What does stilltur in Icelandic mean?
What is the meaning of the word stilltur in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use stilltur in Icelandic.
The word stilltur in Icelandic means quiet, calm. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word stilltur
quietadjective |
calmnoun |
See more examples
Ef hann er stilltur á að senda allar tegundir orkubylgja. If he's equipped to transmit every form of energy that can pulse. |
Það var tilgangslaust að flengja hann fyrir að sitja ekki stilltur. It was useless to spank him for not sitting quietly. |
Hvers vegna er efnisheimurinn svona hárnákvæmlega stilltur? How can we account for such ultrafine tuning? |
Hluti plötunnar er ekki stilltur: % #. (Til að breyta plötuupplýsingum skaltu smella á " Breyta upplýsingum " hnappinn.) Viltu afrita valin lög samt sem áður? Part of the album is not set: %#. (To change album information click the " Edit Information " button.) Would you like to rip the selected tracks anyway? |
Farđu ađ ráđum mínum og vertu stilltur. Take my advice and behave yourself. |
* Að leyfa þeim sem hefur verið vikið úr söfnuðinum að sitja stilltur hjá fjölskyldunni á samkomu er þó allt annað en að sækjast eftir félagsskap hans að óþörfu. * However, the situation in which a disfellowshipped person sits quietly in a seat next to his relatives for the duration of a meeting is far different from the situation in which the relatives needlessly seek out his company to associate with him. |
Er nokkur hygginn, hræddur, ör og stilltur, hlutlaus og trúr í senn? Who can be wise, amazed, temperate and furious loyal and neutral in a moment? |
Vinna við uppfærslu smámynda í gangi. Vertu stilltur gæðingur Updating finger-prints database in progress. Please wait |
Í gamla daga, fyrir stafrænan tíma, fundum við uppáhalds útvarpsstöðina okkar með því að snúa takkanum þar til hann var rétt stilltur á bylgjulengd einhverrar útvarpsstöðvar. Back in the olden days, before the digital age, we found our favorite radio station by carefully turning the radio dial until it lined up perfectly with the station’s frequency. |
Til dæmis þurfti hann að læra að vera þolinmóður, stilltur, sitja kyrr og hafa stjórn á gríðarlegri athafnaþörf sinni. For instance, he had to learn how to be patient, how to be calm, how to sit still, and how to control his exaggerated physical activity. |
Stattu bara ūarna stilltur, litli mađur. Just fucking stand in peace, wee man. |
Það fer ekkert framhjá þessum hlerunarbúnaði sem er sérstaklega stilltur þannig að hann nemi bylgjur í vatninu sem myndast við átök — til dæmis þegar fiskur berst um á spjóti veiðmanns. Nothing escapes this eavesdropping system, which is especially attuned to the vibrations of struggle—a fish thrashing at the end of a spear, for example. |
Væri ég stilltur eins og ķttusvefn sver ég ađ væri samur hugur minn. Were I as patient as the midnight sleep, by Jove, it would be my mind! |
Ūú verđur stilltur viđ afa. Now you - You be good for Grandpa. |
Og af hverju er stķllinn svona lágt stilltur? And why is the chair so low? |
Mjög stilltur. On my best behavior. |
Stilltur. Hush up. |
Farđu í tíma og vertu stilltur. Get to your class and behave yourself. |
KUser kóðinn var ekki rétt þýddur. Heimild fyrir passwd var því stillt á % # Staðbundinn hópur var stilltur á % KUser sources were not configured. Set 'Password file ' in Settings/Files |
Rory, stilltur! Rory, settle down! |
Síminn er stilltur ūannig ađ ūađ á ekki ađ trufla hann. He has his telephone programmed so as to not be disturbed. |
Forgangur er stilltur hér. Frá vinstri til hægri vex hann frá lágum til hás. Miðjustillingin er sjálfgefin. Fyrir hærri forgang en þann sjálfgefna, þarf rótarlykilorðið The priority that the command will be run with can be set here. From left to right, it goes from low to high. The center position is the default value. For priorities higher than the default, you will need to provide the root password |
Vinna við uppfærslu smámynda í gangi. Vertu stilltur gæðingur Updating thumbnails database. Please wait |
Síminn er stilltur þannig að það á ekki að trufla hann He has his telephone programmed so as to not be disturbed |
Stilltur, bíbí. Be still, bird. |
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Do you know about Icelandic
Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.