英语 中的 clear 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 clear 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 clear 的说明。

英语 中的clear 表示透明的 tòu míng de, 明确的 míng què de, 清楚的 qīng chǔ de, 清晰的 qīng xī de, 不受遮挡的 bú shòu zhē dǎng de, 清澈的 qīng chè de, 明净无瑕的, 疏通 shū tōng, 收拾 shōu shí, 清除 qīng chú, 晴朗的 qíng lǎng de, 明净的 míng jìng de, 纯净的,清澈的,纯色的 chún jìng de,qīng chè de ,chún sè de, 明确的 míng què de, 问心无愧的 wèn xīn wú kuì de, 宁静的 níng jìng de, 纯的 chún de, 未加密的 wèi jiā mì de, 领先的 lǐng xiān de, 不欠账的 bú qiàn zhàng de, 远离 yuǎn lí, 空地 kòng dì, 变晴朗 biàn qíng lǎng, 结清,结算,清帐 jié qīng,jié suàn,qīng zhàng, 变清楚,变清醒 biàn qīng chǔ,biàn qīng xǐng, 收拾餐桌 shōu shí cān zhuō, 从…中清除 cóng … zhōng qīng chú, 澄清 chéng qīng, 驱逐 qū zhú, 解开 jiě kāi, 越过 yuè guò, 越过 yuè guò, 从…下通过 cóng xià tōng guò, 通过 tōng guò, 把…过滤干净 bǎ guō lǜ gān jìng, 洗清…嫌疑 xǐ qīng xián yí, 批准 pī zhǔn, 净赚 jìng zhuàn, 偿清(债务) cháng qīng ( zhài wù ), 承兑 chéng duì, 通过 tōng guò, 撤离 chè lí, 清空(日程安排), 消散,散去 xiāo sàn ,sàn qù, 走开 zǒu kāi, 离开 lí kāi, 离开 lí kāi, 把…清空 bǎ … qīng kōng, 整理 zhěng lǐ, 消除(嫌疑等) xiāo chú xián yí děng, 好转,痊愈 hǎo zhuǎn ,quán yù, 放晴,变好 fàng qíng,biàn hǎo, 解除警报,无危险情况 jiě chú jǐng bào,wú wēi xiǎn qíng kuàng, 危险解除 wēi xiǎn jiě chú, 一清二楚的 yì qīng èr chǔ de, 清清楚楚的,一看就懂的 qīng qīng chǔ chǔ de,yí kàn jiù dǒng de, 问心无愧 wèn xīn wú kuì, 清理干净, 将…从…表面清除, 走开 zǒu kāi, 将…从…清理出去, 透明塑料 tòu míng sù liào, 透明塑料制的, 晴朗的天空,晴空, 腾出空间 téng chū kōng jiān, 腾出时间 téng chū shí jiān, 缓解紧张气氛 huǎn jiě jǐn zhāng qì fēn, 清洁空气 qīng jié kōng qì, 洒扫以待 sǎ sǎo yǐ dài, 清出场地 qīng chū chǎng dì, 从…除雪 cóng chú xuě, 清扫道路 qīng sǎo dào lù, 清扫道路,排除障碍 qīng sǎo dào lù,pái chú zhàng ài, 清晰的思维 qīng xī de sī wéi, 证明你的清白 zhèng míng nǐ de qīng bái, 清嗓子,清清喉咙 qīng sǎng zi, 清晰的,明确的 qīng xī de ,míng què de, 砍光某区域所有的树 kǎn guāng mǒu qū yù suǒ yǒu de shù, 视力良好的, 有洞察力的 yǒu dòng chá lì de, 准确的 zhǔn què de, 头脑清楚的 tóu nǎo qīng chǔ de, 头脑清醒的 tóu nǎo qīng xǐng de, 清除 qīng chú, 明码报文,明文 míng mǎ bào wén,míng wén, 清晰明了的 qīng xī míng le de, 非常明白 fēi cháng míng bái, 纯净的,清澈的,透明如水晶的 chún jìng de,qīng chè de ,tòu míng rú shuǐ jīng de, 畅行无阻的 chàng xíng wú zǔ de, 无债务的 wú zhài wù de, 无罪的, 清白的, 不要靠近, 不要靠近…, 请勿靠近, 不要与…接近, 清楚响亮地, 清楚明白的 qīng chǔ míng bái de, 解释 jiě shì, 把话说清楚 bǎ huà shuō qīng chǔ, 讲清楚, 向某人解释某事, 说清楚, 进展顺利 jìn zhǎn shùn lì, 纯文本 chún wén běn, 避开 bì kāi, 远离 yuǎn lí, 躲开 duǒ kāi, 绕开 rào kāi, 问心无愧 wèn xīn wú kuì。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 clear 的含义

透明的 tòu míng de

adjective (transparent)

He poured water into a clear glass.
ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 湖水清澈见底。

明确的 míng què de

adjective (unambiguous)

The message of the new law is clear.

清楚的 qīng chǔ de

adjective (evident)

The truth is clear to us.

清晰的 qīng xī de

adjective (with sharp definition)

This television has a clear picture.

不受遮挡的 bú shòu zhē dǎng de

adjective (view, path: unobstructed)

The students have a clear view of the teacher.

清澈的 qīng chè de

adjective (limpid)

They swam in clear mountain pools.


adjective (skin: flawless)

You're so lucky to have such beautiful, clear skin!

疏通 shū tōng

transitive verb (unobstruct)

He had surgery to clear the blocked artery.

收拾 shōu shí

transitive verb (make tidy or empty)

When the family had finished eating, Tom's mother asked him to clear the table.

清除 qīng chú

transitive verb (remove)

The ploughs have to clear snow from the roads.

晴朗的 qíng lǎng de

adjective (cloudless)

The sky is clear today.

明净的 míng jìng de

adjective (bright)

That is a nice, clear, blue colour.

纯净的,清澈的,纯色的 chún jìng de,qīng chè de ,chún sè de

adjective (of pure color) (颜色)

Her eyes were a clear blue.

明确的 míng què de

adjective (with no uncertainty)

The soldiers are clear about their mission.

问心无愧的 wèn xīn wú kuì de

adjective (free of guilt)

The police officer does his job with a clear conscience.

宁静的 níng jìng de

adjective (calm, serene)

I always leave my yoga class with a clear mind.

纯的 chún de

adjective (without deductions) (利润等)

You'll make a clear twenty thousand.

未加密的 wèi jiā mì de

adjective (not encoded)

The message was clear; no one had scrambled it.

领先的 lǐng xiān de

adjective (sports: ahead) (体育的)

The away team is now 20 points clear.

不欠账的 bú qiàn zhàng de

(without debts or obligation)

It's hard to get a loan that's clear of interest.

远离 yuǎn lí

adverb (away from)

Keep clear of him. He's dangerous.

空地 kòng dì

noun (unobstructed space)

He pushed through the opposing players and out into the clear, ready to receive the ball.

变晴朗 biàn qíng lǎng

intransitive verb (become clear)

The sky cleared after the rain.

结清,结算,清帐 jié qīng,jié suàn,qīng zhàng

intransitive verb (check, account: be settled) (支票、账户等)

The check will clear in five days.

变清楚,变清醒 biàn qīng chǔ,biàn qīng xǐng

intransitive verb (become free of anxiety, etc.) (头脑)

Just relax, and let your mind clear.

收拾餐桌 shōu shí cān zhuō

intransitive verb (clean a table after eating)

I'll serve dinner, and you clear when they have finished eating.

从…中清除 cóng … zhōng qīng chú

transitive verb (remove [sth] unwanted from)

We will clear the land, and then plant new grass.

澄清 chéng qīng

transitive verb (make transparent)

Clear the water with a fine mesh filter.

驱逐 qū zhú

transitive verb (remove or disperse)

The police cleared the street of onlookers.

解开 jiě kāi

transitive verb (disentangle) (缠绕在一起的线等)

Let's clear our lines and resume fishing.

越过 yuè guò

transitive verb (jump over)

The runner cleared all of the hurdles.

越过 yuè guò

transitive verb (pass over)

The plane cleared the treetops.

从…下通过 cóng xià tōng guò

transitive verb (pass under)

The top of the trailer cleared the bridge with inches to spare.

通过 tōng guò

transitive verb (pass by)

The lobster boat cleared the shoals safely.

把…过滤干净 bǎ guō lǜ gān jìng

transitive verb (purify)

We cleared the air with a filter.

洗清…嫌疑 xǐ qīng xián yí

transitive verb (acquit)

The court cleared the suspect of all charges.

批准 pī zhǔn

transitive verb (approve, give permission)

The security office cleared the visitors to enter.

净赚 jìng zhuàn

transitive verb (earn after expenses)

Anne cleared a million in income this year.

偿清(债务) cháng qīng ( zhài wù )

transitive verb (eliminate: a debt)

This final cheque will clear your debt.

承兑 chéng duì

transitive verb (bank check: accept) (支票)

The bank cleared your check, so the purchase is now official!

通过 tōng guò

transitive verb (check: pass through) (海关检查)

We will meet you after you clear customs.

撤离 chè lí

transitive verb (building, land: vacate)

There was a fire alarm and everyone had to clear the building.


transitive verb (schedule: make time available)

Kate cleared her schedule so that she could visit her mother in hospital.

消散,散去 xiāo sàn ,sàn qù

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (put away neatly) (云、雾等)

After the meal, Fiona began clearing away the plates.

走开 zǒu kāi

phrasal verb, intransitive (slang (go away)

Josie's little brother was annoying her, so she told him to clear off.

离开 lí kāi

phrasal verb, intransitive (slang (leave a place)

The fire alarm went off and everybody had to clear out.

离开 lí kāi

(slang (leave: a place)

My landlord's given me a week to clear out of my flat.

把…清空 bǎ … qīng kōng

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (space: remove clutter)

Anita cleared out all the closets in preparation for the move.

整理 zhěng lǐ

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (make tidy)

Maria told the children to clear their toys up when they'd finished playing with them.

消除(嫌疑等) xiāo chú xián yí děng

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative (clarify)

I was hoping that you could clear something up for me.

好转,痊愈 hǎo zhuǎn ,quán yù

phrasal verb, intransitive (ailment: get better) (病情)

The doctor told me the rash would clear up in about six weeks.

放晴,变好 fàng qíng,biàn hǎo

phrasal verb, intransitive (weather: improve) (天气)

The weather soon cleared up and the sun came out.

解除警报,无危险情况 jiě chú jǐng bào,wú wēi xiǎn qíng kuàng

noun (signal that there is no danger)

When the fire drill was done, the principal gave the all clear.

危险解除 wēi xiǎn jiě chú

noun (figurative (signal to go ahead) (表示可以继续前进)

一清二楚的 yì qīng èr chǔ de

adjective (visible, easy to see)

Despite the police spokesman's denial, the onlooker's video showed the policeman's unprovoked aggression, as clear as day.

清清楚楚的,一看就懂的 qīng qīng chǔ chǔ de,yí kàn jiù dǒng de

adjective (figurative (obvious, easy to understand)

It was clear as day to me that the Prime Minister had no intention of honouring his promises.

问心无愧 wèn xīn wú kuì

noun (no guilty feelings)

Now that I've returned her the favour at last, I have a clear conscience.


(remove clutter from)

If you clear off the dining table, we can play cards there.


(clutter: remove)

Mike cleared the papers off his desk.

走开 zǒu kāi

interjection (slang (go away)

I'm busy now - clear off!


verbal expression (clutter: remove from a space)

We need to clear all the junk out of the attic.

透明塑料 tòu míng sù liào

noun (transparent material)

These food containers are made of clear plastic.


adjective (material: transparent)

He carries his identification card in a clear plastic case to protect it from wear.


noun (no clouds)

腾出空间 téng chū kōng jiān

verbal expression (remove clutter)

If you could just clear some space on your desk, I'll set the computer up there.

腾出时间 téng chū shí jiān

verbal expression (make time)

Could you clear some space on your calendar to spend some time with her?

缓解紧张气氛 huǎn jiě jǐn zhāng qì fēn

verbal expression (figurative (resolve tensions)

After our dreadful argument the day before, he telephoned me to apologise and to clear the air, after which I felt much happier.

清洁空气 qīng jié kōng qì

verbal expression (remove pollutants) (本义)

The machine is designed to clear the air of dust and pollen.

洒扫以待 sǎ sǎo yǐ dài

verbal expression (figurative (prepare for [sth]) (比喻)

清出场地 qīng chū chǎng dì

verbal expression (area: rid of weeds, etc.) (本义)

Before they could even think about building shelters, they had to clear the ground of hundreds of large rocks.

从…除雪 cóng chú xuě

verbal expression (shovel snow away from)

I must clear the snow from the driveway so I can drive my car to work.

清扫道路 qīng sǎo dào lù

verbal expression (path: remove obstacles) (本义)

They took out the old walnut grove to clear the way for the bypass.

清扫道路,排除障碍 qīng sǎo dào lù,pái chú zhàng ài

verbal expression (figurative (remove obstacles) (比喻)

City council approval cleared the way for the new mall.

清晰的思维 qīng xī de sī wéi

noun (rational, lucid thought)

It's no use panicking - only clear thinking and cool heads will see us through this crisis.

证明你的清白 zhèng míng nǐ de qīng bái

verbal expression (prove your innocence)

You'll have to sue that slanderer in court in order to clear your name.

清嗓子,清清喉咙 qīng sǎng zi

verbal expression (cough before speaking) (讲话前)

The butler respectfully cleared his throat.

清晰的,明确的 qīng xī de ,míng què de

adjective (figurative (unambiguous, well defined)

It's a clear-cut case of fraud.

砍光某区域所有的树 kǎn guāng mǒu qū yù suǒ yǒu de shù

transitive verb (forestry: cut all trees in an area)

Clear-cutting on steep slopes can cause erosion.


adjective (literal (with bright eyes)

有洞察力的 yǒu dòng chá lì de

adjective (figurative (person: perceptive)

准确的 zhǔn què de

adjective (figurative (description: accurate)

头脑清楚的 tóu nǎo qīng chǔ de

adjective (figurative (seeing the truth)

He wasn't able to fool his clear-sighted mother.

头脑清醒的 tóu nǎo qīng xǐng de

adjective (mainly US (lucid)

清除 qīng chú

noun (UK (getting rid of unneeded things)

明码报文,明文 míng mǎ bào wén,míng wén

noun (computing: not encrypted) (计算机)

You don't need to decrypt it; the message is already in cleartext!

清晰明了的 qīng xī míng le de

adjective (figurative (obvious)

The chief executive made his opposition to the proposal crystal clear.

非常明白 fēi cháng míng bái

adjective (figurative (easy to understand)

His explanation was crystal clear.

纯净的,清澈的,透明如水晶的 chún jìng de,qīng chè de ,tòu míng rú shuǐ jīng de

adjective (water: pure, clean) (水)

She swam in the crystal-clear water. // The water up in the mountains is crystal clear.

畅行无阻的 chàng xíng wú zǔ de

adjective (safe, out of danger)

The fox was in the clear after it swam across a wide river. They were in the clear after crossing the raging river.

无债务的 wú zhài wù de

adjective (free of debt, obligations)

无罪的, 清白的

adjective (free of suspicion)

The suspect was able to prove his alibi, so he's in the clear.


(not go near)


verbal expression (not go near)


expression (written (on sign: stay at a distance)


verbal expression (figurative, informal (avoid)


adverb (loudly and clearly)

I hear you loud and clear; we'll do the project your way.

清楚明白的 qīng chǔ míng bái de

adjective (figurative (obvious)

The voters sent a loud and clear message in favor of reforms.

解释 jiě shì

transitive verb (clarify, state clearly)

Let me make clear that I don't object to the person, only to his policies. I just want to make it clear that I won't accept any swearing.

把话说清楚 bǎ huà shuō qīng chǔ

verbal expression (informal (be unambiguous about [sth])

Sandra likes to make it clear who's boss.


verbal expression (informal (be unambiguous)

I'd like to make it clear to the council that I do not approve of this decision.


verbal expression (explain or clarify [sth] to [sb])


verbal expression (speak plainly)

You must never do that again – have I made myself clear?

进展顺利 jìn zhǎn shùn lì

noun (figurative (easy course)

纯文本 chún wén běn

noun (computing: uncoded text)

Use the button on the right to switch between plain text and the WYSIWYG editor.

避开 bì kāi

verbal expression (avoid)

Stay clear of him, he's a bad influence!

远离 yuǎn lí

verbal expression (keep a distance away from)

Stay clear of the fire line; only fire fighters are allowed past the yellow tape.

躲开 duǒ kāi

(keep away)

Steer clear of that guy - he's trouble.

绕开 rào kāi

verbal expression (informal (avoid)

I try to steer clear of fried foods.

问心无愧 wèn xīn wú kuì

adverb (without guilt)

I resigned immediately and left the office with a clear conscience.

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