英语 中的 trade 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 trade 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 trade 的说明。

英语 中的trade 表示贸易 mào yì, 行业 háng yè, 手工艺 shǒu gōng yì, 手工行业, 交易 jiāo yì, 用…换…,用…交换…, 做生意 zuò shēng yì, 和…做生意 hé zuò shēng yì, 与某人交换某物, 做股票交易 zuò gǔ piào jiāo yì, 交易 jiāo yì, 顾客 gù kè, 交易商 jiāo yì shāng, 行业的 háng yè de, 商业的 shāng yè de, 平装的 píng zhuāng de, 信风, 贸易风, 出售,销售,卖 chū shòu,xiāo shòu,mài, 交易 jiāo yì, 买卖, 出售, 做…生意, 以旧换新, 以某物换取某物, 利用 lì yòng, 交易 jiāo yì, 用...交换, 贸易差额 mào yì chā é, 同业公会 tóng yè gōng huì, 建筑业 jiàn zhú yè, 总量管制与排放交易的, 欧洲自由贸易协会, 公平交易 gōng píng jiāo yì, 公平的交易,互不吃亏的交易 gōng píng de jiāo yì,hù bù chī kuī de jiāo yì, 公平贸易 gōng píng mào yì, 对外贸易,外贸, 自由贸易 zì yóu mào yì, 自由贸易区 zì yóu mào yì qū, 联邦贸易委员会, 林鼠, 互惠贸易 hù huì mào yì, 零售 líng shòu, 贩卖奴隶 fàn mài nú lì, 贩奴的, 香料贸易 xiāng liào mào yì, 设备 shè bèi, 惯用手段, 贸易协议 mào yì xié yì, 贸易协会 mào yì xié huì, 贸易差额 mào yì chā é, 贸易壁垒, 贸易逆差 mào yì nì chā, 产品包装,商业外观, 商品交易会 shāng pǐn jiāo yì huì, 贸易逆差 mào yì nì chā, 行业杂志 háng yè zá zhì, 商业杂志 shāng yè zá zhì, 商务营销 shāng wù yíng xiāo, 贸易任务, 商品名 shāng pǐn míng, 给…起名,给…命名, 以某物换取某物, 交易 jiāo yì, 平衡、, 职业学校 zhí yè xué xiào, 秘诀 mì jué, 商业秘密 shāng yè mì mì, 展位, 工会 gōng huì, 工会制,工会制度, 以...换..., 信风 xìn fēng, 折价物, 升级换购, 生意经,做生意的诀窍 shēng yì jīng,zuò shēng yì de jué qiào, 世界贸易中心, 世界贸易组织,世贸组织 shì jiè mào yì zǔ zhī,shì mào zǔ zhī。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 trade 的含义

贸易 mào yì

noun (commerce)

International trade has been increasing over the last few years.

行业 háng yè

noun (profession)

He's one of the best doctors in the trade.

手工艺 shǒu gōng yì

noun (handicraft)

The printer's trade has changed since the days of metal type. Not everyone wants to pursue an intellectual career and many young people with manual skills go into trade.


plural noun (business: manual work)

After completing an apprenticeship, he got a job in the trades.

交易 jiāo yì

transitive verb (mainly US (swap: exchange)

Want to trade baseball cards with me?


(mainly US (swap: exchange [sth] for [sth] else)

He traded his bar of chocolate for her biscuit.

做生意 zuò shēng yì

intransitive verb (do business)

Our company has been trading for over fifty years.

和…做生意 hé zuò shēng yì

(do business with)

I trade with him from time to time.


(informal (exchange or swop [sth] with)

Jack traded the cow with a merchant for a handful of beans.

做股票交易 zuò gǔ piào jiāo yì

intransitive verb (deal in the stock market)

What does he do in the city? Does he trade?

交易 jiāo yì

noun (informal (exchange)

I like your coat. Do you want to do a trade for my new skirt?

顾客 gù kè

noun (customers)

Let them have the table cheap. They are good trade.

交易商 jiāo yì shāng

noun (informal (people involved in a trade)

We sell wholesale to them because they are trade.

行业的 háng yè de

noun as adjective (professional)

The trade magazine was read by everybody in the industry.

商业的 shāng yè de

noun as adjective (business to business)

This is a trade newsletter, which we send to similar businesses.

平装的 píng zhuāng de

noun as adjective (edition: for general sale)

A trade edition is one intended for general distribution to the public.

信风, 贸易风

plural noun (trade winds) (常用复数)

The trades usually helped the merchant ships to sail faster.

出售,销售,卖 chū shòu,xiāo shòu,mài


This company trades in industrial machinery.

交易 jiāo yì

transitive verb (buy and sell)

This shop trades second-hand video games.

买卖, 出售, 做…生意

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (sell, deal in)

He trades in stocks and bonds.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (exchange as part-payment for [sth]) (旧商品)

I traded my old car in for a new one.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (exploit for sales)

Counterfeiters trade off brand name reputations.

利用 lì yòng

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (exploit)

交易 jiāo yì

phrasal verb, intransitive (exchange [sth] for [sth] of higher value)


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (exchange for [sth] of higher value) (指用价低之物换进价高之物)

贸易差额 mào yì chā é

noun (difference: imports, imports)

The growth in imports has lead to a worsening of the balance of trade.

同业公会 tóng yè gōng huì

noun (business association)

建筑业 jiàn zhú yè

noun (construction industry)


adjective (denoting carbon trading) (碳排放交易)


noun (initialism (European Free Trade Association)

公平交易 gōng píng jiāo yì

noun (legal or ethical commerce)

Fair trade combines good prices for farmers with strict environmental standards.

公平的交易,互不吃亏的交易 gōng píng de jiāo yì,hù bù chī kuī de jiāo yì

noun (informal (satisfactory exchange) (非正式用语)

20 Canadian dollars for 20 US dollars is not a fair trade.

公平贸易 gōng píng mào yì

noun as adjective (ethical)

James buys fair trade products whenever he can.


noun (international commerce)

自由贸易 zì yóu mào yì

noun (unrestricted commerce)

The USA has a free trade agreement with Mexico and Canada.

自由贸易区 zì yóu mào yì qū

noun (country: unrestricted commerce)

The purpose of NAFTA is to make North America a free trade area.


noun (US, initialism (Federal Trade Commission)


noun (animal: Neotoma cinerea)

互惠贸易 hù huì mào yì

noun (exchange of trade between nations)

We've come to a reciprocal trade agreement with Bulgaria. Japan and the United States sometimes disagree about what is fair concerning reciprocal trade.

零售 líng shòu

noun (shop selling)

贩卖奴隶 fàn mài nú lì

noun (trafficking in people)


noun as adjective (relating to people-trafficking)

The number of slave-trade convictions has risen in recent years.

香料贸易 xiāng liào mào yì

noun (buying and selling of spices)

The spice trade encouraged early sailors to circumnavigate the globe.

设备 shè bèi

noun (items used in performing a job) (职业所需)


noun (figurative (person: characteristic ability)

贸易协议 mào yì xié yì

noun (commercial treaty between nations)

The UK and the USA are working on a new trade agreement.

贸易协会 mào yì xié huì

noun (group representing an industry)

The soft drink trade association will have a meeting next Wednesday.

贸易差额 mào yì chā é

noun (imports compared to exports)

Despite fluctuations, China's trade balance looks healthy.


noun ([sth] that restricts international trading)

贸易逆差 mào yì nì chā

noun (econ: imports exceed exports)


noun (business: product's appearance)

A product's trade dress is important because it attracts consumers.

商品交易会 shāng pǐn jiāo yì huì

noun (exhibition by a particular industry)

Company reps demonstrated the new software at the trade fair.

贸易逆差 mào yì nì chā

noun (difference in value between nation's imports and exports) (进口大于出口)

The United States is very worried about its large trade gap with China.

行业杂志 háng yè zá zhì

noun (periodical of a profession)

The Grocer is the UK's leading trade journal for the retail industry.

商业杂志 shāng yè zá zhì

noun (periodical of a particular business field)

The soft drink trade magazine will be distributed freely a week before the trade fair takes place.

商务营销 shāng wù yíng xiāo

noun (promoting to retailers)


noun (commercial business trip)

商品名 shāng pǐn míng

noun (brand name, proprietary name)

Prescription drugs have both trade names and generic names.


transitive verb (give brand name to) (产品、商品)


verbal expression (figurative (sacrifice for [sth])

The new speakers look stylish, but I would not trade off the sound for the appearance.

交易 jiāo yì

noun (exchange)

The tradeoff is that I will teach you Dutch in exchange for Russian lessons.


noun (figurative (compromise)

We proposed a tradeoff that both sides could agree to.

职业学校 zhí yè xué xiào


秘诀 mì jué

noun (figurative, informal (helpful hint) (比喻,非正式用语)

商业秘密 shāng yè mì mì

noun (inside information)

Most companies refuse to reveal their trade secrets.


noun (stall at a business exhibition)

工会 gōng huì

noun (worker's syndicate)

The trade union has voted to strike on two weekends in March.


noun (collective bargaining)

The car industry has a long tradition of trade unionism.


verbal expression (exchange: for [sth] of higher value)

信风 xìn fēng

noun (often plural (easterly wind in tropics) (常用复数)

We waited for favourable trade winds before setting out to cross the Atlantic.


noun ([sth] exchanged)


noun (exchange for upgraded version of [sth])

生意经,做生意的诀窍 shēng yì jīng,zuò shēng yì de jué qiào

plural noun (expert techniques)

She'll be spending the first three weeks learning the tricks of the trade.


noun (US (New York: business district) (纽约)

世界贸易组织,世贸组织 shì jiè mào yì zǔ zhī,shì mào zǔ zhī

noun (initialism (World Trade Organization) (首字母缩写)

Trade Ministers from the 149 member states of the WTO met in Hong Kong.

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trade 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。