英语 中的 being 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 being 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 being 的说明。

英语 中的being 表示生物 shēng wù, 存在 cún zài, 本质 běn zhì, 是 shì, [表示状态, 性质], 存在 cún zài, 在 zài, 是发生在 shì fā shēng zài, 是 shì, 有 yǒu, [与现在分词连用, [与现在分词连用, [与过去分词连用, 值 zhí, 来,去 lái,qù, [用于祈使句], 感觉,感到 gǎn jué ,gǎn dào, 是 shì, 是 shì, 使某事物产生 shǐ mǒu shì wù chǎn shēng, 出生 chū shēng, 产生 chǎn shēng, 产生,形成 chǎn shēng,xíng chéng, 人类同胞, 暂时 zàn shí, 人 rén, 人类 rén lèi, 内心 nèi xīn, 容易遭受, 活物 huó wù, 灵魂的存在体 líng hún de cún zài tǐ, 超自然存在 chāo zì rán cún zài, 上天,上帝 shàng tiān,shàng dì, 上帝 shàng dì, 虽然这么说, 既然如此,既然这样,这样一来 jì rán rú cǐ,jì rán zhè yàng,zhè yàng yì lái, 既然如此,既然这样,这样一来 jì rán rú cǐ,jì rán zhè yàng,zhè yàng yì lái, 安康 ān kāng。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 being 的含义

生物 shēng wù

noun (creature)

Many people believe that the galaxy is full of intelligent beings.

存在 cún zài

noun (existence)

Philosophers debate the meaning of being.

本质 běn zhì

noun (nature, self)

Theresa hates liars with every fibre of her being.

是 shì

intransitive verb (nature) (表示自然属性、本质)

My mother is short.

[表示状态, 性质]

intransitive verb (state)

Barry is ill. // Audrey is hungry. // Tania is right.

存在 cún zài

intransitive verb (exist)

There is a woman of 101 in the house opposite.
对面房子里住着一位 101 岁的老太太。

在 zài

intransitive verb (be located)

The butter is on the table.

是发生在 shì fā shēng zài

intransitive verb (event: occur) (表示时间)

The play is at eight o'clock.

是 shì

intransitive verb (equates two noun phrases) (表示所属(职业))

She is a police officer.

有 yǒu

intransitive verb (condition: age) (表示年龄)

Robert is ten years old.


auxiliary verb (with present participle: continuous)

Teresa is eating her dinner at the moment.


auxiliary verb (with present participle: future)

We are playing tennis this weekend.


auxiliary verb (with past participle: passive)

My wallet was stolen yesterday.

值 zhí

intransitive verb (cost) (表示花费)

It is seven dollars. That will be ten pounds, please.

来,去 lái,qù

intransitive verb (have been: go, gone) (用于完成时)

I have been to Rome.


intransitive verb (imperative)

Be quiet! Be reasonable!

感觉,感到 gǎn jué ,gǎn dào

intransitive verb (feel) (人)

I'm dizzy after that rollercoaster ride.

是 shì

intransitive verb (time) (时间)

It's half past eight.

是 shì

intransitive verb (weather) (天气)

It's cold today; you'll need your hat and gloves.

使某事物产生 shǐ mǒu shì wù chǎn shēng

transitive verb (create, begin [sth])

出生 chū shēng

verbal expression (be born)

The Internet didn't just come into being spontaneously. It is the result of decades of research and development.

产生 chǎn shēng

verbal expression (be created)

产生,形成 chǎn shēng,xíng chéng

noun (birth, creation)


noun ([sb] else who is experiencing life)

暂时 zàn shí

expression (temporarily)

My car fell apart so I'm using my bicycle for the time being.

人 rén

noun (person: distinct from animals)

The kind way she treats people makes her a real human being.

人类 rén lèi

noun (homo sapiens)

The earliest human beings lived in Africa.

内心 nèi xīn

noun (soul)

When the musician is playing his instrument, he is expressing the feelings of his innermost being.


verbal expression (be vulnerable to)

If you leave your cattle out in open range at night they are liable to being snatched by wolves.

活物 huó wù

noun (creature: animal or person)

No living being should ever be treated that way.

灵魂的存在体 líng hún de cún zài tǐ

noun (supernatural entity)

超自然存在 chāo zì rán cún zài

noun (spirit, ghost)

上天,上帝 shàng tiān,shàng dì

noun (god) (首字母大写)

Most religions include the belief in a supreme being.

上帝 shàng dì

noun (Christian god)

God the Father is the Supreme Being in whom we believe and whom we worship.


adverb (having said that, however)

既然如此,既然这样,这样一来 jì rán rú cǐ,jì rán zhè yàng,zhè yàng yì lái

adverb (if or since that is true)

The situation there is becoming extremely dangerous. That being so, I will avoid going there.

既然如此,既然这样,这样一来 jì rán rú cǐ,jì rán zhè yàng,zhè yàng yì lái

adverb (therefore)

He's a convicted rapist. That being the case, he shouldn't be allowed to live anywhere where he could attack other women.

安康 ān kāng

noun (health, happiness)

Parents should ensure the well-being of their children.

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being 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。