英语 中的 lost 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 lost 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 lost 的说明。

英语 中的lost 表示找不到的 zhǎo bú dào de, 迷失方向的, 迷惑的 mí huò de, 不再为人所知的 bú zài wéi rén suǒ zhī de, 死亡的 sǐ wáng de, 迷途的 mí tú de, 失去(亲人)的, 沉浸在…中的 chén jìn zài zhōng de, 遗失 yí shī, 输掉 shū diào, 丧失、失去(…的权利) sàng shī shī qù de quán lì, 使某人损失某物, 亏损 kuī sǔn, 失败 shī bài, 忘记 wàng jì, 使不理解 shǐ bù lǐ jiě, 失去 shī qù, 浪费 làng fèi, 从…手中逃脱 cóng shǒu zhōng táo tuō, 慢 màn, 丢掉 diū diào, 迷路 mí lù, 消失 xiāo shī, 滚蛋!滚开!, 失散已久的, 失败的事情 shī bài de shì qíng, 张口结舌,哑口无言, 消失的, 丢失的 diū shī de, 沉思 chén sī, 在翻译过程中丢失的 zài fān yì guò chéng zhōng diū shī de, 废弃的语言 fèi qì de yǔ yán, 逝去的爱,失落的爱,失去的爱, 遗失行李,丢失的行李, 使...无法理解, 失物招领处, 迷失的人, 堕入地狱的灵魂 duò rù dì yù de líng hún, 让...失去, 不再属于…的 bú zài shǔ yú de, 失去 shī qù, 弥补失去的时间 mí bǔ shī qù de shí jiān, 互相讨厌 hù xiāng tǎo yàn。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 lost 的含义

找不到的 zhǎo bú dào de

adjective (object: misplaced)

I'm trying to find my lost keys.


adjective (disorientated)

My compass isn't working. I'm completely lost.

迷惑的 mí huò de

adjective (figurative, informal (confused)

You look lost. Make sure you read page one first.

不再为人所知的 bú zài wéi rén suǒ zhī de

adjective (no longer known)

Tea and conversation is becoming a lost art.

死亡的 sǐ wáng de

adjective (figurative, euphemism (killed)

So many young men were lost in the Great War.

迷途的 mí tú de

adjective (literary (damned)

Hell is supposedly full of lost souls.


adjective (figurative (bereft)

Shelly was lost after her parents passed away.

沉浸在…中的 chén jìn zài zhōng de

(figurative (engrossed: in [sth])

He was lost in his book.

遗失 yí shī

transitive verb (misplace)

He lost his keys.

输掉 shū diào

transitive verb (fail to win)

They knew that they were going to lose the game.

丧失、失去(…的权利) sàng shī shī qù de quán lì

transitive verb (be deprived of: privilege, right)

They lost their right to use the library because they were so loud.


transitive verb (cause the loss of)

His lack of punctuality lost him his job.

亏损 kuī sǔn

transitive verb (fail to keep: money)

We lost a thousand dollars in the stock market.

失败 shī bài

intransitive verb (fail)

I can't do this job. I'm going to lose again.

忘记 wàng jì

transitive verb (figurative, informal (forget) (非正式用语)

What was her name? I've lost it for the moment.

使不理解 shǐ bù lǐ jiě

transitive verb (figurative, informal (not make understand)

You are losing me. Can you say it again more slowly?

失去 shī qù

transitive verb (figurative, euphemism (be bereaved of: [sb]) (比喻死亡)

She lost her husband to cancer two years ago.

浪费 làng fèi

transitive verb (waste)

If you don't act now, you'll be losing a great opportunity.

从…手中逃脱 cóng shǒu zhōng táo tuō

transitive verb (figurative, informal (evade) (非正式用语)

The bandit lost the police when he entered the forest.

慢 màn

transitive verb (clock: be slow by) (时间)

It's a lovely antique clock, but it loses about ten minutes per week.

丢掉 diū diào

transitive verb (slang, figurative (get rid of) (俚语)

You'd better lose that attitude.

迷路 mí lù

(be disorientated, go the wrong way)

I got lost trying to find your house; all the streets look the same around here.

消失 xiāo shī

(figurative, slang (go away)

She told him to get lost.


interjection (figurative, slang (go away!)

You want to borrow more money from me when you haven´t repaid the last lot? Get lost!


adjective (literary (missing for a long time)

失败的事情 shī bài de shì qíng

noun ([sb], [sth] hopeless)

We may as well give up on the plan; it's a lost cause.


verbal expression (not know what to say) (书面)


adjective (figurative (gone missing, disappear)

丢失的 diū shī de

adjective (figurative (internet, e-mail: disappeared) (邮件)

沉思 chén sī

expression (thinking deeply)

在翻译过程中丢失的 zài fān yì guò chéng zhōng diū shī de

adjective (inadequately conveyed in another language)

Humor is often lost in translation.

废弃的语言 fèi qì de yǔ yán

noun (language that is no longer spoken)

Trying to understand a lost language is like breaking a code. The Rosetta Stone helped us decipher the lost language of the ancient Egyptians.


noun (romantic relationship that has ended)


noun (mislaid baggage)


verbal expression (not be understandable by [sb/sth])

The teacher did his best, but it was clear that his explanations were lost on the class.


noun (room for mislaid objects)


noun ([sb] without purpose)

He has been wandering around like a lost soul.

堕入地狱的灵魂 duò rù dì yù de líng hún

noun (religion: [sb] beyond salvation)

He committed a mortal sin, and now the priest sees him as a lost soul.


verbal expression (not be available to [sb/sth])

Alas, the opportunity of seeing that beautiful building was lost to us when it burned down.

不再属于…的 bú zài shǔ yú de

verbal expression (figurative (beyond reach)

She used to be a committed Christian, but now she is lost to the Church.

失去 shī qù

verbal expression (be insensible to)

His grief for his fallen comrades was so strong that the soldier was lost to all sense of duty.

弥补失去的时间 mí bǔ shī qù de shí jiān

verbal expression (compensate for past inaction)

Her father made up for lost time by buying her lots of presents.

互相讨厌 hù xiāng tǎo yàn

noun (mutual dislike)

There's no love lost between those two. They've always hated each other.

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lost 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。