英语 中的 brown 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 brown 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 brown 的说明。

英语 中的brown 表示棕色的 zōng sè de, 棕色 zōng sè, (被太阳)晒黑了的 bèi tài yáng shài hēi le de, 枯黄 kū huáng, 把…烤得焦黄 bǎ kǎo de jiāo huáng, 煎 jiān, 惹恼 rě nǎo, 把…烹饪至棕色, 使电力不足, 棕熊 zōng xióng, 棕带 zōng dài, 棕带武术师 zōng dài wǔ shù shī, 黑面包 hēi miàn bāo, 波士顿黑面包, 褐色黄油,棕色黄油, 褐色的眼睛 hè sè de yǎn jīng, 褐色的头发 hè sè de tóu fà, 马屁精 mǎ pì jīng, 拍马屁,谄媚讨好 pāi mǎ pì,chǎn mèi tǎo hǎo, 褐枭, 糙米 cāo mǐ, 红糖 hóng táng, 半成品糖, 眼睛为褐色的 yǎn jīng wéi hè sè de, 棕发的, 棕色皮肤的, 粟褐色 sù hè sè, 粟褐色的 sù hè sè de, 深棕色, 深棕色的, 棕金色 zōng jīn sè, 棕金色的 zōng jīn sè de, 浅棕色 qiǎn zōng sè, 浅棕色的 qiǎn zōng sè de, 牛皮纸 niú pí zhǐ, 浅棕色 qiǎn zōng sè, 浅棕色的 qiǎn zōng sè de, 栗色, 深棕色, 栗色的, 深棕色的, 红褐色,棕红色,红棕色 hóng hè sè, 红褐色的,棕红色的,红棕色的 hóng hè sè de ,hóng zōng sè de, 红棕色, 红褐色, 红褐色的 hóng hè sè de。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 brown 的含义

棕色的 zōng sè de

adjective (color)

Jane lives in the brown house. Dan's hair is brown.

棕色 zōng sè

noun (color)

Which do you prefer? Black or brown?

(被太阳)晒黑了的 bèi tài yáng shài hēi le de

adjective (suntanned) (皮肤)

I can't believe how brown you got at the beach.

枯黄 kū huáng

intransitive verb (become brown)

The oak leaves browned and fell from the trees.

把…烤得焦黄 bǎ kǎo de jiāo huáng

transitive verb (make brown from heat)

The heat of the oven browned the turkey.

煎 jiān

transitive verb (sauté, fry)

First you need to brown the potatoes.

惹恼 rě nǎo

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (UK, figurative, informal (annoy or anger)


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (cook until brown)


phrasal verb, intransitive (US (electricity: be reduced)

The high use of air conditioners during the heat waves caused the electricity to brown out.

棕熊 zōng xióng

noun (North American mammal)

Kodiak bears and grizzly bears are species of the brown bear.

棕带 zōng dài

noun (karate rank) (空手道的级别)

It took me three years to earn my brown belt.

棕带武术师 zōng dài wǔ shù shī

noun (karate student)

I wouldn't mess with her if I were you, she's a brown belt.

黑面包 hēi miàn bāo

noun (bread made of darker flour)


noun (Boston brown bread)


noun (roasted butter)

褐色的眼睛 hè sè de yǎn jīng

plural noun (eyes with brown irises)

I have brown eyes.

褐色的头发 hè sè de tóu fà

noun (brunette or chestnut hair)

She wore a brown shirt to match her brown hair.

马屁精 mǎ pì jīng

noun (vulgar, figurative, pejorative, slang (sycophant)

What a brown-nose - always sucking up to the boss, hoping for a promotion.

拍马屁,谄媚讨好 pāi mǎ pì,chǎn mèi tǎo hǎo

transitive verb (vulgar, figurative, pejorative, slang (be obsequious)

You got that promotion because you brown-nosed the boss.


noun (nocturnal bird of prey)

糙米 cāo mǐ

noun (whole rice)

Brown rice takes longer to cook than white rice, unless you have a pressure cooker.

红糖 hóng táng

noun (US (sugar coated in molasses)

This cookie recipe calls for one cup of brown sugar.


noun (UK (unrefined or partially unrefined sugar)

眼睛为褐色的 yǎn jīng wéi hè sè de

adjective (having brown eyes)

I prefer brown-eyed girls.


adjective (having brunette or chestnut hair)

Samantha is a brown-haired girl.


adjective (person: with brown skin)

Anita is a brown-skinned girl.

粟褐色 sù hè sè

noun (reddish brown)

粟褐色的 sù hè sè de

adjective (reddish brown)

The chestnut-brown horse ran like the wind.


noun (color: deep shade of brown)


adjective (color: deep shade of brown)

棕金色 zōng jīn sè

noun (warm light-brown color)

Her hair was a beautiful shade of golden brown.

棕金色的 zōng jīn sè de

adjective (warm light brown in color)

Her golden brown hair shone in the sunlight.

浅棕色 qiǎn zōng sè

noun (light-brown colour)

Hazel brown is what my mother always called my hair, though I thought it was darker.

浅棕色的 qiǎn zōng sè de

adjective (light brown in color)

Her hair was hazel brown, much lighter than mine.

牛皮纸 niú pí zhǐ

noun (brown wrapping paper)

Kraft paper is strong enough to make a kite.

浅棕色 qiǎn zōng sè

noun (pale brown color)

The old leather bag had faded to light brown.

浅棕色的 qiǎn zōng sè de

adjective (pale brown in color)

The police described the attacker as tall, with short, light-brown hair.

栗色, 深棕色

noun (medium brown color)

栗色的, 深棕色的

adjective (medium brown in color)

红褐色,棕红色,红棕色 hóng hè sè

noun (color: brown tinged with red)

红褐色的,棕红色的,红棕色的 hóng hè sè de ,hóng zōng sè de

adjective (brown tinged with red)

红棕色, 红褐色

noun (russet, auburn color)

红褐色的 hóng hè sè de

adjective (russet, auburn in color)

Her hair was reddish-brown and really set off her fine green eyes.

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brown 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。