langsung pukul saja.
If you're gonna punch someone, punch them on one.

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Waktumu hingga pukul 5.
You have until 5 o'clock.
Jangan terobsesi dengan pukulan.
Don't be obsessed with blows
Tanggal 25 Januari 2008 pukul 10:57 pagi, sebuah kebakaran tiga alarm dilaporkan di luar tingkat atas dan atap kasino.
On January 25, 2008, at 10:57 AM, a three-alarm fire was reported on the exterior of the top six floors and roof of the casino.
Ayo pukul aku!
Let me see your punch!
Dari pukul tujuh pagi hingga pukul tujuh atau delapan malam, ia terus berdinas tanpa berhenti untuk beristirahat.
He would work in service from seven in the morning until seven or eight at night, without stopping for a break.
Tapi bagi kita, $ 500 juta adalah pukulan yg hebat.
But for us $ 500 million Is a severe blow
Daftar di sini untuk mengikuti live streaming pada tanggal 5 April 2019 pukul 11.00 Waktu Pasifik.
Register here for the livestream on 5 April 2019, at 11:00 Pacific Time.
Pukul aku!
You hit me?
Mereka diejek dan difitnah, dikejar-kejar massa, dan dipukuli.
They were ridiculed and slandered, chased by mobs, and subjected to beatings.
Bawa Eric Dale ke sini pada pukul 06:30.
Get me Eric Dale here by Six.
Itu pukulan andJudy.
That's Punch and Judy.
Hal ini tentunya adalah berdasar penataan gaya tradisional di Kerajaan Thai, tetapi merupakan suatu bentuk bela diri yang kurang populer dalam sirkuit dunia bela diri kontemporer di mana gaya bertukar pukulan dengan pukulan ala Thai dianggap tidak lagi menguntungkan.
This is certainly the case with traditional stylists in Thailand, but is a less popular form of fighting in the contemporary world fighting circuit where the Thai style of exchanging blow for blow is no longer favorable.
Bagaimana aku tak dipukul sekuat mungkin.
How I didn't hit as hard as I should have.
Temui aku di akademi polisi pukul 07.00.
Meet me at the police academy at 07:00.
Manny jangan pukul kreatif mereka
Manny, don' t squash their creativity
Pukulan menakjubkan, pak.
Wonderful hit, sir.
Akibatnya justru pukulan keras bagi profit yang dimiliki perusahaan-perusahaan besar seperti Shell, BP, dan Statoil.
What it has done is deal a major blow to the profits of fossil-fuel giants like Shell, BP, and Statoil.
Di Yohanes 19:14, sewaktu menggambarkan bagian terakhir pengadilan Yesus di hadapan Pilatus, rasul Yohanes mengatakan, ”Sekarang adalah hari persiapan paskah; waktu itu kira-kira jam keenam [siang hari, antara pukul 11.00 dan tengah hari].”
At John 19:14, the apostle John, in the midst of his description of the final part of Jesus’ trial before Pilate, says: “Now it was preparation of the passover; it was about the sixth hour [of the daytime, between 11:00 a.m. and noon].”
Saya menjalani scan pukul 7:30 pagi dan hasilnya jelas menunjukkan saya memiliki tumor pankreas.
I had a scan at 7:30 in the morning, and it clearly showed a tumor on my pancreas.
Perbedaan hanya membuatku dipukul.
My differences just get me beat up.
Coba pukul aku, bitch!
Try and hit me now, bitch!
Pokok materi [ adalah ] sungguh-sungguh diserang dalam kepala pada sisi kiri berpihak pada satu pemukul / kelelawar atau menendang atau satu neraka [ dari ] satu pukulan sulit / keras.
The subject was obviously struck in the head... on the left side with a bat or kick... or one hell of a hard punch.
Tamparan tidak sama dengan pukulan tinju.
A slap is not like a hit with the fist.
Perhatikan pukul 6
Watch your six!
Catatan-catatan Jepang dari abad ke-12 memuat kisah-kisah tentang biku-biku yang menjalankan asketisme berat, sementara catatan-catatan dari abad ke-19 menyiratkan bahwa para biku Nichiren bangun setiap hari pada tengah malam atau pada pukul 2:00 pagi, dan melaksanakan upacara-upacara memurnikan diri dengan air di bawah curahan air terjun yang dingin.
Japanese records from the 12th century record stories of monks undertaking severe asceticism, while records suggest that 19th century Nichiren Buddhist monks woke up at midnight or 2:00 AM daily, and performed ascetic water purification rituals under cold waterfalls.

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Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.