What does 方圆 in Chinese mean?

What is the meaning of the word 方圆 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 方圆 in Chinese.

The word 方圆 in Chinese means circumference. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word 方圆



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Around 9 August, mortar and artillery duels raged in northern Afghanistan as forces of Taliban militia battled within five miles of a key United Front stronghold before being pushed back.
After taking over Nayak, the Taliban commanders established themselves in the main public buildings in the district centre and sent out search parties in a radius of approximately ten kilometres from the district centre
目前正与法国政府一起根据马里稳定团军事和安保专家的咨询意见探讨长期的解决办法。 专家建议纳入一个小型无人航空系统,以帮助在营地周围方圆20公里的范围内进行巡逻。
The system was deemed an intermediate solution and a long-term solution is being explored with the Government of France on the basis of advice from MINUSMA military and security experts, who suggest the inclusion of a miniature unmanned aerial system to help patrol the 20 km radius of the camp.
Sarah 如果 你 发现 这个 人 出现 在 异常 点 研究 中心 方圆 一 里 之内 立刻 通知 我
Sarah, if you see this man within a mile of the ARC, you've got to let me know.
According to a news report last year, by the tenth anniversary of the accident, there was still an 18-mile [29 km] zone around the plant that is unfit for human life.
Among households with access to water outside the home, 86 per cent are less than 100 metres away from it.
尽管仅有必要在一小部分再植被岛屿地区主动重新种植,但有机土壤添加物有益于方圆 # 平方公里的整个保护区。
Although active replanting is only necessary on a relatively small portion of the revegetation island area, organic soil amendments would be beneficial across the entire # square-kilometre protected area
It observed: “Absolutely no one lives within a 6-mile [10 km] radius of the plant.
2001年10月29日星期一,科威特海岸警卫队逮捕了运载1 200吨重燃料油的船只“海狮号”,而船长Sinan Thamir Yusuf(伊拉克籍)竟然蓄意将油放入科威特靠近布比延岛的领海,使方圆数公里的海面上布满浮油。
On Monday, 29 October 2001, a Kuwait Coast Guard patrol managed to arrest the vessel Sea Lion, which was carrying 1,200 tons of heavy fuel oil, whereupon its master, a certain Sinan Thamir Yusuf (of Iraqi nationality), deliberately released the oil into Kuwaiti territorial waters near Bubiyan Island, causing oil slicks to form that measured several kilometres in all directions.
The presence of key taxa, including specialist localized chemosynthetic communities, should be mapped and their position relative to potential mining locations assessed to a radius of 10 km from the proposed mine site;
Even the low end, of 100 tons of agent, would enable Saddam Hussain to cause mass casualties across more than 100 square miles of territory — an area nearly five times the size of Manhattan.
在我国首都萨拉热窝,在一个方圆 # 米的地方内,就可以找到从 # 世纪以来就耸立在那里的犹太教堂、清真寺、天主教堂和东正教教堂,这些建筑几乎相互依傍,相互支撑,并没有因为其他教堂的存在而造成任何不便。
In our capital, Sarajevo, you can find within a # metres circle, a synagogue, a mosque and Catholic and Orthodox churches that have been standing next to each other since the fifteenth century, almost leaning on each other and supporting one another, without being inconvenienced by the other in any way
The Détachement intégré de sécurité (DIS), which was responsible for security in and around refugee camps and displaced persons’ sites within a 10 kilometre radius, will then have a broader scope for action throughout its areas of jurisdiction, in addition to the provision of escort details for humanitarian workers that would need to be arranged in cooperation with other security forces in the region.
方圆 20 英里 有 两家 旅馆
There are two motels within a 20-mile radius.
东道国尚未采取切实步骤,消除一项任意而无理的措施,即要求古巴工作人员不得前往从纽约市内的哥伦布环形广场起算方圆 25 英里以外地区,这违反了外交官自由行动的一般规则,应当立即取消。
The host country had still not taken practical steps to eliminate that arbitrary and unjustifiable measure, which prevented Cuban staff from travelling outside a 25-mile radius measured from Columbus Circle, New York, in contravention of the general rule on the free movement of diplomats, and should be lifted immediately.
我要 看清 方圆 5 英里 内 的 所有
I want to see everything within a five-mile radius.
该报又说,在方圆 # 平方英里没有公路的一个地区内收缴武器是困难之事;另外在南达尔富尔州的尼亚拉市,有 # 名金戈威德成员(武装阿拉伯民兵)因参与盗窃、强奸和谋杀等犯罪活动而受审。
It went on to say that it is a difficult matter to collect weapons in an area of # square miles in which there are no paved roads and that, in the city of Niyala in South Darfur # members of the Janjaweed (armed Arab militias) had been put on trial for their involvement in crimes ranging from theft, through rape to murder
这些活动是在方圆约266 000平方公里极其艰苦的沙漠地形上进行的。
These activities are carried out over an extremely harsh desert terrain of some 266,000 km2.
Portable thermal imaging apparatus capable of detecting a human body at distances of up to 1.7 kilometres,
你们 的 网站 上面 说 了 你们 是 方圆 五个 教区 内 货品 最 齐全 的 超市
Your website says that this is the most well-stocked store in five parishes.
So he adopted a different tactic: he sent runners into all villages within 30 miles to check for more cases, and then vaccinated people only in the four places where cases turned up.
方圆 数哩 , 就 这 一户 人家
This is the only house in the area
《关于死亡率、发病率和医疗服务使用的调查》 第四版的调查结果显示,四分之一的女性( # %)居住在医院附近(方圆 # 千米之内)。
According to the findings of the # survey, more than one in four women ( # %) lives close to (within # km of) a hospital
在“支持微型企业发展计划”方面,“支持微型企业发展计划”的活动主要集中在以科托努为中心的方圆 # 公里的范围内,从 # 至 # 年,得到服务的客户有 # 人,其中妇女为 # 人(占 # %)男子 # 人(占 # %)。
PADME, whose activities are confined within a # km radius from Cotonou, covered # clients, including # women ( # %) and # men ( # %), between # and
The continued existence of a 30-kilometre exclusion zone around Chernobyl serves as a constant reminder of those events.

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Do you know about Chinese

Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.