What does Vid din sida in Swedish mean?
What is the meaning of the word Vid din sida in Swedish? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use Vid din sida in Swedish.
The word Vid din sida in Swedish means side, sida, aspekt, facett, flank, papper, pappersark, sida, sida, sida, -sida, sida, blad, part, sida, sida, s., sid., sida, sida, sida, sida, sida, sida, sida, sida, sida, sida, sida, sida, sida, sida, sida, sida, sida, sida, sida, profil, det att ställa två saker sida vid sida, byta sida, byta sida, smal sida, starka sida, från sida till sida, från sida till sida, ställa ngt bredvid varandra, placera ngt bredvid varandra, placering bredvid varandra, från ngns sida, nästa sida, på baksidan, höger sida, högersida, stå med ett ben i båda lägren, baksida, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word Vid din sida
sida(surface) Du måste måla alla sidorna på lådorna. You need to paint all sides of the box. |
aspekt(feature) The only aspect of city living that Bob hated was the noise. |
facett(surface of a gemstone) The light gleamed through the diamond's facets. |
flank(body: side) (ex om häst) The hunter shot the deer in the flank. |
papper, pappersark(paper: single leaf) She found a sheet of paper and wrote a note. It will only require one sheet of paper to take this test. Pencils ready? |
sida(leaf of book, newspaper) She turned the pages of her magazine. |
sida(location) Den här sidan av floden är grönare än den andra. This side of the river is greener than the other. |
sida(one side of a leaf) At the bottom of the page the sentence stopped and was continued on the other side. |
-sida, sida(column or pages of newspaper) The young player was on the front page of the sports section. |
blad(sheet of paper, page) Ben vände blad i sin bok och fortsatte läsa. Ben turned over a leaf in his book and kept reading. |
part(individual or group in a legal dispute) Ingen av parterna kan backa ut när kontraktet har skrivits på. Neither party can back out once the contract has been signed. |
sida(surface of flat object) Vänd på pappret till den andra sidan. Turn the paper over to the other side. |
sida(side) The ivy grew up the building's flank. |
s., sid.(written, abbreviation (page) (förkortning: sida) See the table on p7 for an explanation. |
sida(lateral part) Det finns ett hål i sidan av lådan. There is a hole in the side of the box. |
sida(document section) ⓘDen här meningen är inte en översättning av den engelska meningen. Du kan läsa om byggnadens regler på de två sista sidorna av hyreskontraktet. The reprimand was entered as an item on his permanent record. |
sida(geometry: polygon) En kvadrat har fyra sidor. A square has four sides. |
sida(edge) Hon anteckningar i marginalen på sidan. She wrote notes along the side of the page. |
sida(body: flank) Min sida gör ont. Jag undrar varför. My side hurts. I wonder why. |
sida(sports: team) Vi ska ut och heja på vårt lag. We're going out to root for our side. |
sida(presentation software page, image) Se till att se över innehållet på dina slides innan presentationen. Make sure you review the content on the slides before the presentation. |
sida(characteristic) Handlingen är inte filmens starka sida. Plot is not the film's strong point. |
sida(figurative (contesting group) Vems sida är du på? Whose side are you on? The two sides called a truce. |
sida(direction, side) On your left hand you'll find the on-off button. |
sida(geometry: side) A cube has six faces. |
sida(family lineage) Our side of the family has distinctive facial features. |
sida(edge of a boat) The sailors threw the trash over the side. |
sida(figurative (aspect) (bildlig) She saw a side of him that she hadn't seen before. |
sida(adjacent space) The side of the house is a fun place to play. |
sida(side of a triangle) The legs of a right-angled triangle are shorter than the hypotenuse. An isosceles triangle is a triangle with two legs of equal length. |
sida(figurative (history) (bildigt) The Industrial Revolution wrote a new page in England's history. |
sida(cut of meat) Please give me a side of beef. |
sida(newspaper, magazine: regular feature) The problem page is my favourite part of the magazine. |
profil(social media) 87 of my friends left a birthday message on my wall. |
det att ställa två saker sida vid sida(juxtaposition) |
byta sida(figurative (change sides) Smith resigned from the government and came over to the opposition. |
byta sida(change loyalties) (bildlig: byta åsikt) Woodford's disagreement with the government's immigration policy is the reason why he crossed over. |
smal sida(narrow side) Hit it with the edge of the tool, not the wide side. |
starka sida(strong point) (bildlig) Dealing with tenants sensitively is not his forte. |
från sida till sida(movement: back and forth) The boat was rocking from side to side in the rough sea. |
från sida till sida(measurement: sideways) The room was square, and measured about two metres from side to side. |
ställa ngt bredvid varandra, placera ngt bredvid varandra(place side by side) The artist juxtaposes beauty and ugliness in his paintings. |
placering bredvid varandra(placing side by side) The juxtaposition of these two buildings is extremely odd. |
från ngns sida(by) There is a strong desire on the part of new citizens to help shape the places in which they live. |
nästa sida(used in expressions (overleaf) See over for more details. |
på baksidan(page: on the other side) You will find the answers overleaf. |
höger sida(formal (right-hand page) The book has the text in French on the verso and the English on the recto. |
högersida(right-hand side) Min rygg gör verkligen ont på höger sida. My back really hurts on the right. |
stå med ett ben i båda lägren(US, figurative (be equivocal about) (bildlig) The senator was straddling the question. |
baksida(figurative (hidden side of sth) (bildligt) The documentary exposes the sordid underbelly of life in the city. |
the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
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Do you know about Swedish
Swedish (Svenska) is a North Germanic language, spoken as a mother tongue by 10.5 million people living mainly in Sweden and parts of Finland. Swedish speakers can understand Norwegian and Danish speakers. Swedish is closely related to Danish and Norwegian, and usually anyone who understands either can understand Swedish.