英语 中的 future 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 future 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 future 的说明。

英语 中的future 表示将来 jiāng lái, 将来的 jiāng lái de, 将来时的 jiāng lái shí de, 未来 wèi lái, 将来时 jiāng lái shí, 期货交易 qī huò jiāo yì, 遥远的未来 yáo yuǎn de wèi lái, 将来的事情 jiāng lái de shì qíng, 后代,后人,后辈 hòu dài,hòu rén, 来生 lái shēng, 将来完成时 jiāng lái wán chéng shí, 前景 qián jǐng, 将来时 jiāng lái shí, 未婚妻,未来的妻子 wèi hūn qī, 不会过时的, 防止...过时, 不远的将来 bú yuǎn de jiāng lái, 在可预见的未来, 将来有一天 jiāng lái yǒu yì tiān, 未来 wèi lái, 在不久的将来 zài bù jiǔ de jiāng lái, 在不久的将来 zài bù jiǔ de jiāng lái, 展望未来 zhǎn wàng wèi lái, 预见未来 yù jiàn wèi lái, 预知未来 yù zhī wèi lái, 未来愿景,长远规划 cháng yuǎn guī huà。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 future 的含义

将来 jiāng lái

noun (time)

I will do that in the future.

将来的 jiāng lái de

adjective (of times to come)

Future business plans need to include a budget.

将来时的 jiāng lái shí de

adjective (grammar) (语法)

Put the verb in the future tense.

未来 wèi lái

noun (a future state)

I wish I knew what the future of this country will be.

将来时 jiāng lái shí

noun (grammar) (语法)

"Will" is often used to express the future in English.

期货交易 qī huò jiāo yì

noun (finance)

He deals in futures for a London bank.

遥远的未来 yáo yuǎn de wèi lái

noun (time which will eventually come)

Before we make plans for the distant future, let's make sure we can feed everyone now.

将来的事情 jiāng lái de shì qíng

noun ([sth] that will happen one day)

The newsletter has a list of exciting future events in the neighborhood.

后代,后人,后辈 hòu dài,hòu rén

plural noun (people yet to be born)

来生 lái shēng

noun (reincarnation)

I hope to come back as a house cat in a future life.

将来完成时 jiāng lái wán chéng shí

noun (grammar: will have done, etc.) (语法)

前景 qián jǐng

plural noun (outlook, potential success)

Without a high school diploma she hasn't got much in the way of future prospects.

将来时 jiāng lái shí

noun (grammar: will do, etc.) (语法)

In English, the future tense has two forms: I will dance and I am going to dance.

未婚妻,未来的妻子 wèi hūn qī

noun (fiancée, woman [sb] will marry)


adjective (UK (unlikely to become obsolete)


transitive verb (protect from obsolescence)

不远的将来 bú yuǎn de jiāng lái

noun (period very soon to arrive)

I have no plans to go abroad in the immediate future.


expression (soon)

There is little indication that the economy will improve in the foreseeable future.

将来有一天 jiāng lái yǒu yì tiān

expression (one day, someday)

I want to learn how to play the piano in the future.

未来 wèi lái

expression (next time, from now on)

Having lost my savings once, in the future I'll be more careful with my investments.

在不久的将来 zài bù jiǔ de jiāng lái

expression (soon)

I have no plans to travel in the immediate future because my mother is ill.

在不久的将来 zài bù jiǔ de jiāng lái

expression (soon)

The exam results will be announced in the near future, but we don't know the exact date.

展望未来 zhǎn wàng wèi lái

verbal expression (figurative (make predictions)

The fortune teller claimed she could look into the future.

预见未来 yù jiàn wèi lái

verbal expression (know what will happen)

She claims she can see the future just by reading your hand. If I could see the future, it just might scare me to death.

预知未来 yù zhī wèi lái

verbal expression (predict what will happen)

If I could tell the future it would probably scare me to death.

未来愿景,长远规划 cháng yuǎn guī huà

noun (business strategy or plan) (公司)

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future 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。