Hvað þýðir be disturbed í Enska?
Hver er merking orðsins be disturbed í Enska? Greinin útskýrir alla merkingu, framburð ásamt tvítyngdum dæmum og leiðbeiningum um hvernig á að nota be disturbed í Enska.
Orðið be disturbed í Enska þýðir vera, vera, vera, vera, vera, vera, vera, vera, vera, vera, vera, vera, vera, vera, vera á ferðinni, koma sér, geta gert, vera um, vera að fara að gera, vera ofar skilningi, vera í leit að, vera á móti, vera pirraður út í, vera kvíðinn yfir, vera spenntur fyrir að gera, virðast vera, virðast vera að gera, vera afslappaður, missa hár, vera heimilað að gera, Farðu varlega!, vera eins og, eiga að gera, vera reiðubúinn að gera, að vera þess virði, fæðast, heita, vera sjálfsöruggur, álíta vera, álíta vera, vera fyrir, telja vera , álíta vera, verða fyrir vonbrigðum með, verða fyrir vonbrigðum með, líða vel, gengur vel, búinn, búinn, vera niðursokkinn í, eiga rétt á , hafa rétt á, eiga rétt á að gera , hafa rétt á að gera, vera hræddur við, þrá, ætla að gera, góður í, góður í, gilda í, fela í sér, vera hæfur fyrir, vera góður við, vera þakklátur fyrir, strangur, vera heitt, heitur, samkvæmt, líklegur, vera giftur, gruna, vera í vinnunni, búinn, vera ánægður, vera ánægður með, vera viðstaddur, vera til staðar, að reynast, vera fljótur að gera, vera fljótur að gera, vera laus við, hafa rétt fyrir sér, vera rétt hjá að gera, góður fyrir, vera hræddur, vera hræddur við, vanta, vera feiminn, eiga ekki alveg, vera fastur, vera þyrstur, fá nóg af, fá nóg af, búinn að, reynast, verða, komin á fætur, vera fær um, vera að gera, gera, óður í, óður í, hafa áhyggjur af, hafa áhyggjur af. Til að fá frekari upplýsingar, vinsamlegast skoðaðu upplýsingarnar hér að neðan.
Merking orðsins be disturbed
veraintransitive verb (nature) My mother is short. |
veraintransitive verb (state) Barry is ill. // Audrey is hungry. // Tania is right. |
veraintransitive verb (exist) There is a woman of 101 in the house opposite. |
veraintransitive verb (be located) The butter is on the table. |
veraintransitive verb (event: occur) The play is at eight o'clock. |
veraintransitive verb (equates two noun phrases) She is a police officer. |
veraintransitive verb (condition: age) Robert is ten years old. |
veraauxiliary verb (with present participle: continuous) Teresa is eating her dinner at the moment. |
veraauxiliary verb (with present participle: future) We are playing tennis this weekend. |
veraauxiliary verb (with past participle: passive) My wallet was stolen yesterday. |
veraintransitive verb (cost) It is seven dollars. That will be ten pounds, please. |
veraintransitive verb (feel) I'm dizzy after that rollercoaster ride. |
veraintransitive verb (time) It's half past eight. |
veraintransitive verb (weather) It's cold today; you'll need your hat and gloves. |
vera á ferðinniphrasal verb, intransitive (informal (be present, in the vicinity) Not many people are about today. Það er ekki margt fólk á ferðinni í dag. |
koma sérphrasal verb, intransitive (informal (leave) It's getting late, so it's time for me to be off. |
geta gertverbal expression (can, have the ability to do) Claire wasn't able to reach the jar on the top shelf. Claire gat ekki náð í krukkuna á efstu hillunni. |
vera umverbal expression (be on the subject of) My presentation is about the effects of alcohol. This book is about a king who loses his crown. Kynningin mín er um áhrif áfengis. Þessi bók er um kóng sem missir kórónuna sína. |
vera að fara að geraverbal expression (on the point of doing) I was just about to step into the bath when the doorbell rang. ⓘÞessi setning er ekki þýðing á upprunalegu setningunni. Hún var að fara að kalla á börnin þegar þau komu. |
vera ofar skilningiverbal expression (figurative (too complex for) All this talk of economics is above me. Allt þetta spjall um hagfræði er ofar mínum skilningi. |
vera í leit að(informal (search for [sth], [sb]) I'm after a new service provider; which one would you recommend? |
vera á móti(oppose) Many Americans are against the war. Margir Bandaríkjamenn eru á móti stríðinu. |
vera pirraður út í(irritated, angry) (orðasamband: Orðasamband með bókstaflega merkingu.) I'm annoyed at my brother for leaving the room in such a mess. |
vera kvíðinn yfirverbal expression (be nervous about [sth]) Claire is anxious about her appointment with the dentist tomorrow. Claire er kvíðin yfir tannlæknatímanum á morgun. |
vera spenntur fyrir að geraverbal expression (be eager) The avid fans were anxious to meet their favorite author. |
virðast veraverbal expression (seem, look) Ken appears to be very dedicated to his family. |
virðast vera að geraverbal expression ([sth]: seem) The rain appears to be easing off. Rigningin virðist vera að létta til. |
vera afslappaðurverbal expression (relaxed) I am more at ease when my boss is not in the office. |
missa hárintransitive verb (lose your hair) Homer is balding, but he doesn't seem to mind. |
vera heimilað að geraverbal expression (have permission to) If you do not have your passport, you will not be allowed to enter the country. Once they had finished their exams, the students were allowed to leave. |
Farðu varlega!interjection (be cautious, prudent) Be careful! You don't know what's out there! |
vera eins og(resemble) Michael is just like his father: he loves to play tennis. |
eiga að geraverbal expression (be supposed to do [sth]) Students, you're to arrive at 8:00 so that we can take a group photo. |
vera reiðubúinn að geratransitive verb (agree freely to) I'm willing to finish the report myself, but you'll have to give me more time. |
að vera þess virðiverbal expression (merit) Is it even worth doing? |
fæðast(come into existence) Jane was born in March. Some people are born deaf. |
heita(be named) My brothers are called Paul, David and Brian. Bræður mínir heita Paul, David, og Brian. |
vera sjálfsöruggur(have self-confidence) Sue felt confident when she walked into the interview. Sue var sjálfsörugg þegar hún gekk inn í viðtalið. |
álíta veraverbal expression (with a noun: judge as [sth]) I consider my actions that day to be a mistake. Many consider Mozart's "Requiem" to be his masterpiece. |
álíta veraverbal expression (with an adjective: judge) Many people today consider corporal punishment to be wrong. |
vera fyrirverbal expression (figurative, informal (area of interest or liking) This is the sort of book that is exactly my cup of tea. Particle physics is not my cup of tea. |
telja vera , álíta veraverbal expression (formal (view as being) (orðasamband: Orðasamband með bókstaflega merkingu.) The panel deemed Patricia to be suitable for the job and hired her. |
verða fyrir vonbrigðum meðadjective (dissatisfied with [sb]) (orðatiltæki: Orðasamband með óeiginlega merkingu.) I was disappointed in her, she had promised to help us, but she did nothing. |
verða fyrir vonbrigðum meðadjective (dissatisfied with [sth]) (orðatiltæki: Orðasamband með óeiginlega merkingu.) I was disappointed with his performance. |
líða velverbal expression (thrive) Sarah and Jim are pleased to announce the arrival of their daughter Grace. Both mother and baby are doing well. |
gengur velverbal expression (recover) A month after her car accident, Mary is doing well. |
búinnverbal expression (informal (have finished [sth] undesirable) I'm a college graduate now; I'm done with waiting on tables! |
búinnverbal expression (informal (have finished doing [sth]) I'm done stacking the shelves; what should I do next? |
vera niðursokkinn íverbal expression (engrossed) I was so engaged in what Owen was telling me that I missed my bus. Ég var svo niðursokkin í það sem Owen var að segja mér að ég missti af strætó. |
eiga rétt á , hafa rétt áverbal expression (have the right to [sth]) (orðatiltæki: Orðasamband með óeiginlega merkingu.) You are only entitled to a refund if the goods are defective. Þið eigið aðeins rétt á endurgreiðslu ef varningurinn er bilaður. |
eiga rétt á að gera , hafa rétt á að geraverbal expression (have the right to do) (orðatiltæki: Orðasamband með óeiginlega merkingu.) If someone asks you to do something you don't want to do, you are entitled to say no. Ef einhver biður þig um að gera eitthvað sem þú vilt ekki gera hefur þú rétt á að neita. |
vera hræddur viðverbal expression (be scared of) It's quite common to be frightened of spiders. |
þrá(figurative (want, need urgently) I'm gasping for a cup of tea! |
ætla að geraauxiliary verb (future) Jake is going to clean the bathroom later. |
góður íverbal expression (be skilled, talented) He is good at anything related to numbers. |
góður íverbal expression (be skilled with) My sister is good with numbers but I'm better at languages. |
gilda íverbal expression (be valid: for a duration) Your international driving licence is good for one year; you can renew it after that. |
fela í sérverbal expression (be equivalent in value to) Your admission ticket is also good for one drink at the bar when you get inside. |
vera hæfur fyrirverbal expression (informal (be fit only for) That tatty old sofa is good for the dump. |
vera góður viðverbal expression (be kind toward [sb]) My daughter is good to me; she comes to visit every Sunday and brings cake. |
vera þakklátur fyrir(feel thankful) She was grateful for the gift. |
stranguradjective (treat [sb] harshly, sternly) My parents were hard on me when I was growing up. |
vera heitt(person: feel very warm) Prudence was hot, so she took off her coat. |
heitur(climate, season: high temperatures) August is a really hot month in Miami. |
samkvæmtverbal expression (figurative (correspond to) Our operating procedures are in line with state requirements. |
líklegurverbal expression (be expected or entitled to get) Carrie is in line for the job, since she has worked here longer than anyone else in the team. |
vera gifturadjective (figurative (be dedicated to [sth]: job, idea) (orðasamband: Orðasamband með bókstaflega merkingu.) My boyfriend is married to his job, but I'm a workaholic as well! |
grunaverbal expression (informal (suspect [sb]'s secret) The thief knew the police were on to him, so he was trying to keep a low profile. |
vera í vinnunniverbal expression (be working) I can't go to the party since I am on duty all weekend. |
búinn(be finished) Is the news over yet? |
vera ánægður(happy, satisfied) You got the job? I bet your parents are pleased. |
vera ánægður með(happy with) (orðasamband: Orðasamband með bókstaflega merkingu.) The boss was pleased with Natalie's work. |
vera viðstaddurverbal expression (attend) It is essential that the entire team be present at this meeting. |
vera til staðar(existing now) Wild buffalo are no longer present in North America. |
að reynastverbal expression (turn out to be) The detective's hunch proved to be right. |
vera fljótur að geraverbal expression (swift, prompt to do) He was quick to realize that the baby was sick. |
vera fljótur að geraverbal expression (do [sth] hastily) Don't be so quick to make this important decision. |
vera laus viðverbal expression (be free of) I couldn't stand her, and I'm glad to be rid of her! |
hafa rétt fyrir sér(person: be correct about [sth]) You're right; that is a beautiful painting. |
vera rétt hjá að geraverbal expression (person: do wisest thing) Abigail was right to leave her husband; he was an awful man. |
góður fyriradjective (compatible with [sb]) Everyone knew Marshall and Elaine were right for each other. |
vera hræddur, vera hræddur viðverbal expression (experience fear) (orðatiltæki: Orðasamband með óeiginlega merkingu.) Magali was scared of fireworks. |
vantaverbal expression (lacking) I need to go shopping: we're short of bread and milk. |
vera feiminn(wary) I'm a bit shy about speaking to him because he never stops talking. |
eiga ekki alvegverbal expression (having just under [sth]) (orðasamband: Orðasamband með bókstaflega merkingu.) I am a little shy of the 300 dollars I need to buy the new stereo. |
vera fastur(informal (unable to figure [sth] out) (orðasamband: Orðasamband með bókstaflega merkingu.) I'm stuck on this question. Do you know what the answer is? |
vera þyrstur(need to drink) The dog was thirsty, as his owners had forgotten to refill his water bowl. |
fá nóg afverbal expression (informal (have had enough of [sth]) I'm through with these stupid meetings. Bye! |
fá nóg afverbal expression (informal (had enough of doing [sth]) I'm through with washing windows. I need a more exciting job! |
búinn að(informal (have finished doing [sth]) Can you do this photocopying for me? And when you're through with that, let me know and I'll find you something else to do. |
reynastverbal expression (be discovered to be) The man convicted of the crime turned out to be innocent. |
verðaverbal expression (become) Your son has turned out to be a hardworking young man; you must be proud of him. |
komin á fætur(informal (risen from bed) Is Mom up yet? No, she's still sleeping. |
vera fær umverbal expression (informal (be capable of) Are you sure you are up to this job? |
vera að geraverbal expression (informal (be busy with) What have you been up to since I last saw you? |
geraverbal expression (informal (be doing: [sth] suspicious) The shopkeeper asked the mischievous little boy what he was up to. |
óður í(like [sth] intensely) Simon is wild about bananas; he eats one every day. |
óður í(love [sb] passionately) Lucas is wild about Carla and even proposed to her. |
hafa áhyggjur afverbal expression (be anxious about) (orðasamband: Orðasamband með bókstaflega merkingu.) I was worried about my exam results, but I did well. |
hafa áhyggjur afverbal expression (find [sth] cause for concern) (orðasamband: Orðasamband með bókstaflega merkingu.) Andrea was worried by her father's memory slips. |
Við skulum læra Enska
Þannig að nú þegar þú veist meira um merkingu be disturbed í Enska geturðu lært hvernig á að nota þau með völdum dæmum og hvernig á að lestu þau. Og mundu að læra tengd orð sem við mælum með. Vefsíðan okkar er stöðugt að uppfæra með nýjum orðum og nýjum dæmum svo þú getir flett upp merkingu annarra orða sem þú þekkir ekki í Enska.
Tengd orð be disturbed
Uppfærð orð Enska
Veistu um Enska
Enska kemur frá germönskum ættbálkum sem fluttu til Englands og hefur þróast á meira en 1.400 ára tímabili. Enska er þriðja mest talaða tungumál í heimi, á eftir kínversku og spænsku. Það er mest lærða annað tungumálið og opinbert tungumál næstum 60 fullvalda ríkja. Þetta tungumál hefur fleiri málara sem annað og erlent tungumál en móðurmál. Enska er einnig sameiginlegt tungumál Sameinuðu þjóðanna, Evrópusambandsins og margra annarra alþjóðlegra tungumála og svæðisbundin samtök. Nú á dögum geta enskumælandi um allan heim átt samskipti með tiltölulega auðveldum hætti.