英语 中的 tapped 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 tapped 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 tapped 的说明。

英语 中的tapped 表示被窃听的, 水龙头 shuǐ lóng tóu, 轻叩,轻敲 qīng kòu,qīng qiāo, 轻拍 qīng pāi, 轻轻叩击 qīng qīng kòu jī, 轻敲 qīng qiāo, 有节奏地轻敲,打拍子 yǒu jié zòu de qīng qiāo,dǎ pāi zi, 塞子,拴赛 sāi zi ,shuān sài, 搭线窃听 dā xiàn qiè tīng, 螺丝攻 luó sī gōng, 踢踏舞 tī tā wǔ, 熄灯号, 轻敲 qīng qiāo, 任命 rèn mìng, 开发 kāi fā, 割出切口导出液体 gē chū qiē kǒu dǎo chū yè tǐ, 放出 fàng chū, 在…里面攻出螺纹 zài … lǐ miàn gōng chū luó wén, 搭线窃听 dā xiàn qiè tīng, 开发,开发利用 kāi fā, 向…索要, 借。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 tapped 的含义


adjective (phone: wiretapped) (指电话)

The spy detected the tapped phone and discarded it.

水龙头 shuǐ lóng tóu

noun (water faucet)

Robert turned on the tap and let the water run into the sink.

轻叩,轻敲 qīng kòu,qīng qiāo

noun (knock made with finger) (用手指)

Linda heard a tap at the window and looked up to see the postman with a parcel for her.

轻拍 qīng pāi

noun (poke or pat) (肩部等)

Jim felt Peter's tap on his shoulder and turned to see what he wanted.

轻轻叩击 qīng qīng kòu jī

transitive verb (rap with fingers) (用手指)

Jessica tapped the door before going in.

轻敲 qīng qiāo

transitive verb (poke, pat)

Harry went up to Catherine and tapped her on the shoulder. Beth tapped the icon for the app she wanted to open on her phone screen.

有节奏地轻敲,打拍子 yǒu jié zòu de qīng qiāo,dǎ pāi zi

transitive verb (music: mark beats with foot, etc.) (随着音乐)

The music started and soon everyone was tapping their feet.

塞子,拴赛 sāi zi ,shuān sài

noun (draught: for beer) (酒桶等的)

The barman poured a pint from the tap.

搭线窃听 dā xiàn qiè tīng

noun (informal, abbreviation (bug, wiretap) (对电话、电报的)

Caroline suspected someone had a tap on her phone.

螺丝攻 luó sī gōng

noun (metal cutting tool)

Jason used a tap to cut the threads in the nut.

踢踏舞 tī tā wǔ

noun (tap-dancing)

Stephen does both ballet and tap.


plural noun (mainly US (nighttime bugle signal in camp)

At taps, all the lights were extinguished.

轻敲 qīng qiāo

transitive verb (type: on keyboard) (在键盘上)

The secretary was tapping the keys.

任命 rèn mìng

transitive verb (US, figurative (designate, single out)

Senior figures in the party have tapped the young senator as a possible future president.

开发 kāi fā

transitive verb (figurative (make use of)

The manager wanted to tap his team's potential.

割出切口导出液体 gē chū qiē kǒu dǎo chū yè tǐ

transitive verb (pierce to draw out sap) (树)

The tree surgeon tapped the trunk of the big maple.

放出 fàng chū

transitive verb (draw liquid by opening faucet) (打开旋塞)

The Smith family tap their water from a natural spring.

在…里面攻出螺纹 zài … lǐ miàn gōng chū luó wén

transitive verb (cut screw threads)

Julie tapped a piece of metal to make a nut.

搭线窃听 dā xiàn qiè tīng

transitive verb (informal, abbreviation (wiretap, bug)

Adrian suspected someone was tapping his calls.

开发,开发利用 kāi fā

transitive verb (resource: exploit) (资源)

The mine owner was pleased to hear the workers were tapping a new vein.

向…索要, 借

(slang (money: borrow from) (尤指钱)

The teenager tapped her mother for £20.

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。