英语 中的 standings 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 standings 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 standings 的说明。

英语 中的standings 表示站立的 zhàn lì de, 站立 zhàn lì, 名声 míng shēng, 身份 shēn fèn, 未被砍倒的,未伐的 wèi bèi kǎn dǎo de ,wèi fá de, 长期有效的, 站着(起跳的), 不流动的,死水的,静水的, 站起来 zhàn qǐ lái, 站 zhàn, 持…立场 chí … lì chǎng, 立场,态度,意见 lì chǎng ,tài dù ,yì jiàn, 摊子 tān zi, 站 zhàn, 抵抗 dǐ kàng, 讲台 jiǎng tái, 支架 zhī jià, 机座, 衣物架 yī wù jià, 雨伞架 yǔ sǎn jià, 证人席 zhèng rén xí, 丛, 露天看台 lù tiān kàn tái, 有可能做某事, 直立 zhí lì, 站在 zhàn zài, 继续有效 jì xù yǒu xiào, 测得…(数量、度数等) cè dé shù liàng dù shù děng, 处于…状态(境况等) chǔ yú zhuàng tài jìng kuàng děng, 位于 wèi yú, 滞留,停滞 zhì liú,tíng zhì, 做候选人 zuò hòu xuǎn rén, 对...感到, 踩在…上面, 竖放 shù fàng, 接受 jiē shòu, 经受住 jīng shòu zhù, 容忍 róng rěn, 请某人的客做某事, 无支撑物的 wú zhī chēng wù de, 独立的 dú lì de, 信誉良好 xìn yù liáng hǎo, 资格完备 zī gé wán bèi, 长期的 cháng qī de, 正式会员, 标准操作程序,常规作业程序, 常务委员会 cháng wù wěi yuán huì, 委托银行按期付款的委托书 wěi tuō yín háng àn qī fù kuǎn de wěi tuō shū, 长期有效的命令 cháng qī yǒu xiào de mìng lìng, 起立鼓掌 qǐ lì gǔ zhǎng, 站立的空间,站立位置 zhàn lì de kōng jiān ,zhàn lì wèi zhì, 站立式起跑, 原地起步, 直立的 zhí lì de, 竖立的 shù lì de, 积水,死水 jī shuǐ,sǐ shuǐ, 依然存在,依然矗立,依然坚守 yī rán cún zài。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 standings 的含义

站立的 zhàn lì de

adjective (on feet)

The standing spectators began to grow restless.

站立 zhàn lì

noun (upright position)

Standing while you work is better for you than sitting.

名声 míng shēng

noun (reputation)

Peter's standing among the villagers was very important to him.

身份 shēn fèn

noun (social status)

Emily's standing as a woman of influence was threatened when she lost most of her money.

未被砍倒的,未伐的 wèi bèi kǎn dǎo de ,wèi fá de

adjective (figurative (not defeated) (树木)

The management tried to break us, but we're still standing.


adjective (figurative (invitation, rule: permanent)

You have a standing invitation to come and visit us anytime.


adjective (jump: with no run up)

Jim made a standing jump straight into the air and caught the frisbee.


adjective (water: still, stagnant) (水等)

Mosquitos were starting to breed in the standing water.

站起来 zhàn qǐ lái

intransitive verb (rise)

Please stand for the national anthem.

站 zhàn

intransitive verb (be on your feet)

The guard stands all day.

持…立场 chí … lì chǎng

intransitive verb (position on issue)

I stand in favour of the new law.

立场,态度,意见 lì chǎng ,tài dù ,yì jiàn

noun (determined position) (争论中的)

The professor's stand on the issue is clear.

摊子 tān zi

noun (booth, stall)

The boys opened a lemonade stand.

站 zhàn

noun (act of standing)

There were no seats on the bus, so it looked like she was in for a long stand.

抵抗 dǐ kàng

noun (final defence)

The soldiers made their stand at the river.

讲台 jiǎng tái

noun (raised platform)

The speaker stepped onto the stand.

支架 zhī jià

noun (support)

The conductor placed the sheet music on the stand.


noun (metallurgy: rolling unit in mill) (冶金)

衣物架 yī wù jià

noun (coat rack)

Place your raincoats on the stand by the door.

雨伞架 yǔ sǎn jià

noun (umbrella rack)

Many stores have a stand for wet umbrellas.

证人席 zhèng rén xí

noun (witness box)

The stand seemed a lonely and intimidating place to Gavin.

noun (group: of trees) (树)

露天看台 lù tiān kàn tái

plural noun (bleachers: spectators' seating)

The fans were sitting on the stands.


verbal expression (be in a position)

The investor stood to make a fortune on the deal.

直立 zhí lì

intransitive verb (be erect)

The dog stood on its hind legs.

站在 zhàn zài

intransitive verb (place yourself)

The referee stood between the fighters.

继续有效 jì xù yǒu xiào

intransitive verb (remain in effect)

The judge determined that the law stands.

测得…(数量、度数等) cè dé shù liàng dù shù děng

intransitive verb (measure)

Agnes stands five feet without her shoes.

处于…状态(境况等) chǔ yú zhuàng tài jìng kuàng děng

intransitive verb (be in a situation)

I stand corrected.

位于 wèi yú

intransitive verb (be situated)

The bank stands at the corner of Main and Rush streets.

滞留,停滞 zhì liú,tíng zhì

intransitive verb (stagnate) (液体)

The water has been standing in the puddle a long time.

做候选人 zuò hòu xuǎn rén

intransitive verb (be a candidate)

Lorraine is standing in the upcoming local elections.


intransitive verb (be a certain way)

The spectators stood amazed at the dancer's skill.


(tread upon)

Don't stand on that chair; you'll fall.

竖放 shù fàng

transitive verb (set upright)

The children stood the dominoes on end.

接受 jiē shòu

transitive verb (undergo)

Harry stood trial for murder.

经受住 jīng shòu zhù

transitive verb (endure without yielding)

Veronica stood the torture bravely.

容忍 róng rěn

transitive verb (tolerate)

Tallinn is a beautiful city to visit, if you can stand the sub-zero temperatures.


transitive verb (informal (treat, pay for)

Will you stand me a drink?

无支撑物的 wú zhī chēng wù de

adjective (not supported)

We don't live in a duplex or apartment; our home is freestanding.

独立的 dú lì de

adjective (figurative (independent)

The novel isn't part of a series; it's a freestanding story.

信誉良好 xìn yù liáng hǎo

noun (person: respectability) (人)

Glenn is a person of good standing in the local community.

资格完备 zī gé wán bèi

noun (fulfilling all requirements)

Susan is a member in good standing of the American Medical Association.

长期的 cháng qī de

adjective (well-established, long-term)

Dan and Adam have a longstanding partnership; they've worked together for years. // The rivalry between Romeo's family and Juliet's is long-standing.


noun (member who has paid dues) (缴纳了会费等的)

Any member in good standing may nominate candidates for office or vote in elections.


noun (normal working practice)

常务委员会 cháng wù wěi yuán huì

noun (permanent assembly or group)

委托银行按期付款的委托书 wěi tuō yín háng àn qī fù kuǎn de wěi tuō shū

noun (regular direct bank payment)

I created a standing order with my bank to pay my landlord every month.

长期有效的命令 cháng qī yǒu xiào de mìng lìng

noun (order in effect on ongoing basis)

I had a standing order with the bakery for a dozen croissants every Saturday.

起立鼓掌 qǐ lì gǔ zhǎng

noun (rising to applaud)

The standing ovation at the end of the performance showed how much the audience had enjoyed it.

站立的空间,站立位置 zhàn lì de kōng jiān ,zhàn lì wèi zhì

noun (space to stand) (剧场等)

The club was so crowded that there wasn't even standing room.


noun (from standing position)

The runners set off from a standing start.


noun (from being stationary)

直立的 zhí lì de

adjective (on one's feet, upright)

竖立的 shù lì de

adjective (erect, upright)

积水,死水 jī shuǐ,sǐ shuǐ

noun (still water that has stagnated)

依然存在,依然矗立,依然坚守 yī rán cún zài

adjective (having survived or endured)

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standings 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。