英语 中的 hat 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 hat 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 hat 的说明。

英语 中的hat 表示帽 mào, 职责,角色 zhí zé ,jué sè, 一触即发, 绒球帽, 厨师帽, 双角帽, 牛仔帽 niú zǎi mào, 圆顶高帽 yuán dǐng gāo mào, 傻瓜帽, 安全帽 ān quán mào, 建筑工人 jiàn zhù gōng rén, 保守派 bǎo shǒu pài, 保守派的, 头盔 tóu kuī, 头戴安全帽的人,建筑工人 tóu dài ān quán mào de rén,jiàn zhù gōng rén, 强硬保守派 qiáng yìng bǎo shǒu pài, 乞讨 qǐ tǎo, 帽架 mào jià, 立式衣帽架 lì shì yī mào jià, 帽子戏法 mào zi xì fǎ, 接连三次取得成功 jiē lián sān cì qǔ dé chéng gōng, 帽子戏法 mào zi xì fǎ, 踏钹, 势利的人, 势利的 shì lì de, 对…势利, 旧式的,过时的,陈腐的 jiù shì de,guò shí de ,chén fǔ de, 巴拿马草帽 bā ná mǎ cǎo mào, 募捐 mù juān, 缎面礼帽 duàn miàn lǐ mào, 宽边软帽 kuān biān ruǎn mào, 草帽 cǎo mào, 遮阳帽 zhē yáng mào, 游泳帽, 脱帽 tuō mào, 向…脱帽致敬 xiàng tuō mào zhì jìng, 传统牛仔帽, 参加比赛, 高礼帽, 高顶丝质的礼帽 gāo dǐng sī zhì de lǐ mào, 冬帽, 女巫帽。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 hat 的含义

帽 mào

noun (head covering)

She wore a stylish hat on her head.

职责,角色 zhí zé ,jué sè

noun (figurative (role) (比喻)

I have to wear many different hats at my new job.


expression (at the least provocation) (脾气等)

That girl is so emotional, she'll start crying at the drop of a hat.


noun (knitted hat with a pompom)


noun (white starched hat worn by a chef)


noun (historical (man's hat with turned-up brim)

牛仔帽 niú zǎi mào

noun (US cattle herder's headwear)

Bill sat proudly on his horse, with boots on his feet and a cowboy hat on his head.

圆顶高帽 yuán dǐng gāo mào

noun (man's rounded hat)

Men used to wear derbies as part of business attire.


noun (historical (pointed hat worn as punishment)

安全帽 ān quán mào

noun (protective helmet)

Visitors to this building site are required to wear a hard hat at all times.

建筑工人 jiàn zhù gōng rén

noun (US (construction worker)

There was a group of hard hats hanging out at the bar tonight.

保守派 bǎo shǒu pài

noun (US, informal (conservative person)


adjective (US, informal (conservative)

头盔 tóu kuī

noun (protective helmet)

头戴安全帽的人,建筑工人 tóu dài ān quán mào de rén,jiàn zhù gōng rén

noun (US, informal ([sb] who wears a hardhat, esp construction worker) (非正式用语)

强硬保守派 qiáng yìng bǎo shǒu pài

noun (US, slang, figurative (very conservative or patriotic person) (俚语)

乞讨 qǐ tǎo

adverb (figurative (begging)

The budget defecits mean we must go hat in hand to borrow billions from countries like China.

帽架 mào jià

noun (structure to hang hats on)

He hung his hat on the hat rack.

立式衣帽架 lì shì yī mào jià

noun (structure to hang coats or hats on)

He took off his hat and coat and hung them on the hat stand by the door.

帽子戏法 mào zi xì fǎ

noun (figurative (sport: scoring three goals) (体育比赛)

He made it a hat trick by scoring his third goal just before the final whistle.

接连三次取得成功 jiē lián sān cì qǔ dé chéng gōng

noun (figurative (three successes)

I just need one more to get a hat trick.

帽子戏法 mào zi xì fǎ

noun (magic: pulling [sth] from a hat) (从帽子里变出东西来的魔术)

The magician's hat trick drew wild applause from the audience.


noun (music: set of two cymbals) (音乐)


noun (US informal (snobbish person)

势利的 shì lì de

adjective (US informal (snobbish, disdainful)


transitive verb (US informal (treat someone snobbishly)

旧式的,过时的,陈腐的 jiù shì de,guò shí de ,chén fǔ de

adjective (figurative, informal (old-fashioned, out of date)

巴拿马草帽 bā ná mǎ cǎo mào

noun (man's brimmed summer hat)

Panama hats are similar to fedoras in shape.

募捐 mù juān

verbal expression (ask for contributions of money)

After the buskers had stopped playing, they passed the hat round.

缎面礼帽 duàn miàn lǐ mào

noun (men's formal hat) (帽身呈圆筒形的)

宽边软帽 kuān biān ruǎn mào

noun (wide-brimmed felt hat)

草帽 cǎo mào

noun (hat woven from dried stalks)

She was wearing a straw hat to protect her head from the glare of the sun.

遮阳帽 zhē yáng mào

noun (hat worn in sunshine)


noun (swimmer's waterproof hat)

脱帽 tuō mào

verbal expression (remove headgear)

向…脱帽致敬 xiàng tuō mào zhì jìng

verbal expression (figurative, informal (respect, congratulate)

I take my hat off to the inventor of this amazing tool.


noun (large cowboy hat)


verbal expression (figurative (enter a contest)


noun (dated, informal (style of hat)

高顶丝质的礼帽 gāo dǐng sī zhì de lǐ mào

noun (man's tall formal headgear)

The costume includes a black felt top hat, an elegant cane, and white gloves.


noun (woollen hat worn in cold weather)


noun (tall pointed black hat)

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hat 的相关词

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。