英语 中的 elder brother 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 elder brother 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 elder brother 的说明。

英语 中的elder brother 表示年龄较大的 nián líng jiào dà de, 接骨木 jiē gǔ mù, 较为年长的 jiào wéi nián zhǎng de, 长辈,长者 zhǎng zhě, 前辈,长者 qián bèi,zhǎng zhě, 长老 zhǎng lǎo, 旧的,老旧的,破旧的 jiù de ,lǎo jiù de ,pò jiù de, 老的 lǎo de, …岁的 suì de, …岁的 suì de, 老人 lǎo rén, 古董的 gǔ dǒng de, 显老的 xiǎn lǎo de, 成熟的 chéng shú de, 先前的 xiān qián de, 古代的 gǔ dài de, 熟悉的 shú xī de, 穿旧了的 chuān jiù le de, 磨坏了的 mó huài le de, 陈的,陈酿的 chén de,chén niàng de, 不用了的 bú yòng le de, 早期的 zǎo qī de, [用于表示亲昵], [加强语气,表示强调] biǎo shì qiáng diào, 长久的 cháng jiǔ de, 姐姐 jiě jie, 资深政治家, 资深女政治家。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 elder brother 的含义

年龄较大的 nián líng jiào dà de

adjective (older)

Fiona's elder sister is a lawyer.

接骨木 jiē gǔ mù

noun (tree)

Elders produce flowers and fruit that can be used to make drinks and jellies.

较为年长的 jiào wéi nián zhǎng de

noun (older of two) (两者中)

I know they are brothers, but which is the elder?

长辈,长者 zhǎng zhě

noun (usually plural (older person)

You should respect your elders.

前辈,长者 qián bèi,zhǎng zhě

noun (usually plural (old leader)

Whenever there was a decision to be made that affected the whole village, the elders would gather to discuss it.

长老 zhǎng lǎo

noun (usually plural (leader in church)

The elders are lay people who assist the priest.

旧的,老旧的,破旧的 jiù de ,lǎo jiù de ,pò jiù de

adjective (not new) (不新)

You can borrow my camera, but it's rather old.
ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 我们是老朋友,都认识十多年了。

老的 lǎo de

adjective (elderly)

My neighbour is very old; in her nineties, I think.

…岁的 suì de

adjective (of a given age) (具体岁数)

I'll be twenty-two years old tomorrow.

…岁的 suì de

adjective (of age)

How old do you have to be to drive?

老人 lǎo rén

plural noun (uncountable (elderly persons)

You should show respect to the old.

古董的 gǔ dǒng de

adjective (antique)

He likes to collect old cars.

显老的 xiǎn lǎo de

adjective (looking old)

He's got an old face.

成熟的 chéng shú de

adjective (mature)

She has an old mind in a young body.

先前的 xiān qián de

adjective (former)

That's my old history teacher.

古代的 gǔ dài de

adjective (ancient)

She dug up some old pottery in her back garden.

熟悉的 shú xī de

adjective (familiar)

You always see the same old faces here.

穿旧了的 chuān jiù le de

adjective (worn)

The couch is getting rather old.

磨坏了的 mó huài le de

adjective (worn out)

I use old socks as cleaning rags.

陈的,陈酿的 chén de,chén niàng de

adjective (beverage: having aged) (指酒)

This whisky is eighteen years old.

不用了的 bú yòng le de

adjective (no longer in use)

The old railway station is abandoned.

早期的 zǎo qī de

adjective (of an earlier period)

His old knee injury came back to haunt him.


adjective (showing affection)

Good old Tony. He's always there when you need him.

[加强语气,表示强调] biǎo shì qiáng diào

adjective (informal, figurative (intensifier) (非正式用语)

That's a big old dog they've got guarding the gate.

长久的 cháng jiǔ de

adjective (of long standing)

Erika and Davina are old friends of mine; we met at school and we still see each other regularly.

姐姐 jiě jie

noun (older female sibling)


noun (figurative (experienced, respected man)

The elder statesmen are respected by everyone who works with them.


noun (experienced, respected woman)

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。