Acquassimo BABY Sanitizing Water 500ml - TANPA SPRAY (1)
Acquassimo BABY Sanitizing Water 500ml - TANPA SPRAY (2)
Acquassimo BABY Sanitizing Water 500ml - TANPA SPRAY (3)
Acquassimo BABY Sanitizing Water 500ml - TANPA SPRAY (4)
Acquassimo BABY Sanitizing Water 500ml - TANPA SPRAY (5)
Acquassimo BABY Sanitizing Water 500ml - TANPA SPRAY (6)
Acquassimo BABY Sanitizing Water 500ml - TANPA SPRAY (7)
Acquassimo BABY Sanitizing Water 500ml - TANPA SPRAY (8)
Acquassimo BABY Sanitizing Water 500ml - TANPA SPRAY (9)

Jual Acquassimo BABY Sanitizing Water 500ml - TANPA SPRAY harga terbaik

Rp 268.000
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Deskripsi Produk

*PROMO ACQUASSIMO 16-23 JUNI : BELI 2pc ACQUASSIMO BABY 500ml HANYA 375rb* PROMO HANYA BERLAKU KELIPATAN 2pc, APABILA CUSTOMER KLIK 3pc MAKA HANYA AKAN DIKIRIMKAN 2pc DAN KAMI REFUND SELISIH UANG SETELAH DIPOTONG BIAYA ADMIN SHOPEE BUNDLE PROMO INI HANYA BISA UNTUK 2pc ACQUASSIMO 500ml BABY, TIDAK BISA MIX DENGAN ALL TYPE Jadi mohon diperhatikan sebelum memesan Kami setting produk pre order mengingat banyaknya orderan yang masuk di masa promo ==================================================================== ACQUASSIMO® was developed in Japan as a disinfectant disinfection. All the production facilities and technology are supplied from Japan and all the products is manufactured by 100% raw materials from Korea. It is safety approved product sold in worldwide with brand of ACQUASSIMO® in Asia and AQUAINT ® in EU and US. ACQUASSIMO® has shown its safety and effect through test and verification by many authentication agencies in Japan and Korea. ACQUASSIMO FAMILY & BABY is :- SUITABLE FOR NEWBORNS, INFANTS, CHILDREN & ADULTS 100% NATURAL INGREDIENTS ALCOHOL & FRAGRANCE FREE NO HARMFUL CHEMICALS, PRESERVATIVES OR FRAGRANCES KILLS 99.9% OF BACTERIA IN SECONDS SAFE IF SWALLOW MULTIPURPOSE USAGE NO NEED TO WAIT, WIPE OR RINSE IDEAL FOR SENSITIVE SKIN ACQUASSIMO FAMILY & BABY IS SUITABLE FOR :- Cleansing: a fuss-free way to clean and prepare meals without having to rinse off. Sanitising: Suitable for use on feeding bottle, soothers/ teethers, toys or other items that get put in the mouth – as it is safe to swallow. Disinfecting : Safe to use on the hands and skin from birth – also ideal for infants, and adults. It can be used by children without adult supervision. Suitable for most surfaces. It does not contain alcohol, fragrances, preservatives or harmful chemicals such as Triclosan, Benzalkonium Chloride (BAC), Triethanolamine, Parabens, Phthalates, Sodium Laurel Sulphate (SLS), etc. Travelling: The perfect multipurpose sanitiser for use when travelling or just out and about – especially when dealing with the unknown. Contrary to other normal products, It has no 7 things. NO Eye irritation NO Skin irritation NO Alcohol NO Colors NO Spice NO preservative NO Sodium hypochloride

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