英语 中的 disk 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 disk 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 disk 的说明。

英语 中的disk 表示圆盘 yuán pán, 影碟,光碟 yǐng dié,guāng dié, 磁盘,磁碟 cí pán,cí dié, 乙烯唱片,黑胶唱片 yǐ xī chàng piàn,hēi jiāo chàng piàn, 光盘 guāng pán, 圆盘 yuán pán, 椎间盘, 激光唱片 jī guāng chàng piān, 电台音乐节目主持人 diàn tái yīn yuè jié mù zhǔ chí rén, 唱片骑士 chàng piàn qí shì, 当打碟师,当唱片骑士, 椎间盘突出 zhuī jiān pán tū chū, 光盘插口, 磁盘驱动 cí pán qū dòng, 唱片骑士 chàng piàn qí shì, 电台主持人, 软盘 ruǎn pán, (电脑)软盘 diàn nǎo ruǎn pán, (电脑)硬盘 diàn nǎo yìng pán, 椎间盘脱出症, 光盘 guāng pán, 椎间盘突出 zhuī jiān pán tū chū, 椎间盘突出 zhuī jiān pán tū chū。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 disk 的含义

圆盘 yuán pán

noun (disc: flat, round object)

The cake was decorated with disks of white chocolate.

影碟,光碟 yǐng dié,guāng dié

noun (CD, DVD)

The disk is scratched, so it won't play properly.

磁盘,磁碟 cí pán,cí dié

noun (computing: storage disk) (计算机)

Where is the disk that has the presentation files?

乙烯唱片,黑胶唱片 yǐ xī chàng piàn,hēi jiāo chàng piàn

noun (dated (vinyl record) (旧时用语)

Gavin sold all of his discs after he digitized them.

光盘 guāng pán

noun (compact disc, CD)

There is a stack of blank discs near my computer.

圆盘 yuán pán

noun (UK (disk: [sth] circular)

The native men worked to make discs of mud to build huts.


noun (anatomy: esp. vertebra part)

I slipped a disc in my back and had to go to the hospital.

激光唱片 jī guāng chàng piān

noun (CD: disk storing music, data)

I keep my compact discs on a shelf in the corner.

电台音乐节目主持人 diàn tái yīn yuè jié mù zhǔ chí rén

noun (plays music on radio)

He works as a disc jockey at WKRX.

唱片骑士 chàng piàn qí shì

noun (plays music in nightclub) (舞会等)

The nightclub has hired a new disc jockey for its seventies disco nights.


intransitive verb (act as DJ in nightclub) (在夜总会等场所)

椎间盘突出 zhuī jiān pán tū chū

noun (spinal injury: displacement of a vertebra)


noun (slit for inserting a CD or DVD)

The DVD got stuck in the disc slot; now it won't go in or come out.

磁盘驱动 cí pán qū dòng

noun (computing: hardware)

唱片骑士 chàng piàn qí shì

noun (initialism (disk jockey: in nightclub) (夜总会等)

Some famous DJs make millions of dollars a year.


noun (initialism (disk jockey: radio host)

The DJ has been playing all of my favorite songs tonight.

软盘 ruǎn pán

noun (historical, abbreviation (computing: floppy disk)

When they cleaned out the professor's desk, they found stacks of floppies that hadn't been used in years.

(电脑)软盘 diàn nǎo ruǎn pán

noun (historical (diskette for storing data)

I've thrown away all my old floppy disks – they're no use any more.

(电脑)硬盘 diàn nǎo yìng pán

noun (computing: disk-reading hardware)


noun (spinal condition)

光盘 guāng pán

noun (obsolete (video, audio format: optical disc)

椎间盘突出 zhuī jiān pán tū chū

noun (displaced spinal disc)

My friend has a slipped disk which is causing her a lot of pain.

椎间盘突出 zhuī jiān pán tū chū

noun (herniated spinal disk)

让我们学习 英语

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。