Baby Comfy Nail Clipper (1)
Baby Comfy Nail Clipper (2)
Baby Comfy Nail Clipper (3)

Jual Baby Comfy Nail Clipper harga terbaik

Rp 169.000
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Rp 135.200
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Deskripsi Produk

Baby Comfy Nail Clipper IDR.169k . Gunting kuku yang aman untuk si kecil, didesain sedemikian rupa sehingga menghindari jari / kulit si kecil ikut kegunting. Dengan single blade technology dan sisi bawah yang menjorok keluar maka ngga akan lagi terjadi gunting kuku si kecil terlalu pendek atau kegunting kulitnya, it's a simple tool but very useful for your babies Safe enough to use on a newborn, these baby nail clippers push skin out of the way and prevent cuts. Great baby shower gift. "A great invention!" "The best baby nail clippers on the market!" Parent reviews of the Baby Comfy Safety Nail Clipper are thrilled with how easy, comfortable and safe these baby nail clippers are. No new mommy wants to hurt her baby or see baby scratch herself with her fingernails. But no new mommy likes cutting baby fingernails because they're so delicate and the fingers so small that even with baby nail clippers, mom can accidentally cut baby's skin or cut the nails too short. The Baby Comfy Safety Nail Clipper is a unique design that actually prevents baby's skin from being cut. It features a patented design that uses only a single, top blade to cut baby's delicate fingernails. The bottom of the clipper blade is a smooth plastic ledge that pushes the skin of the fingertip back and out of the way to prevent it from being cut. And even when it's pushed back, the bottom ledge sticks out enough to prevent you from cutting the nail too short. Durable and ergonomically designed to be easy to operate with either wiggly or sleeping babies, the Baby Comfy Nail Clipper will last for years. . #BijeBabyComfy #BabyComfyNail #GuntingKukuBayi #GuntingKukuAnak #JualGuntingKuku #BabySafety #LittleBije #BabyNailTrimmer #TokoBayiTangerang #TokoBayiJakarta

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Tanggal Kedaluwarsa1662138000
Berat Produk100g
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Ukuran Per Produk1Pack

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