英语 中的 risk 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 risk 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 risk 的说明。

英语 中的risk 表示引起危险的事物,危害之源 yǐn qǐ wēi xiǎn de shì wù,wēi hài zhī yuán, 风险 fēng xiǎn, 冒…风险 mào fēng xiǎn, 把...作赌注 bǎ ... zuò dǔ zhù, 冒…的风险 mào de fēng xiǎn, 险种 xiǎn zhǒng, 法律风险, 处于危险中地 chǔ yú wēi xiǎn zhōng de, 处于险境的 chǔ yú xiǎn jìng de, 处于...的危险境地, 由自己负责, 值得冒险的, 权衡利弊后认为值得承担的风险 quán héng lì bì hòu rèn wéi zhí de chéng dān de fēng xiǎn, 流失风险, 火灾风险 huǒ zāi fēng xiǎn, 高风险的 gāo fēng xiǎn de, 低风险,低危, 构成风险,构成危险, 对…构成风险,对…构成危险, 使处于危险境地 shǐ chǔ yú wēi xiǎn jìng dì, 使陷入…的风险, 风险评估, 规避风险的, 风险负担的, 风险资本 fēng xiǎn zī běn, 风险管理 fēng xiǎn guǎn lǐ, 冒险的人 mào xiǎn de rén, 拿你自己的性命冒险 ná nǐ zì jǐ de xìng mìng mào xiǎn, 对...进行风险管理, 冒险 mào xiǎn, 冒险 mào xiǎn, 冒...的风险, 国家安全隐患 guó jiā ān quán yǐn huàn, 冒险 mào xiǎn, 冒险去..., 值得冒险的。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 risk 的含义

引起危险的事物,危害之源 yǐn qǐ wēi xiǎn de shì wù,wēi hài zhī yuán

noun (hazard)

Riding a bicycle without a helmet is a risk I prefer to avoid.
ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 行李可以托运,但风险由所有人自行承担。

风险 fēng xiǎn

noun (degree of danger)

What is the risk of breast cancer in women aged 50-60?

冒…风险 mào fēng xiǎn

transitive verb (expose to danger)

You're risking your life by driving at that speed.

把...作赌注 bǎ ... zuò dǔ zhù

transitive verb (court the loss of)

I risked all my money in the casino.

冒…的风险 mào de fēng xiǎn

transitive verb (court danger of)

I risked bankruptcy with that last deal.

险种 xiǎn zhǒng

noun (insurance: type of loss) (保险)

This insurance policy covers us against the risk of fire and theft.


noun (law: chance of loss)

The attorney evaluated the risk with his client.

处于危险中地 chǔ yú wēi xiǎn zhōng de

adverb (in danger)

Driving while drunk puts people's lives at risk.

处于险境的 chǔ yú xiǎn jìng de

adjective (in danger)

Urban women in the age group of 30-45 years have emerged as an at-risk population for heart diseases.


expression (having increased chance of: [sth] bad)

People who smoke are at increased risk for cancer.


adverb (without anyone else being liable)

Swim in the river at your own risk.


verbal expression (merit possible danger or loss)

I know it seems expensive but I know it will increase in value so I think it will be worth the risk.

权衡利弊后认为值得承担的风险 quán héng lì bì hòu rèn wéi zhí de chéng dān de fēng xiǎn

noun (chance taken)

We took a calculated risk and drove to Bob's house in the hope that he would be there.


noun (chance a customer will switch)

The churn risk is the customer's likelihood to defect and switch to another company.

火灾风险 huǒ zāi fēng xiǎn

noun ([sth] that can cause a fire)

Throwing a cigarette out of the car window is a fire risk.

高风险的 gāo fēng xiǎn de

adjective (very dangerous)

Motorcycle racing is a high-risk sport.


noun (involving little danger)

I have a low risk pregnancy.


verbal expression (be dangerous)


verbal expression (endanger)

Neil's reckless behaviour poses a risk to everyone on the team.

使处于危险境地 shǐ chǔ yú wēi xiǎn jìng dì

verbal expression (endanger)

You have put our lives at risk by driving so carelessly.


verbal expression (expose to)

We were put at risk of severe sunburn, working outdoors at midday.


noun (evaluation of likely losses)

The company won't begin the project until a risk assessment is completed.


adjective (investor: chooses lower risk)

Risk-averse investors tend to avoid investments with high volatility.


adjective (involving potential loss)

The bank filed a report on its risk-bearing capacity.

风险资本 fēng xiǎn zī běn

noun (econ: money invested in a new venture)

Entrepreneurs are finding risk capital increasingly difficult to come by.

风险管理 fēng xiǎn guǎn lǐ

noun (investment: minimizing loss)

Risk management is the process of assessing risks and taking steps either to eliminate or reduce them.

冒险的人 mào xiǎn de rén

noun ([sb] who lives dangerously)

I wasn't surprised when John sank all his money into that new business venture; he's always been a risk taker.

拿你自己的性命冒险 ná nǐ zì jǐ de xìng mìng mào xiǎn

verbal expression (do [sth] extremely dangerous)

You risk your life when you drive too quickly.


transitive verb (control potential losses)

The manager wants to improve the way in which the company risk-manages its business.

冒险 mào xiǎn

noun (courting danger or loss)

Sandra has never been keen on risk-taking.

冒险 mào xiǎn

verbal expression (expose yourself to a danger)

I could leave my kids home alone while I go to the store, but I don't want to run the risk.


verbal expression (expose yourself to the danger of)

You run the risk of becoming dehydrated if you don't drink enough liquids.

国家安全隐患 guó jiā ān quán yǐn huàn

noun (potential danger to state security)

Foreign nationals who are considered to be a security risk will be deported.

冒险 mào xiǎn

verbal expression (gamble, accept potential danger)

I can't imagine why you would take the risk.


verbal expression (do [sth] despite danger)

Do you think it's wise to take the risk of starting a business in the current economic climate?


adjective (meriting possible danger or loss)

Scientists who chase tornadoes believe that the amount of information they gather makes it worth the risk.

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risk 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。