英语 中的 as 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 as 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 as 的说明。

英语 中的as 表示一样地 yí yàng de, 认为是 rèn wéi shì, 按照,照…一样 àn zhào,zhào … yí yàng, 以…的方式 yǐ … de fāng shì, 正当 zhèng dāng, 因为 yīn wèi, 虽然 suī rán, 作为 zuò wéi, 在作为…期间, 像…一样, 像…那样的,如同…一样 xiàng … nà yàng de ,rú tóng … yí yàng, 称许,称赞,赞扬 chēng xǔ ,chēng zàn,zàn yáng, 担当 dān dāng, 称呼某人,用…来称呼某人, 也称作 yě chēng zuò, 看起来好像 kàn qǐ lái hǎo xiàng, 任命…为, 极其 jí qí, 作为意外收获 zuò wéi yì wài shōu huò, 童年时 tóng nián shí, 因此 yīn cǐ, 作为朋友 zuò wéi péng yǒu, 一般来说 yì bān lái shuō, 开玩笑 kāi wán xiào, 作为理所当然的事, 事实上 shì shí shàng, 原则上,从原则上说 yuán zé shàng, 作为…的替代 zuò wéi de tì dài, 结果 jié guǒ, 作为…的结果 zuò wéi … de jié guǒ, 一般而言 yì bān ér yán, 作为…的替代 zuò wéi de tì dài, 总体上 zǒng tǐ shàng, 按照约定, 按照和…达成的合意, 一如既往 yì rú jì wǎng, 经修订的, 作为…的替代 zuò wéi de tì dài, 截至… jié zhì, 尽全力 jìn quán lì, 与…相比 yǔ … xiāng bǐ, 按需,根据个人希望, 详情见后,如下详述, 按照说明, 不像, 一如既往 yì rú jì wǎng, 如预期地 rú yù qī de, 远至, 极尽不同的, 与…距离相同 yǔ jù lí xiāng tóng, 我认为 wǒ rèn wéi, 就我而言 jiù wǒ ér yán, 据我所知 jù wǒ suǒ zhī, 就现状来说,到目前为止 dào mù qián wéi zhǐ, 就到这里,到终点, 尽可能 jìn kě néng, 早在, 可追溯到, 如下 rú xià, 关于 guān yú, 至于我, 从…起 cóng … qǐ, 极其 jí qí, 和…几乎一样好 hé jī hū yí yàng hǎo, 几乎已经, 最多能做到,最好的情况是, 完好如新 wán hǎo rú xīn, 最好的 zuì hǎo de, 极其 jí qí, 非常 fēi cháng, 在我看来 zài wǒ kàn lái, 正如我所说, 好像 hǎo xiàng, 说得好像和真的一样!, 似乎得到暗示, 好像说 hǎo xiàng shuō, 照现状 zhào xiàn zhuàng, 偶然发生 ǒu rán fā shēng, 照目前的状况来看,就当前的情况来看 zhào mù qián de zhuàng kuàng lái kàn,jiù dāng qián de qíng kuàng lái kàn, 以目前的状态 yǐ mù qián de zhuàng tài, 像…本来应该的一样 xiàng běn lái yīng gāi de yí yàng, 按照…本来理想的状态 àn zhào běn lái lǐ xiǎng de zhuàng tài, 像…本来应该的一样 xiàng běn lái yīng gāi de yí yàng, 按照…本来理想的状态 àn zhào běn lái lǐ xiǎng de zhuàng tài, 后来发现, 像原来的样子, 可以说 kě yǐ shuō, 和…一样少 hé yí yàng shǎo, 只要 zhǐ yào, 在…期间 zài … qī jiān, 与…一样长, 很长, 碰巧,幸而,幸运的是 pèng qiǎo,xìng ér,xìng yùn de shì, 不巧地, 与…一样多 yǔ yí yàng duō, 多达 duō dá, 如前所述, 一样,同样 yí yàng,tóng yàng, 等量, 像…一样多, 和...等量, 和…程度相若 hé … chéng dù xiāng ruò, 和...等量的事物, 尽管 jǐn guǎn, 尽可能地 jìn kě néng de, 尽可能多地 jìn kě néng duō de, 非常整洁, 就所需 jiù suǒ xū, 根据需要地 gēn jù xū yào de, 从…开始, 近来 jìn lái。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 as 的含义

一样地 yí yàng de

adverb (equally)

Bob is five feet ten and Janet is as tall.

认为是 rèn wéi shì

adverb (considered to be)

He thinks of himself as a great photographer.

按照,照…一样 àn zhào,zhào … yí yàng

adverb (in the manner) (后接分词)

As promised, here are the books on Shakespeare.

以…的方式 yǐ … de fāng shì

conjunction (in the same manner as)

Do as I say, not as I do.

正当 zhèng dāng

conjunction (while)

As he was climbing the ladder, his hammer slipped from his belt.

因为 yīn wèi

conjunction (since, because)

I made you some coffee, as you don't like tea.

虽然 suī rán

conjunction (though)

Tired as I was, I carried on working till the sun came up.

作为 zuò wéi

preposition (function)

Steve, Julie and I work well as a team.


preposition (while being)

As a teacher in a deprived area, Jenna had worked with a lot of troubled youngsters.


adverb (expressing similarity or equality)

This wine is as nice as that one. That joke is as old as the hills.

像…那样的,如同…一样 xiàng … nà yàng de ,rú tóng … yí yàng

conjunction (correlative: such that) (表示比较)

He's not so clever as everyone thinks.

称许,称赞,赞扬 chēng xǔ ,chēng zàn,zàn yáng

(often passive (praise, applaud)

Critics acclaimed her as the greatest actress of the 20th century.

担当 dān dāng

(perform function)

When they first met each other, it was her sister who acted as matchmaker. The man's trousers were held up by a bit of rope that was acting as a belt.


transitive verb (use a title) (头衔)

"Your Holiness" is the correct way to address the Pope.

也称作 yě chēng zuò

preposition (alias)

Eva Perón, also known as Evita, was a controversial figure in Argentine politics.

看起来好像 kàn qǐ lái hǎo xiàng

verbal expression (seem)

It appears as though your father is having a mid-life crisis.


(give a role, job)

The board of directors appointed Mark as head of the party-planning committee.

极其 jí qí

expression (US (extremely)

What? That's silly as all get out! You can't grow bananas in the desert.

作为意外收获 zuò wéi yì wài shōu huò

adverb (informal (in addition)

We're going on a hike in the mountains today, and as a bonus we'll have a picnic.

童年时 tóng nián shí

adverb (during childhood)

As a child, Fiona was scared of dogs but she later went on to become a vet.

因此 yīn cǐ

adverb (so, therefore)

The boy failed his math test. As a consequence, he cannot visit his friends this weekend.

作为朋友 zuò wéi péng yǒu

adverb (preface to giving advice) (告诉别人不好消息等时的开场白)

You know I say this as a friend, but I don't think that you should date him.

一般来说 yì bān lái shuō

adverb (usually)

I don't eat meat as a general rule, but I make an exception for my mother's cooking. Sometimes I'm late, but as a general rule I always try to be on time.

开玩笑 kāi wán xiào

adverb (for humorous effect)

Don't be upset, that comment was meant as a joke.


expression (as part of normal routine)

事实上 shì shí shàng

expression (in fact, on the contrary)

I'm not ignoring your brother; as a matter of fact, I invited him for dinner tonight.

原则上,从原则上说 yuán zé shàng

expression (on moral grounds)

作为…的替代 zuò wéi de tì dài

adverb (as a substitute for)

Margarine is widely used as a replacement for butter.

结果 jié guǒ

adverb (consequently)

The little girl kept jumping in puddles, and as a result her new shoes were ruined.

作为…的结果 zuò wéi … de jié guǒ

expression (due to, because of)

As a result of your disobedience, your parents punished you.

一般而言 yì bān ér yán

expression (usually)

As a rule, we go to bed early on weeknights.

作为…的替代 zuò wéi de tì dài

expression (to replace, instead of)

She used two cups of milk as a substitute for three eggs called for by the recipe.

总体上 zǒng tǐ shàng

adverb (all considered together)

Some students need to improve, but the class as a whole is very good.


adverb (in the way decided)


expression (in the way decided with [sb])

一如既往 yì rú jì wǎng

adverb (as usual)

As always, Sally was chatting up the Australians.


expression (changed)

The document, as amended, shows that Mr. Smith is responsible for the damage.

作为…的替代 zuò wéi de tì dài

preposition (instead of)

Soy milk can be used as an alternative to cows' milk for some recipes.

截至… jié zhì

preposition (UK (at a particular time)

尽全力 jìn quán lì

adverb (to the best of your ability)

Muddle through as best you can, and we'll fix the mistakes later.

与…相比 yǔ … xiāng bǐ

expression (in comparison to)

As compared with American English, British English seems more formal.


adverb (however and whenever one wishes)

The potatoes may be peeled or left unpeeled, as desired. The light can be turned on or off as desired.


adverb (in the way described further on)

Construction of your model airplane should be carried out as detailed below.


expression (following instructions)


expression (unlike, not)

一如既往 yì rú jì wǎng

adverb (as is always the case)

As ever, I didn't understand a word of what he was saying. The bus was late, as ever!

如预期地 rú yù qī de

adverb (as was anticipated)

As expected, all the crops withered because of the drought.


expression (as distant as)

The conference attracted people from countries as far afield as Japan and South Africa.


expression (as unlike the subject as)

与…距离相同 yǔ jù lí xiāng tóng

preposition (the same distance as)

Our new grocery store is just as far as the old one.

我认为 wǒ rèn wéi

adverb (in my opinion)

As far as I'm concerned, that was the best film of the year.

就我而言 jiù wǒ ér yán

adverb (as for me, as regards me)

As far as I'm concerned, I never want to eat another fried alligator steak.

据我所知 jù wǒ suǒ zhī

adverb (to my knowledge)

As far as I know, the bank approved the loan. The boss is in his office, as far as I know.

就现状来说,到目前为止 dào mù qián wéi zhǐ

expression (to some extent)

This town is all right, as far as it goes, but there are probably better places to raise kids.


expression (the end, last stop)

Everyone get off the bus, this is as far as it goes!

尽可能 jìn kě néng

adverb (to the greatest possible extent)

Please avoid cell phone usage as far as possible during your visit.


preposition (long ago)

As far back as Cleopatra's time, sugaring has been used as a hair removal technique.


preposition (from a point in the past)

These cave paintings are believed to date as far back as 17,000 years.

如下 rú xià

adverb (in the following way)

The instructions are as follows: 'Remove lid, drink coffee'.

关于 guān yú

preposition (with regard to)

As for this guy, I don't think he's going anywhere in life.


adverb (as far as I am concerned)

My husband is going to work. As for me, I will stay home and take care of the baby.

从…起 cóng … qǐ

preposition (starting on)

You'll need to arrive 10 minutes earlier as from tomorrow.

极其 jí qí

adverb (vulgar, offensive, slang (extremely)

That guy over there is as cool as f***!

和…几乎一样好 hé jī hū yí yàng hǎo

expression (of equal quality to)

He is as good at maths as my brother.


expression (nearly; virtually)

I've worked all night on the picture and it's as good as finished.


expression (the best circumstances)

The smaller football teams have no chance of finishing top of the league, so winning one of the cup competitions instead is as good as it gets.

完好如新 wán hǎo rú xīn

expression (successfully repaired or restored)

John fixed my bike and now it's as good as new!

最好的 zuì hǎo de

expression (the best available)

极其 jí qí

expression (slang, euphemism (extremely)

非常 fēi cháng

expression (slang (extremely) (俚语)

在我看来 zài wǒ kàn lái

adverb (in my opinion)


adverb (to resume after interruption)

As I was saying before being interrupted, the lady of the house is not home.

好像 hǎo xiàng

conjunction (as though)

He looked as if he wanted to say something.


interjection (informal (sceptical)

You're going to help me clean the house? As if!


expression (as though responding to a signal)

Tom was thinking about his mother when, as if on cue, she knocked on his front door.

好像说 hǎo xiàng shuō

adverb (in a way that suggests [sth])

He nodded at her as if to say goodbye.

照现状 zhào xiàn zhuàng

adverb (in its current state)

The TV is sold 'as is', there is no implicit nor explicit warranty.

偶然发生 ǒu rán fā shēng

expression (surprisingly, as a matter of fact)

照目前的状况来看,就当前的情况来看 zhào mù qián de zhuàng kuàng lái kàn,jiù dāng qián de qíng kuàng lái kàn

adverb (colloquial (as the situation stands) (口语)

As it is, we'll be lucky to arrive before dark!

以目前的状态 yǐ mù qián de zhuàng tài

adverb (in its current state)

We'll have to make do with the vehicle we have, as it is.

像…本来应该的一样 xiàng běn lái yīng gāi de yí yàng

adjective (correct, proper)

She completed her inspection and found that everything was as it ought to be.

按照…本来理想的状态 àn zhào běn lái lǐ xiǎng de zhuàng tài

adverb (in an ideal state)

Her speech gave us a vision of the world as it ought to be.

像…本来应该的一样 xiàng běn lái yīng gāi de yí yàng

adjective (correct, proper state)

The bus driver checked that everything was as it should be before switching on the engine.

按照…本来理想的状态 àn zhào běn lái lǐ xiǎng de zhuàng tài

adjective (in a desirable state)

We felt that the hotel was not as good as it should be for the high price.


adverb (as has transpired)

The candidate I offered the job to is, as it turns out, my boss's cousin!


expression (previous state)

Harry preferred the room as it was, not with the new decor.

可以说 kě yǐ shuō

adverb (idiom (so to speak) (习语)

和…一样少 hé yí yàng shǎo

expression (a quantity as small as)

As little as 2 grammes of it is enough to kill you.

只要 zhǐ yào

expression (providing that)

I am happy, as long as the sun always comes back around.

在…期间 zài … qī jiān

expression (while)

As long as you're living under my roof, you'll obey my rules, young lady!


expression (equal in length to)

My garden is as long as a football pitch.


expression (figurative, informal (very long)

碰巧,幸而,幸运的是 pèng qiǎo,xìng ér,xìng yùn de shì

adverb (idiom (fortunately) (习语)

As luck would have it, the bus was late too, so I managed to catch it after all.


adverb (idiom, ironic (unfortunately)

As luck would have it, the strike started the day I was due to fly out on holiday.

与…一样多 yǔ yí yàng duō

adverb (the same number as)

The Lakers had as many all-stars as the Bulls but still lost the game by 20 points.

多达 duō dá

adverb (up to, a possible total of)

On a good day, I have seen as many as 80 species of birds.


adverb (as is referred to)

一样,同样 yí yàng,tóng yàng

expression (the same thing)

So, you're pregnant. I thought as much.


expression (an equal amount)

Joe was praised for his work on the project, but I did just as much.


expression (the same amount as)

Nobody can eat as much as my brother!


expression (an equal amount of)

I can't eat as much cheese as my sister.

和…程度相若 hé … chéng dù xiāng ruò

expression (equally)

I love you as much as I love your sister.


expression (with clause: the same amount as)

I would love to earn as much money as you do.

尽管 jǐn guǎn

expression (with clause: even though)

As much as I love Mel Gibson, this movie is just too violent for me.

尽可能地 jìn kě néng de

expression (to greatest extent)

I try to exercise as much as possible.

尽可能多地 jìn kě néng duō de

noun (greatest amount)

I always eat as much as possible at Thanksgiving dinner.


expression (very neat and tidy)

就所需 jiù suǒ xū

adverb (according to what is needed)

Apply the ointment to the wound as necessary.

根据需要地 gēn jù xū yào de

adverb (according to what is necessary)

Take the pain medication as needed.


preposition (starting from)

As of Monday, the office will be closed.

近来 jìn lái

adverb (recently, lately)

She has been acting unusually as of late. She hasn't eaten for four days nor slept for two nights.

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。