英语 中的 medicine 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 medicine 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 medicine 的说明。

英语 中的medicine 表示医术 yī shù, 医学 yī xué, 药 yào, 给…服药 gěi … fú yào, 顺势疗法 shùn shì liáo fǎ, 另类疗法, 印度草药医学 yìn dù cǎo yào yī xué, 止咳药, 法医学 fǎ yī xué, 一般内科 yì bān nèi kē, 自食苦果, 草药, 整体医学 zhěng tǐ yī xué, 内科 nèi kē, 医学博士 yī xué bó shì, 健身实心球 jiàn shēn shí xīn qiú, 药柜 yào guì, 药箱 yào xiāng, 巫医,萨满巫师,术士 wū yī,shù shì, 专利药 zhuān lì yào, 行医 xíng yī, 行医 xíng yī, 处方药 chǔ fāng yào, 公费医疗, 承担后果 chéng dān hòu guǒ, 热带病医学 rè dài bìng yī xué, 兽医 shòu yī。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 medicine 的含义

医术 yī shù

noun (science: treating illness)

Modern medicine has made many advances.

医学 yī xué

noun (profession: healthcare) (一种专业)

My brother is studying medicine at university.

药 yào

noun (medication)

Many people take medicine when they are sick.

给…服药 gěi … fú yào

transitive verb (give medicine to)

顺势疗法 shùn shì liáo fǎ

noun (treatments: homeopathic)


noun (treatment: non-conventional)

印度草药医学 yìn dù cǎo yào yī xué

noun (ancient healthcare philosophy)

Ayurvedic medicine is considered to be alternative medicine.


noun (medicine for treating a cough)

法医学 fǎ yī xué

noun (for investigating crime)

Forensic medicine revealed that the deceased had been poisoned with arsenic.

一般内科 yì bān nèi kē

noun (non-surgical branch of medicine)

Most family doctors practice only general medicine.


verbal expression (figurative (punish [sb] using their own methods)


noun (plants as remedies)

整体医学 zhěng tǐ yī xué

noun (alternative treatments)

Holistic medicine requires further scientific research before it becomes widely accepted. Holistic medicine looks at the entire person, not just treating one particular symptom.

内科 nèi kē

noun (specialist diagnosis and treatment of disease)

As a medical student I wanted to specialise in internal medicine rather than surgery. A physician that practices internal medicine is called an internist.

医学博士 yī xué bó shì

noun (initialism (Doctor of Medicine) (缩略语)

If you need a good pediatrician, try Dr. Shaw, MD.

健身实心球 jiàn shēn shí xīn qiú

noun (ball used in weight training)

The physical therapist had her use a medicine ball to strengthen her abdomen.

药柜 yào guì

noun (cupboard where medication is stored)

I went through the medicine cabinet and threw out anything that was out of date.

药箱 yào xiāng

noun (bathroom cabinet)

I keep my pills in the medicine chest. Can you get a bandage from the medicine chest for me?

巫医,萨满巫师,术士 wū yī,shù shì

noun (shaman, magician)

专利药 zhuān lì yào

noun (US (no prescription)

Quack doctors travelled the West selling patent medicines that didn't cure anything but the doctor's pocketbook.

行医 xíng yī

verbal expression (work as a doctor)

He practices medicine at St. Patrick Hospital.

行医 xíng yī

noun (work of a doctor)

The practice of medicine has made great advances in recent years.

处方药 chǔ fāng yào

noun (medication available on doctor's order)

It is always a good idea to take a list of all your prescription medicines with you when you visit your doctor.


noun (US, uncountable (universal health care system)

承担后果 chéng dān hòu guǒ

verbal expression (figurative (accept bad consequences)

I guess I should tell the boss about my mistake and take my medicine. You've broken the rules, and now you have to take your medicine.

热带病医学 rè dài bìng yī xué

noun (study of diseases of the tropics)

Tropical medicine deals with diseases that are rarely seen in the US.

兽医 shòu yī

noun (treatment of sick animals)

He loved animals so much that he decided to study veterinary medicine.

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medicine 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。