What does 流口水 in Chinese mean?
What is the meaning of the word 流口水 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 流口水 in Chinese.
The word 流口水 in Chinese means slobber, slaver, drool. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word 流口水
slobberverb noun (To allow saliva or liquid to run from one's mouth) |
slaververb (to drool saliva) |
droolverb noun (to secrete saliva in anticipation of food) 只是 一个 满身是汗 的 小 理论家 流口水 了 足球 运动员 。 Just a sweaty little egghead drooling over football players. |
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我 已經 開始 流口水 了 I'm drooling already. |
他 给 我 讲 他 的 历险 在 一个 酷得 让 你 流口水 的 星球 上 He told me of his latest adventures on a planet so cool it makes you drool. |
我 得 流口水 。 I've got drool. |
如果你有机会游览日本,路过餐馆时,看见展示的菜肴不禁馋得直流口水,那么,别忘了制作塑料食物是煞费苦心的。 If you happen to walk by a restaurant in Japan and see mouthwatering dishes on display, think about the painstaking work that went into their creation. |
我 想 我 没 那么 多 用 好 或者 流口水 。 I GUESS I'M NOT SO MUCH GOOD WITH DROOL EITHER. |
很多 夜晚 , 我 和 其他 一些 醉鬼 们 一起 对 着 南茜 流口水 Plenty of nights I've drooled over Nancy, shoulder to shoulder with all the other losers like me. |
你已经流口水了么? Is your mouth watering? |
他 认为 我 看不到 他 对 Joann 流口水 了! He thinks I can't see him when he's staring and drooling over Joann! |
我 白天 都 會 整天 流口水 不 只是 晚上 I'm gonna be drooling during the day, not even just at night. |
你 是 唯一 一个 对 Diya 流口水 的 人 。 You are the only one drooling over this Diya. |
跟? 着 病毒? 会 入侵 中央 神? 经 系? 统令 肌肉? 严 重 抽筋 不能 自控 地 流口水 From there, the poison works on the central nervous system, causing severe muscle spasms, followed by the inevitable drooling |
只有 名气 , 十几岁 的 妓女 妈妈 谁 想要 在 MTV , 富家子弟 和 流口水 白痴 想生 孩子 。 Only fame-whore teen moms who want to be on MTV, rich kids and drooling idiots want to have babies. |
现在,我知道每个45岁以的人 嘴里开始在流口水了 Now, I know everybody over the age of, like 45 -- their mouths are watering at this point. |
不一致,簡單來說, 就是沒有預測關係存在於 你的生理反應,比如流口水, 和你對於享樂及慾望的 主觀體驗之間。 Nonconcordance, very simply, is when there is a lack of predictive relationship between your physiological response, like salivation, and your subjective experience of pleasure and desire. |
还 有点 流口水 And drooling a little. |
首先 你 流口水 然后 你 就 娶 了 她们 First you drool, then you marry'em. |
如果你咬下這發霉的水果, 而你的嘴巴流口水了, 沒有人會對你說: 「嗯,你只是不想要承認 你有多喜歡它。」 Say, if you bite this moldy fruit and your mouth waters, nobody would say to you, "Well, you just don't want to admit how much you like it." |
你 在 流口水 嗎? Are you drooling? |
你 是 一个 流口水 者 You're a drooler. |
你 流口水 到 我 身上 了? Did you just drool on me? |
那么,想起大蒜又会不会叫你流口水呢? But would garlic make your mouth water? |
如果當我咬下有蟲的蘋果時, 我的嘴巴流口水了, 會不會有人對我說: 「你說不要,但你的身體說要?」 If my mouth waters when I bite into a wormy apple, does anybody say to me, "You said no, but your body said yes?" |
我 相信 布萊斯 幾個 小時 不 對 著 你 流口水 也 能活 I'm sure Brice Catledge can live without drooling all over you for a few hours. |
我 将 最终 肚 倒 在 这张 床上 , 感伤 的 事情 要 考虑 流口水 I'll end up belly down on this bed, sentimental things to think and drooling as last time. |
你只要用一個鈴噹或手勢, 就可以訓練一隻狗流口水。 You could train a dog to salivate just with the bell, just with the symbol. |
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Do you know about Chinese
Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.