英语 中的 brain 是什么意思?
英语 中的单词 brain 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 brain 的说明。
英语 中的brain 表示脑 nǎo, 头脑 tóu nǎo, 智力,聪明才智 zhì lì,cōng míng cái zhì, 大脑 dà nǎo, 聪明的人,有智慧的人 cōng míng de rén,yǒu zhì huì de rén, 策划者 cè huà zhě, 击中…的头部,打破…的脑袋 jī zhòng de tóu bù,dǎ pò de nǎo dài, 孕傻, 脑细胞 nǎo xì bāo, 对脑部的损伤, 脑损伤 nǎo sǔn shāng, 脑死亡的, 蠢的 chǔn de, 脑死亡, 人才流失 rén cái liú shī, 大脑短路, 脑膜炎 nǎo mó yán, 脑冻结, 脑出血, 脑损伤 nǎo sǔn shāng, 脑力 nǎo lì, 脑扫描,脑部扫描, 脑干 nǎo gàn, 脑外科 nǎo wài kē, 伤脑筋的事 shāng nǎo jīn de shì, 脑损伤的, 动脑筋 dòng nǎo jīn, 头脑风暴会议, 灵光乍现, 脑子突然犯糊涂, 难题 nán tí, 脑电波 nǎo diàn bō, 灵机一动,好点子 líng jī yí dòng,hǎo diǎn zi, 蠢材 chǔn cái, 向…请教,征求…的想法, 绞尽脑汁。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。
单词 brain 的含义
脑 nǎonoun (organ in head) She suffered severe damage to her brain in the accident. 她的大脑在事故中严重受损。 |
头脑 tóu nǎonoun (mind) Use your brain to find a solution! 动动脑子解决问题! |
智力,聪明才智 zhì lì,cōng míng cái zhìplural noun (informal, figurative (intelligence) (口语) He doesn't have a lot of brains. 他的智力不太高。 |
大脑 dà nǎoplural noun (figurative (computing: central processing unit) (比喻,指电脑的中央处理器) The brains of the computer are in the CPU. 计算机的大脑就是CPU(中央处理器)。 |
聪明的人,有智慧的人 cōng míng de rén,yǒu zhì huì de rénnoun (informal, figurative (intelligent person) (非正式用语) My friend Edwin is a real brain. |
策划者 cè huà zhěnoun (figurative, informal (person who masterminds [sth]) I'm the brains of the operation; my brother supplies the brawn. |
击中…的头部,打破…的脑袋 jī zhòng de tóu bù,dǎ pò de nǎo dàitransitive verb (slang (hit in the head) My poor friend was brained by a golf ball as he watched the tournament. |
孕傻noun (humorous, informal (forgetfulness in new mother) |
脑细胞 nǎo xì bāonoun (nerve cell in the brain) Dopamine is a chemical that stimulates brain cells. |
对脑部的损伤noun (injury to the brain) The driver suffered severe brain damage in the accident. |
脑损伤 nǎo sǔn shāngnoun (impaired mental functioning) The patient's brain damage prevents control of bodily movements. |
脑死亡的adjective (patient: brain no longer functions) (病人) She was assessed to be brain dead following the crash. |
蠢的 chǔn deadjective (figurative, pejorative, slang (person: stupid, unthinking) (人) Who hasn't heard of Ronald Reagan? Is that girl brain dead? |
脑死亡noun (stopping of brain function) |
人才流失 rén cái liú shīnoun (figurative (mass emigration of skilled people) Poland experienced a brain drain when much of its educated population emigrated to the UK. 波兰多数受过教育的人都移民去了英国,导致波兰经历了一次人才流失。 |
大脑短路noun (informal (lapse in thought) |
脑膜炎 nǎo mó yán(disease) |
脑冻结noun (informal (headache caused by ice cream) |
脑出血noun (stroke, bleeding in the brain) |
脑损伤 nǎo sǔn shāngnoun (damage to cerebral area) |
脑力 nǎo lìnoun (intellectual or mental capacity) Eating fish is supposed to increase one's brain power. |
脑扫描,脑部扫描(medicine) (医学) |
脑干 nǎo gànnoun (base of the brain) The brain stem regulates the central nervous system. |
脑外科 nǎo wài kēnoun (operation on the brain) Brain surgery usually means drilling through the skull first. |
伤脑筋的事 shāng nǎo jīn de shìnoun (figurative ([sth] difficult, complex) (比喻) Come on! It's not like this is brain surgery! Just diagram the sentence. |
脑损伤的adjective (affected by a brain injury) |
动脑筋 dòng nǎo jīnintransitive verb (think up ideas) The team brainstormed all day, but could not come up with a solution. |
头脑风暴会议noun (idea-gathering session) A department meeting is scheduled for next week to have a brainstorm regarding the company's sales goals. |
灵光乍现noun (sudden idea) Thomas had a brainstorm and decided to start his own business. |
脑子突然犯糊涂noun (UK, informal (sudden inability to think clearly) I must have had a brainstorm: I've left my briefcase and all my papers at home! |
难题 nán tínoun (puzzle, riddle) |
脑电波 nǎo diàn bōnoun (usually plural (electrical impulse in the brain) Brainwaves carry messages throughout our bodies. |
灵机一动,好点子 líng jī yí dòng,hǎo diǎn zinoun (figurative, informal (good idea) (比喻,非正式用语) I had the brainwave of using apricots instead of dates, and the cake was delicious. |
蠢材 chǔn cáinoun (informal, figurative, pejorative (foolish person) |
向…请教,征求…的想法verbal expression (figurative (ask [sb] a question) (比喻) Can I pick your brain for a minute? |
绞尽脑汁verbal expression (try to remember) |
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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。