What does Andreas in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word Andreas in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use Andreas in Icelandic.

The word Andreas in Icelandic means Andrew, andrew. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word Andreas




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„Ég uppgötvaði að það er kraftaverki líkast hvernig söfnuður Guðs starfar nú á tímum,“ segir Andreas sem þjónar í Þýskalandi.
“I learned to appreciate God’s organization as a modern-day miracle,” notes Andreas, who serves in Germany.
Sökum nálægðar borgarinnar við San Andreas misgengið eru jarðskjálftar tíðir.
The proximity of the bridge to the San Andreas Fault places it at risk for a significant earthquake.
Ég geri ūetta ađ beiđni Mick og Dwayne Andreas.
I'm operating under the direction of Mick and Dwayne Andreas.
Andreas segir um utanlandsdvöl sína: „Mig dauðlangar að gera þetta aftur.“
Andreas says of his foreign experience: “I would love to do it again.”
„Náinn vinur sagði mér að ég hefði gott af því að slíta mig aðeins lausan frá fjölskyldunni.“ — Andreas.
“A close friend told me that breaking away from home a little would be good for me.”—Andreas.
Andreas sagði brosandi að hann hefði þegar gert ráðstafanir til að Roald og Fabian gætu farið í atvinnuviðtal.
With a smile, Andreas said that he had already arranged a job interview for Roald and Fabian!
Hann er notađur af ríkinu og síđan fleygt burt ūví ūađ er auđveldara ađ... sækja ađ Mark Whitacre heldur en ađ nokkrum međ nafniđ Andreas.
He's being used by the government, then thrown away because it's easier to go after Mark Whitacre than anyone named Andreas.
Ég trúi ekki ađ ūeir níđist svona á Dwayne Andreas!
I can't believe they would pull this shit on Dwayne Andreas.
Andreas Heusler giftist (1893) söngkonunni Auguste Hohenschild, sem var fjórtán árum eldri en hann.
In 1893, Heusler married the singer Auguste Hohenschild, who was fourteen years his senior, from Hessen.
Baresch bréfin líkjast að vissu leyti gabbi sem Andreas Mueller notaði eitt sinn gegn Kircher.
Baresch's letter bears some resemblance to a hoax that orientalist Andreas Mueller once played on Kircher.
28. apríl - Dómstóll í Stuttgart dæmdi þrjá meðlimi Rote Armee Fraktion, Andreas Baader, Gudrun Ensslin og Jan-Carl Raspe, í lífstíðarfangelsi.
April 28 – A federal court in Stuttgart sentences Red Army Faction members Andreas Baader, Gudrun Ensslin, and Jan-Carl Raspe to life imprisonment.
Lengi voru uppi sögusagnir um að Þýskaland hafi fengið að halda keppnina vegna þess að það lenti í öðru sæti árið 1956 með laginu „Im Wartesaal zum großen Glück“ með Walter Andreas Schwarz.
For some time, a rumour had existed that the privilege of hosting the 1957 contest was given to Germany because they had come in second place in 1956 with "Im Wartesaal zum großen Glück" by Walter Andreas Schwarz.
Andreas Heusler (10. ágúst 1865 í Basel – 28. febrúar 1940 í Basel) var svissneskur miðaldafræðingur, sem sérhæfði sig í germönskum og norrænum fræðum.
Andreas Heusler (10 August 1865 in Basel – 28 February 1940 in Basel) was a Swiss medievalist, specialising in Germanic and Norse studies.
1. apríl - Austurrískir lögreglumenn handtóku lærlinginn Andreas Mihavecz, lokuðu hann inni í fangaklefa og gleymdu honum svo.
April 1–18 – Police lock Andreas Mihavecz in a holding cell in Bregenz, Austria and forget about him, leaving him there without food or drink.
Andreas Kaplan og Michael Haenlein skilgreina gervigreind sem "getu kerfis til að túlka utanaðkomandi gögn rétt, að læra af gögnunum og nota það sem lærðist til að ná ákveðnum markmiðum og verkefnum með sveigjanlegri aðlögun".
More specifically, Kaplan and Haenlein define AI as “a system’s ability to correctly interpret external data, to learn from such data, and to use those learnings to achieve specific goals and tasks through flexible adaptation”.
Viđ höfum séđ ūig og yfirmann ūinn, Mick Andreas... í samsæri međ samkeppnisađilum ađ stunda verđsamráđ.
We have seen you and your boss, Mick Andreas conspire with your competitors to fix prices.
Mick Andreas and pabbi hans myndu aldrei ljúga mín vegna.
Mick Andreas and his dad would never lie for me.
Þannig sagði fulltrúi Evrópuráðsins, Andreas Gross, að kosningarnar hafi „hvorki verið frjálsar né sanngjarnar“.
Andreas Gross, head of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) mission, stated that the elections were "neither free nor fair".
Mick Andreas fær varaforseta Bandaríkjanna sem guđföđur sinn.
Mick Andreas gets the vice president of the United States as his godfather.
„Ég átti svo margar góðar minningar að ég gleymdi fljótlega þeim slæmu — það var mjög erfitt fyrir mig að fara heim.“ segir Andreas.
Andreas says: “With so many positive memories—negative ones are soon forgotten—it was very hard for me to leave.”
2. júní - Andreas Baader, Jan-Carl Raspe, Holger Meins og aðrir meðlimir Rote Armee Fraktion voru handteknir í Frankfurt am Main eftir skotbardaga.
June 2 – Andreas Baader, Jan-Carl Raspe, Holger Meins and some other members of the Red Army Faction are arrested in Frankfurt am Main after a shootout.
Í Lakselv sýndi Andreas gestunum umhverfið og ríkissalinn, en hann er annar tveggja öldunga á staðnum.
In Lakselv, Andreas, one of the two local elders, showed the visitors the area and the Kingdom Hall.
Andreas, sem er 17 ára, segir: „Þetta er söfnuður Jehóva, besti söfnuður í heimi.“
A 17-year-old named Andreas states: “This is really Jehovah’s organization, the best organization in the world.”

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Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.