英语 中的 topped 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 topped 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 topped 的说明。

英语 中的topped 表示上面有...的, ...涂层的, 上面加...的, ...表面的, 表面是...的, 顶部,顶端 dǐng bù,dǐng duān, 上部,上端 shàng bù,shàng duān, 最高的,最顶端的 zuì gāo de ,zuì dǐng duān de, 最高的 zuì gāo de, 顶点,顶峰,巅峰 dǐng diǎn,dǐng fēng,diān fēng, 主要的 zhǔ yào de, 第一流的 dì yī liú de, 最前面,顶端 zuì qián miàn,dǐng duān, 上装, 上衣 shàng yī, 最多 zuì duō, 最高点 zuì gāo diǎn, 头顶 tóu dǐng, 盖 gài, 盖子,帽 gài zi ,mào, 顶层,楼顶 dǐng céng,lóu dǐng, 最好的球员, 居首位的人, 顶部,前列 dǐng bù, 上衣,上身 shàng yī ,shàng shēn, 头 tóu, 一局比赛的前半局 yì jú bǐ sài de qián bàn jú, 前三位击球手 qián sān wèi jī qiú shǒu, 陀螺 tuó luó, 长出地面的部分, 茎叶, 叶,茎 yè ,jīng, 精华 jīng huá, 给…加顶部 gěi jiā dǐng bù, 超过 chāo guò, 领先 lǐng xiān, 高过 gāo guò, 击球的上部, 给...截顶, 越过 yuè guò, 加上 jiā shàng, 平顶的, 敞篷的。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 topped 的含义


adjective (as suffix (with [sth] on top)

The snow-topped mountains look so pretty in the evening light.


adjective (as suffix (food: with specified topping)

My dad makes a delicious chocolate-topped flapjack.


(food: with specified topping)

The waiter brought us a plate of vanilla cupcakes topped with buttercream.


adjective (as suffix (with specified surface)

This glass-topped dining table seats six people.


(with specified surface)

All the kitchen counters are topped with zinc.

顶部,顶端 dǐng bù,dǐng duān

noun (highest part)

The gardener pruned the top of the tree. // The chapter begins at the top of the page. // Audrey went to the top of the tower.

上部,上端 shàng bù,shàng duān

noun (uppermost part)

Veronica polished the top of the table until it gleamed.

最高的,最顶端的 zuì gāo de ,zuì dǐng duān de

adjective (highest)

He stood on the top rung of the ladder.

最高的 zuì gāo de

adjective (maximum)

The car reached its top speed.

顶点,顶峰,巅峰 dǐng diǎn,dǐng fēng,diān fēng

noun (figurative (highest point)

The young lawyer is at the top of his career.

主要的 zhǔ yào de

adjective (figurative (principal)

People are our top priority.

第一流的 dì yī liú de

adjective (figurative (greatest, best)

Paul Robeson was one of the top bass singers of the 20th century.

最前面,顶端 zuì qián miàn,dǐng duān

noun (head of a list) (列表、目录等)

This task is at the top of my list of things to do.


noun (garment for upper body)

I need to find a top to match my skirt.

上衣 shàng yī

noun (bra of a bikini) (比基尼)

She tied her bikini top.

最多 zuì duō

adverb (slang (maximum)

I'll be there in 10 minutes, tops.

最高点 zuì gāo diǎn

noun (apex)

The ball reached the top of its arc.

头顶 tóu dǐng

noun (crown: of the head)

I gave the boy a pat on the top of his head.

盖 gài

noun (bottle cap)

She took the top off the bottle.

盖子,帽 gài zi ,mào

noun (lid of container) (容器)

Please put the top on the box.

顶层,楼顶 dǐng céng,lóu dǐng

noun (roof: of a building) (建筑物)

The birds perched on the top of the building.

最好的球员, 居首位的人

noun (figurative (first place: in a league) (球队俱乐部)

Joe is at the top of the league in scoring.

顶部,前列 dǐng bù

noun (number 1: in music charts) (排行榜)

The singer's new record is the top of the charts.

上衣,上身 shàng yī ,shàng shēn

noun (upper part of dress) (裙装)

The top of this dress is fitted, while the skirt is flared.

头 tóu

noun (figurative, informal (beginning)

Let's sing it from the top.

一局比赛的前半局 yì jú bǐ sài de qián bàn jú

noun (baseball: first half of an inning) (棒球)

We scored in the top of the second inning.

前三位击球手 qián sān wèi jī qiú shǒu

noun (baseball: first three batters) (棒球)

Steve is batting in the top of the lineup.

陀螺 tuó luó

noun (child's spinning toy)

The children played with traditional toys, such as tops and jacks.

长出地面的部分, 茎叶

plural noun (leaves of a carrot) (胡萝卜等)

Rabbits ate the tops of the carrots.

叶,茎 yè ,jīng

plural noun (green part of spring onions) (直根作物的)

The chef garnished the soup with onion tops and bacon.

精华 jīng huá

plural noun (slang (the best)

Thanks for all my birthday presents; you're the tops!

给…加顶部 gěi jiā dǐng bù

transitive verb (crown)

The cook topped the cake with a cherry.

超过 chāo guò

transitive verb (figurative, informal (surpass)

This extraordinary young cyclist has just topped his personal speed record!

领先 lǐng xiān

transitive verb (be the best among)

The student topped his class.

高过 gāo guò

transitive verb (informal (exceed in size)

The new building will top the old tower by two storeys.


transitive verb (hit: a golf ball)

The golfer topped the ball into the sand trap.


transitive verb (prune: top of a tree) (树木等)

The gardener topped the tree.

越过 yuè guò

transitive verb (leap over)

The highjumper easily topped the bar.

加上 jiā shàng

(put a top layer on)

The chef topped the pizza with strong cheese.


adjective (flat upper part)


adjective (vehicle: roof can be opened)

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topped 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。