영어의 have a narrow escape은(는) 무슨 뜻인가요?

영어에서 have a narrow escape라는 단어의 의미는 무엇입니까? 이 문서에서는 전체 의미, 발음과 함께 이중 언어 예제 및 영어에서 have a narrow escape를 사용하는 방법에 대한 지침을 설명합니다.

영어have a narrow escape라는 단어는 ~을 소유하다, ~을 가지다, ~을 소유하다, ~을 가지고 있다, ~해야 한다, ~로 고생하다, ~로 고통받다, ~을 하다, ~을 경험하다, ~가 있다, ~을 품다, ~을 가지다, ~을 얻다, ~을 획득하다, ~을 먹다, ~하였다, ~해왔다, ~해오고 있다, 재산이 있다, ~을 받다, ~을 안다, ~을 시키다, ~을 하게 하다, ~을 용납하다, ~라고 주장하다, ~을 초대하다, ~을 ~에 두다, ~한 것 같다, ~을 염두에 둔, ~을 바라는, ~했다고 주장하다, 어려운 일을 맡다, ~을 해야 하다, 아이를 낳다, 아이를 낳다, 한껏 즐거운 시간을 보내다, 신나게 놀다, ~에 대해 ~을 비난하고 싶어하다, 헐뜯고 싶어하다, 판례가 있다, ~의 환자가 있다, ~할 가망이 있다, 감기에 걸리다, 감기가 들다, ~에게 홀딱 반하다, 한잔하다, 술을 마시다, 한잔하다, 술을 마시다, 잔치를 벌이다, 잔치를 하다, 취하다, ~와 싸우다, ~와 싸우다, 남의 일에 연루되다, ~에 관심을 가지다, ~에 대한 재능이 있다, ~을 좋아하다, 슬쩍 보다, 시도하다, ~에게 잔소리하다, ~을 시도해 보다, ~을 해 보다, 좋은 기회를 갖다, 이야기가 재미있다, 즐거운 하루 보내세요, ~을 잘 알다, 좋은 시간 보내세요, 즐거운 여행 되세요, 좋은 여행 되세요, 여행 잘 다녀오세요, 조심히 다녀오세요, 안전한 여행 되시기 바랍니다, 주말 잘 보내세요, 즐거운 주말 보내세요, 식물을 잘 키우다, ~에 참가하다, 관여하다, 숙취를 겪다, 힘든 시간을 갖다, 정이 있다, 정이 있다, 짐작하다, 예감이 들다, 즐기다, 잠깐 이야기하다, ~을 한번 보다, ~을 살펴보다, 점검하다, 진찰하다, ~와 관련이 많다, ~와 깊은 관계가 있다, 즐거운 하루 보내세요, 즐거운 여행 되세요, 좋은 여행 되세요, 여행 잘 다녀오세요, ~에 동조하다, ~을 시각화하다, ~의 핵심을 파악하다, 잠깐 수영하다, 잠깐 수영하다, ~할 권리가 있다, 맨 앞좌석에 앉다, 말다툼을 하다, 발언권이 있다, 참견할 권리가 있다, 샤워하다, 강한 영향을 주다, ~에 대한 재능이 있다, ~와 이야기하다, ~의 취미를 가지고 있다, ~에 능통하다, 정통하다, ~에 발언권이 있다, ~에 약하다, 맥을 못쓰다, 시도하다, ~와 대화하다, ~을 갈망하다, 운이 좋다, 운을 타고 나다, 우세하다, 영향을 주다, 눈치채다, 다시 해보다, 다시 해보다, 해보다, 시도하다, 너의 마음대로 사용하다, ~을 돌려받다, ~을 다시 초대하다, ~을 지켜 주다, 해오고 있다, 축적된 경험으로 잘 아는, 발이 넓은, 물정에 밝은, 더 나은 일들을 할 수 있다, 아침을 먹다, 아침 식사를 하다, ~와 거래하다, ~와 거래하다, 저녁을 먹다, 저녁 식사를 하다, 기꺼이 ~할 의사가 있다, 즐기다, 즐거운 시간을 보내다, 가지고 있다, 소유하다, 보유하다, ~해야만 하다, 보냈다, ~은 이젠 충분하다, 이젠 물렸다, 이젠 끝장이다, 싫증나다, 짜증나다, ~에 대해 싫증나다, 짜증나다, 손에 가지고 있다, 지배하다, ~을 마음에 두다를 의미합니다. 자세한 내용은 아래 세부정보를 참조하세요.

발음 듣기

단어 have a narrow escape의 의미

~을 소유하다, ~을 가지다

transitive verb (own)

He has a big house and two cars.
그는 큰 집과 차량 2대를 소유하고 있다.

~을 소유하다, ~을 가지고 있다

transitive verb (feature: possess) (특질, 성질)

She has a very strong personality. The program has a delete button.
그녀는 강한 성격의 소유자다. // 프로그램에 삭제 버튼이 있다.

~해야 한다

verbal expression (must) (의무)

I have to finish my homework.
숙제를 끝내야만 해.

~로 고생하다, ~로 고통받다

transitive verb (suffer from)

She has the flu right now.
그녀는 지금 플루로 고생하고 있다.

~을 하다, ~을 경험하다

transitive verb (experience)

My sons are having an adventure in South America.
내 아들들은 남아메리카에서 모험을 하고 (or: 경험하고) 있다.

~가 있다

transitive verb (children, siblings: be related to) (가족 등 관계)

They have two daughters and a son.
그들은 딸 2명과 아들 1명이 있습니다.

~을 품다, ~을 가지다

transitive verb (mentally: have in mind) (마음에)

She has a lot of plans.
그녀는 계획을 많이 가지고 있다.

~을 얻다, ~을 획득하다

transitive verb (obtain)

Could I have another cup of tea, please?
제게 차를 한 잔 더 주시겠어요?

~을 먹다

transitive verb (eat, drink)

(동사: 동작이나 작용을 나타냅니다. '가다, 읽다, 괴롭히다, 공부시키다, 먹히다, 파생되다' 등이 있습니다.)
I had a drink and a biscuit.

~하였다, ~해왔다, ~해오고 있다

auxiliary verb (used in perfect tenses) (문법: 현재완료)

We have won the race. I've been waiting here for hours.
우리는 경주에서 이겼다. 나는 몇 시간째 여기서 기다리고 있다.

재산이 있다

intransitive verb (be wealthy)

Those who have, don't always understand those who have not.

~을 받다

transitive verb (receive)

Have you had your exam results yet?

~을 안다

transitive verb (slang (have sex with) (완곡어, 남자)

He's never had a girl before.

~을 시키다, ~을 하게 하다

transitive verb (arrange, cause)

I need to have my car fixed.
차를 수리해야 할 필요가 있는데.

~을 용납하다

transitive verb (permit, allow)

He won't have such behaviour in his presence.

~라고 주장하다

transitive verb (declare, assert)

Legend has it that the lakes are the footprints of a giant.

~을 초대하다

transitive verb (invite, entertain)

We're having his parents over for the holidays.

~을 ~에 두다

(position of body parts)

~한 것 같다

verbal expression (person: seem)

(형용사: 사람 및 사물의 상태나 성질을 나타냅니다. '맛이쓰다, 저렇게 빛나는 별도 있구나, 몸이 좋지 않다, 그만하고 싶다' 등이 있습니다.)
I appear to have lost my umbrella.

~을 염두에 둔, ~을 바라는

verbal expression (consider, be concerned with)

I have your best interests at heart.

~했다고 주장하다

verbal expression (achievement: assert)

(동사: 동작이나 작용을 나타냅니다. '가다, 읽다, 괴롭히다, 공부시키다, 먹히다, 파생되다' 등이 있습니다.)
Weston claimed to have invented a new method for producing copper.

어려운 일을 맡다

verbal expression (informal, figurative (have a hard task ahead)

The house Joe and Maggie have bought needs a lot of renovation; they certainly have their work cut out for them.

~을 해야 하다

transitive verb (informal (must)

(동사: 동작이나 작용을 나타냅니다. '가다, 읽다, 괴롭히다, 공부시키다, 먹히다, 파생되다' 등이 있습니다.)
I have got to leave now.

아이를 낳다

verbal expression (give birth)

The Apollo Hospital is the safest and best place to have a baby.

아이를 낳다

verbal expression (become parents)

My good friend told me that he and his wife plan to have a baby soon.

한껏 즐거운 시간을 보내다, 신나게 놀다

verbal expression (informal (enjoy oneself immensely)

Thank you for a wonderful party; we all had a ball!

~에 대해 ~을 비난하고 싶어하다, 헐뜯고 싶어하다

verbal expression (figurative, informal (want to reprimand)

I have a bone to pick with you! Did you forget to feed the cat?

판례가 있다

verbal expression (legal: have evidence)

The judge has to decide if the prosecution have a case.

~의 환자가 있다

verbal expression (be ill)

Sue has a case of mild pneumonia.

~할 가망이 있다

verbal expression (have opportunity)

Johnson has a chance at another world title.

감기에 걸리다, 감기가 들다

verbal expression (be suffering from the cold virus)

I don't feel like going out today because I have a cold.

~에게 홀딱 반하다

verbal expression (be attracted to: [sb])

Wendy had a crush on a boy in her class.

한잔하다, 술을 마시다

verbal expression (drink [sth] alcoholic)

He is quite talkative tonight; I wonder if he's had a drink.

한잔하다, 술을 마시다

verbal expression (socialize in a bar, pub, etc.)

Why don't we go and have a drink to remember the good old days?

잔치를 벌이다

verbal expression (eat celebratory meal)

The family had a feast to celebrate Chinese New Year.

잔치를 하다

verbal expression (figurative (eat a lot)

We had a feast of homemade pasta and meatballs.


verbal expression (UK, slang (drink alcohol to excess) (영)

The bartender kept her car keys because she had had a few too many.

~와 싸우다

verbal expression (physically: with [sb])

Jack had a fight with another boy, and now he has a black eye.

~와 싸우다

verbal expression (figurative, informal (argue)

He's in a bad mood because he had a fight with his wife.

남의 일에 연루되다

verbal expression (figurative (be involved in others' affairs)

~에 관심을 가지다

verbal expression (figurative (have an interest, share in [sth])

~에 대한 재능이 있다

verbal expression (be talented)

Laura has a flair for garden design.

~을 좋아하다

verbal expression (like [sth])

I have a fondness for chocolate chip ice cream.

슬쩍 보다

verbal expression (slang (look)

They're filming a big Hollywood movie in the town centre today. Let's go and have a gander.


verbal expression (informal (try [sth])

I'd never been water skiing before so I decided to have a go.
나는 수상 스키를 타 본 적이 없어서 한번 시도해 보기로 했다.

~에게 잔소리하다

verbal expression (slang (attack verbally)

Elena had a go at her husband for being late.

~을 시도해 보다, ~을 해 보다

verbal expression (informal (try)

Harry was having a go at solving the crossword puzzle.

좋은 기회를 갖다

verbal expression (be likely to succeed)

I have a good chance of winning the race.

이야기가 재미있다

verbal expression (converse at length)

I had a good chat with an old friend down at the market yesterday. They hadn't seen each other for years and welcomed the chance to have a good chat.

즐거운 하루 보내세요

interjection (pleasantry)

The shopkeeper greeted me with a cheerful "Have a good day!"

~을 잘 알다

verbal expression (be informed about)

Taxi drivers have to have a good knowledge of all the local streets.

좋은 시간 보내세요

verbal expression (enjoy yourself, have fun)

Whenever I go out with friends we all have a good time. I hope you have a good time in Spain!

즐거운 여행 되세요, 좋은 여행 되세요, 여행 잘 다녀오세요

interjection (pleasant holiday)

조심히 다녀오세요, 안전한 여행 되시기 바랍니다

interjection (safe journey)

주말 잘 보내세요, 즐거운 주말 보내세요

interjection (used to wish [sb] a pleasant weekend)

Have a good weekend, and I will see you on Monday.

식물을 잘 키우다

verbal expression (be skilled at gardening)

My mother has a green thumb: everything she touches grows well. All my cuttings took this year, so perhaps I do have green fingers after all.

~에 참가하다, 관여하다

verbal expression (informal (be involved)

Wilson scored one goal and had a hand in two others.

숙취를 겪다

verbal expression (after too much alcohol)

Please don't breathe so loudly; I have a hangover.

힘든 시간을 갖다

verbal expression (experience difficulties)

Be kind to her - she's having a really hard time right now.

정이 있다

verbal expression (informal, figurative (be compassionate)

Have a heart and consider making a donation to this worthwhile charity.

정이 있다

interjection (informal, figurative (be more compassionate)

Have a heart! Timmy's only a child and didn't mean any harm.

짐작하다, 예감이 들다

verbal expression (informal (suspect, sense)

I have a hunch that the show will be cancelled; they haven't sold many tickets.


verbal expression (UK, informal (enjoy a joke, be amused)

We didn't mean to hurt his feelings, we did it just to have a laugh.

잠깐 이야기하다

verbal expression (informal (discuss [sth] sensitive)

Young lady, I think it's time you and I had a little talk.

~을 한번 보다

verbal expression (look at)

These family photos are great. Have a look.

~을 살펴보다, 점검하다, 진찰하다

verbal expression (examine, inspect)

Let the doctor have a look at your rash.

~와 관련이 많다, ~와 깊은 관계가 있다

verbal expression (be due to)

His success has a lot to do with his father's business connections.

즐거운 하루 보내세요

interjection (pleasantry)

Thank you for shopping here; have a nice day! Have a nice day, he said as I left.

즐거운 여행 되세요, 좋은 여행 되세요, 여행 잘 다녀오세요

interjection (enjoy your vacation, holiday)

Here are your tickets, Sir. Have a nice trip!

~에 동조하다

verbal expression (be partly responsible)

Lewis denied having a part in the attempted murder.

~을 시각화하다

verbal expression (figurative (visualize)

The architect had a picture in his mind of what the finished building would look like.

~의 핵심을 파악하다

verbal expression (be right about [sth])

Gudrun has a point; we should leave early tomorrow in order to avoid the traffic.

잠깐 수영하다

verbal expression (informal (go for quick swim)

Joachim had a quick dip in the lake before lunch.

잠깐 수영하다

verbal expression (figurative (experience briefly)

I had a quick dip into Zen Buddhism when I was about eighteen years old.

~할 권리가 있다

verbal expression (be entitled to [sth])

You have a right to representation by a lawyer. // I'm going to say whatever I want to; I have a right to free speech.

맨 앞좌석에 앉다

verbal expression (figurative (be near the action) (권투나 서커스 등의)

The water boy has a ringside seat to the football game.

말다툼을 하다

verbal expression (UK, informal (quarrel)

They had a row about his staying out all night.

발언권이 있다, 참견할 권리가 있다

verbal expression (influence outcome)

The assessor will have a say in how the money is spent.


verbal expression (wash oneself under water spray)

I think I'll go and have a shower.

강한 영향을 주다

verbal expression (make a big impact)

Bright colors have a strong effect on mood.

~에 대한 재능이 있다

verbal expression (be naturally good at)

Steve has a talent for drawing; his portraits are particularly good.

~와 이야기하다

verbal expression (discuss)

If you want to renovate your kitchen, you should have a talk with my brother: he did it last year.

~의 취미를 가지고 있다

verbal expression (like)

I've always had a taste for the high life.

~에 능통하다, 정통하다

verbal expression (be an expert in)

I have a thorough knowledge of the subject.

~에 발언권이 있다

verbal expression (have opinion heard)

Everyone had a voice in the decision-making process.

~에 약하다, 맥을 못쓰다

transitive verb (be fond of)

Jill has a weakness for chocolate. That's why she has trouble dieting.


verbal expression (colloquial (make an attempt)

The photocopier was broken, so Linda decided to have a whack at fixing it. "Do you know how to do this?" - "No, but I'll have a whack."

~와 대화하다

verbal expression (informal (discuss)

The boss had a word with Bill about his chronic tardiness.

~을 갈망하다

verbal expression (desire [sth] strongly)

운이 좋다, 운을 타고 나다

verbal expression (informal (be lucky)

You won the lottery? Some people have all the luck.


verbal expression (figurative (be better)

He always uses superior materials in order to have an edge on the competition.

영향을 주다

verbal expression (make an impact)

Advertising takes a lot of money to have an effect.


verbal expression (suspect, sense)

We had an inkling that the film might be a success, but we weren't sure.

다시 해보다

verbal expression (informal (try again)

Gary wasn't happy with his first attempt so he decided to have another go.

다시 해보다

verbal expression (UK: informal (game: take further turn)

If you throw a six, you move six squares and then have another go.

해보다, 시도하다

verbal expression (slang (attempt [sth])

If you think you can do a better job, just have at it!

너의 마음대로 사용하다

verbal expression (have [sth] available)

If you don't have a car at your disposal, getting a job is very difficult.

~을 돌려받다

(something: be returned)

Dad wants me to have the car back by supper time.

~을 다시 초대하다

(person: invite again)

After they left, we decided never to have them back again.

~을 지켜 주다

verbal expression (informal, figurative (be ready to defend)

해오고 있다

verbal expression (present perfect: be) (현재 완료 시제)

I have been studying for three hours now; I need a break! My mother's been a doctor for twenty years now.

축적된 경험으로 잘 아는, 발이 넓은, 물정에 밝은

verbal expression (informal (be experienced) (구어체)

(부사: 동사와 형용사 앞에 쓰여 그 뜻을 분명하게 꾸며줍니다. ' 돌아간다, 재깍재깍 움직여라, 가다, 반드시 와야 한다, 이미 떠나다, 또는, 그러므로' 등이 있습니다.)
He's been around and knows what to expect.
그는 축적된 경험에 비추어 무엇이 올지 잘 알고 있다.

더 나은 일들을 할 수 있다

verbal expression (find [sth] a waste of time)

I have better things to do than play golf all day. I have better things to do than to argue with you.

아침을 먹다, 아침 식사를 하다

verbal expression (eat morning meal)

I have breakfast at 7 every morning.

~와 거래하다

verbal expression (do business with)

He has dealings with representatives of foreign companies.

~와 거래하다

verbal expression (informal (associate with)

Parker had dealings with known gangsters.

저녁을 먹다, 저녁 식사를 하다

(eat evening meal)

I think the whole family should have dinner together at least once a week.

기꺼이 ~할 의사가 있다

verbal expression (fully intend to do [sth])

I have every intention of keeping my promise. I had every intention of finishing the essay, but I just couldn't do it.

즐기다, 즐거운 시간을 보내다

intransitive verb (enjoy oneself)

Let's go out and have fun this Saturday.

가지고 있다, 소유하다, 보유하다

verbal expression (informal (have, possess)

You've got a lot of nerve, talking to me that way! James has got a great record collection.

~해야만 하다

verbal expression (must)

I have got to get out of this place.


verbal expression (present perfect: have) (시간을)

I have had such a busy day I shall be glad to get into bed.

~은 이젠 충분하다, 이젠 물렸다

verbal expression (informal (be fed up)

I have had enough of you!

이젠 끝장이다

verbal expression (slang (have had enough)

I am angry and have had it with his bad behavior.

싫증나다, 짜증나다

verbal expression (figurative, informal (be exasperated)

~에 대해 싫증나다, 짜증나다

verbal expression (figurative, informal (be exasperated)

I've had it up to here with all your excuses!

손에 가지고 있다, 지배하다

verbal expression (figurative (have under control)

We have the matter in hand.

~을 마음에 두다

verbal expression (think of [sth/sb] in particular)

영어 배우자

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