英语 中的 quiet 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 quiet 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 quiet 的说明。

英语 中的quiet 表示安静的,清静的 ān jìng de ,qīng jìng de, 轻柔的 qīng róu de, 安静的,宁静的 ān jìng de ,níng jìng de, 文静的,温和的,平和的 wén jìng de ,wēn hé de ,píng hé de, 静下来 jìng xià lái, 冷清的,清淡的 lěng qīng de,qīng dàn de, 素雅的 sù yǎ de, 隐秘的 yǐn mì de, 悠闲的 yōu xián de, 安静,清净 ān jìng,qīng jìng, 安静 ān jìng, 冷清,清静 lěng qīng,qīng jìng, 变安静 biàn ān jìng, 使安静 shǐ ān jìng, 小声一点,放低音量, 安静下来 ān jìng xià lái, 不说话 bù shuō huà, 别说话了!安静点! bié shuō huà le ān jìng diǎn, 保持沉默 bǎo chí chén mò, 不说话,不吭气 bù shuō huà, 保守秘密 bǎo shǒu mì mì, 使…保持安静 shǐ bǎo chí ān jìng, 安宁 ān níng, 安静时刻,宁静时光。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 quiet 的含义

安静的,清静的 ān jìng de ,qīng jìng de

adjective (not noisy) (不嘈杂的)

Libraries are quiet places.

轻柔的 qīng róu de

adjective (not loud)

Oscar has a quiet voice. I listened to the quiet murmur of the stream in the background.

安静的,宁静的 ān jìng de ,níng jìng de

adjective (calm, peaceful) (指环境)

I looked for a quiet spot in the park.

文静的,温和的,平和的 wén jìng de ,wēn hé de ,píng hé de

adjective (person: gentle, reserved) (指人的性格)

Sam is a quiet man.

静下来 jìng xià lái

intransitive verb (be quiet)

Quiet! People are taking a test.

冷清的,清淡的 lěng qīng de,qīng dàn de

adjective (lacking customers) (生意)

Business had been quiet for months.

素雅的 sù yǎ de

adjective (not eye-catching)

She wore a quiet dress to the funeral.

隐秘的 yǐn mì de

adjective (hidden)

They found a quiet glade in the forest, and stopped to rest there.

悠闲的 yōu xián de

adjective (enjoyed in peace)

I like a quiet cup of coffee in the morning.

安静,清净 ān jìng,qīng jìng

noun (lack of noise) (无嘈杂声)

The quiet in the library was relaxing.

安静 ān jìng

noun (calm, tranquillity)

I'm looking for some peace and quiet.

冷清,清静 lěng qīng,qīng jìng

noun (lack of disturbances) (无人活动)

Mom enjoys the quiet of an empty house.

变安静 biàn ān jìng

intransitive verb (become quiet)

The crowd quieted when the concert began.

使安静 shǐ ān jìng

transitive verb (make quiet)

The father quieted his baby's crying.


phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (stop talking so loudly) (说话)

Please quiet down! I can't hear myself think over your chatter.

安静下来 ān jìng xià lái

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (become less active)

The shops always quiet down after the New Year.

不说话 bù shuō huà

intransitive verb (stop talking, not speak)

Once they started drawing with their crayons, the children were very quiet.

别说话了!安静点! bié shuō huà le ān jìng diǎn

interjection (stop talking or making a noise)

Be quiet! I can't hear what the teacher is saying!

保持沉默 bǎo chí chén mò

(not make a noise)

Small animals keep quiet until their predators are gone.

不说话,不吭气 bù shuō huà

(person: say nothing)

I really didn't feel like arguing the point with the boss so I just kept quiet.

保守秘密 bǎo shǒu mì mì

(informal (not reveal a secret)

If I tell you my secret, can I trust you to keep quiet?

使…保持安静 shǐ bǎo chí ān jìng

(prevent from making noise)

Please try to keep those children quiet - this is a church, not a playground!

安宁 ān níng

noun (calm, lack of interruptions)


noun (period of silent reflection)

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。