英语 中的 goods 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 goods 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 goods 的说明。

英语 中的goods 表示出色的 chū sè de, 好的,良好的 hǎo de ,liáng hǎo de, 听话的 tīng huà de, 足够的 zú gòu de, 对…的健康有益, 对…有益, …的利益 de lì yì, 善良的 shàn liáng de, 对…好用, 优秀的 yōu xiù de, 正确的 zhèng què de, 值得尊敬的,受人尊敬的 zhí dé zūn jìng de ,shòu rén zūn jìng de, 品味好的 pǐn wèi hǎo de, 商品 shāng pǐn, 擅长 shàn cháng, 擅长 shàn cháng, 善于应付, 在…内有效, 值 zhí, 适合 shì hé, 对...好, 合适的 hé shì de, 还能发挥功用的, 新鲜的 xīn xiān de, 味道好的 wèi dào hǎo de, 真的,真实的,名副其实的 zhēn de,zhēn shí de ,míng fù qí shí de, 明智的 míng zhì de, 彻底的 chè dǐ de, 好的 hǎo de, 虔诚的 qián chéng de, 忠诚的 zhōng chéng de, 没有瑕疵的,好的 méi yǒu xiá cī de,hǎo de, 好的,时新的 hǎo de ,shí xīn de, 出色的, 精准的, 正常地,顺利地 zhèng cháng de ,shùn lì de, 好, 很好, 福利 fú lì, 优点 yōu diǎn, 善处 shàn chǔ, 用处 yòng chù, 消息 xiāo xī, 划算, 大量 dà liàng, 大量 dà liàng, 很 hěn, …多了, 大量努力 dà liàng nǔ lì, 耐心点 nài xīn diǎn, 有多好, 有效的 yǒu xiào de, 和…几乎一样好 hé jī hū yí yàng hǎo, 几乎已经, 最多能做到,最好的情况是, 完好如新 wán hǎo rú xīn, 最好的 zuì hǎo de, 好价钱 hǎo jià qián, 听话 tīng huà, 摆脱...是对的, 大量地 dà liàng de, 公共利益 gōng gòng lì yì, 做好事 zuò hǎo shì, 帮助某人, 行善 xíng shàn, 做得成功,干得好 zuò de chéng gōng,gàn de hǎo, 身体健康 shēn tǐ jiàn kāng, 相当好的 xiāng dāng hǎo de, 感到高兴 gǎn dào gāo xìng, 感觉良好 gǎn jué liáng hǎo, 感觉良好 gǎn jué liáng hǎo, 对...乐观, 对...感觉良好, 永远 yǒng yuǎn, 另外,此外 lìng wài,cǐ wài, 顺利开始 shùn lì kāi shǐ, 将某人狠骂一通 jiāng mǒu rén hěn mà yì tōng, 下午好 xià wǔ hǎo, 好胃口, 规矩的行为,言行规矩 guī jǔ de xíng wéi,yán xíng guī jǔ, 表现好, 圣经 shèng jīng, 好孩子,乖孩子 hǎo hái zǐ,guāi hái zi, 好孩子,乖孩子 hǎo hái zǐ,guāi hái zi, 好狗狗, 好买卖 hǎo mǎi mài, 明智的决策, 真是英明的决策, 寻欢作乐 xún huān zuò lè, 好孩子 hǎo hái zǐ, 虔诚的基督教徒 qián chéng de jī dū jiào tú, 好公民, 好衣服 hǎo yī fú, 好伙伴, 愉快的一天, 日安 rì ān, 日安 rì ān, 好事 hǎo shì, 好性格 hǎo xìng gé, 好的英语能力 hǎo de yīng yǔ néng lì, 相当好的 xiāng dāng hǎo de, 晚安 wǎn ān, 好例子 hǎo lì zi, 很好的运动,很好的锻炼方式, 善意 shàn yì, 好的预感 hǎo de yù gǎn, 对某人感觉良好, 好人缘的人,好人 hǎo rén yuán de rén,hǎo rén, 健康食品 jiàn kāng shí pǐn, 有趣的 yǒu qù de, 有趣的, 幽默的, 做得不错, 有益你的健康的 yǒu yì nǐ de jiàn kāng de, 健壮的体魄 jiàn zhuàng de tǐ pò, 举止有礼 jǔ zhǐ yǒu lǐ, 好运气 hǎo yùn qì, 耶稣受难日 yē sū shòu nàn rì, 好友 hǎo yǒu, 有趣的事 yǒu qù de shì, 高分 gāo fēn, 天啊 tiān ā, 天啊 tiān ā, 好人 hǎo rén, 正面人物, 身体健康 shēn tǐ jiàn kāng, 好听力 hǎo tīng lì, 天哪!不会吧! tiān na bú huì ba, 好心情 hǎo xīn qíng, 好主意,好点子,好想法 hǎo zhǔ yì,hǎo diǎn zi,hǎo xiǎng fǎ, 好的创意 hǎo de chuàng yì, 好主意!, 好榜样 hǎo bǎng yàng, 干得不错 gàn de bú cuò, 幸运的是,幸好 xìng yùn de shì,xìng hǎo, 有趣, 富裕的生活 fù yù de shēng huó, 善于聆听的人,好的听众, 过富裕的生活, 美貌, 我的天呐, 好运 hǎo yùn, 幸运符 xìng yùn fú, 祝你好运! zhù nǐ hǎo yùn。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 goods 的含义

出色的 chū sè de

adjective (better than average)

He studied hard and got good grades this year.

好的,良好的 hǎo de ,liáng hǎo de

adjective (favorable)

The weather forecast is good for tomorrow.

听话的 tīng huà de

adjective (well behaved)

Now you be good while I'm gone, do you hear?

足够的 zú gòu de

adjective (adequate)

You can earn a good living as a mechanic.



Cod liver oil is supposed to be good for you.



Whoever said that pain is good for the soul?

…的利益 de lì yì

expression (benefit, advantage)

Political decisions should always be for the good of the people.

善良的 shàn liáng de

adjective (virtuous)

He's a good man.



Shoe boxes are good for storing old postcards and letters.

优秀的 yōu xiù de

adjective (competent)

She's a very good accountant.

正确的 zhèng què de

adjective (right, correct)

Good answer!

值得尊敬的,受人尊敬的 zhí dé zūn jìng de ,shòu rén zūn jìng de

adjective (worthy)

You've ruined our family's good reputation.

品味好的 pǐn wèi hǎo de

adjective (refined)

He's got good taste in wine.

商品 shāng pǐn

plural noun (merchandise, commodities)

The company promised to deliver the goods within 24 hours.

擅长 shàn cháng

verbal expression (be skilled, talented)

He is good at anything related to numbers.

擅长 shàn cháng

verbal expression (be skilled with)

My sister is good with numbers but I'm better at languages.


verbal expression (people, animal: handle well)

He is good with children and animals.


verbal expression (be valid: for a duration)

Your international driving licence is good for one year; you can renew it after that.

值 zhí

verbal expression (be equivalent in value to)

Your admission ticket is also good for one drink at the bar when you get inside.

适合 shì hé

verbal expression (informal (be fit only for)

That tatty old sofa is good for the dump.


verbal expression (be kind toward [sb])

My daughter is good to me; she comes to visit every Sunday and brings cake.

合适的 hé shì de

adjective (suitable)

Is lasagne a good thing to serve to your parents?


adjective (functioning)

You'll have to speak into my good ear if you want me to hear.

新鲜的 xīn xiān de

adjective (informal (fresh)

Is that milk still good?

味道好的 wèi dào hǎo de

adjective (tastes nice)

This is a really good apple.

真的,真实的,名副其实的 zhēn de,zhēn shí de ,míng fù qí shí de

adjective (genuine) (钞票、证件等)

I can't tell if this certificate is good or not.

明智的 míng zhì de

adjective (wise)

Those stocks were a good investment.

彻底的 chè dǐ de

adjective (informal (thorough)

This house needs a good cleaning.

好的 hǎo de

adjective (fertile)

There's lots of good soil in this part of the country.

虔诚的 qián chéng de

adjective (devout)

He's a good Catholic.

忠诚的 zhōng chéng de

adjective (loyal)

He's a good union man.

没有瑕疵的,好的 méi yǒu xiá cī de,hǎo de

adjective (skin: clear) (皮肤)

She has good skin.

好的,时新的 hǎo de ,shí xīn de

adjective (clothes: most dressy) (衣服)

You should wear your good suit for this dinner.

出色的, 精准的

adjective (sport: in bounds) (体育运动)

His first serve was good.

正常地,顺利地 zhèng cháng de ,shùn lì de

adverb (US, informal (well)

This car runs good.

好, 很好

interjection (approval)

"Good," said the teacher when the student handed in his homework on time.

福利 fú lì

noun (benefit, sake)

I did it for the good of all of us.

优点 yōu diǎn

noun (merit)

There's a lot of good in his idea.

善处 shàn chǔ

noun (virtue)

You should always seek out the good in people.

用处 yòng chù

noun (purpose)

What good is it to ask all these questions without answering them?

消息 xiāo xī

plural noun (figurative, slang (information, evidence)

The police are hoping that their informer will come up with the goods.


noun (bargain)

I chose the car because it was reliable and a great deal.

大量 dà liàng

noun (much, large amount)

I have a great deal to accomplish before the end of the semester.

大量 dà liàng

expression (large amount of [sth])

Her presidential campaign had a great deal of success at the local level.

很 hěn

adverb (greatly, very much)

I value your input a great deal.


adverb (considerably)

I'm feeling a great deal better since I ate some soup.

大量努力 dà liàng nǔ lì

noun (a lot of work)

I put a great deal of effort into this project, and I was really offended when management ignored it.

耐心点 nài xīn diǎn

expression (be patient)

The doctor assured the family that the patient would be out of hospital the next day, all in good time.


adjective (informal (sufficient quality)

I don't think his later films are any good.

有效的 yǒu xiào de

adjective (informal (at all effective)

Was the ointment I gave you any good?

和…几乎一样好 hé jī hū yí yàng hǎo

expression (of equal quality to)

He is as good at maths as my brother.


expression (nearly; virtually)

I've worked all night on the picture and it's as good as finished.


expression (the best circumstances)

The smaller football teams have no chance of finishing top of the league, so winning one of the cup competitions instead is as good as it gets.

完好如新 wán hǎo rú xīn

expression (successfully repaired or restored)

John fixed my bike and now it's as good as new!

最好的 zuì hǎo de

expression (the best available)

好价钱 hǎo jià qián

expression (at reasonable cost)

I was able to buy my PC at a good price.

听话 tīng huà

interjection (do not misbehave)


verbal expression (get rid of [sb], [sth] undesirable)

大量地 dà liàng de

adverb (by a large amount or extent)

The Indian Ocean is smaller than the Pacific Ocean by a great deal.

公共利益 gōng gòng lì yì

noun (benefit of everyone)

Being honest with each other is for the common good.

做好事 zuò hǎo shì

verbal expression (perform a charitable act)

When someone joins the Boy Scouts, one of the requirements is to do a good deed every day.


verbal expression (perform a kind act)

行善 xíng shàn

verbal expression (perform charitable acts)

If I were a millionaire, I would use my wealth to do good.

做得成功,干得好 zuò de chéng gōng,gàn de hǎo

verbal expression (slang (do well, do [sth] successfully) (俚语)

You can do good if you just try.

身体健康 shēn tǐ jiàn kāng

verbal expression (be physically healthy)

相当好的 xiāng dāng hǎo de

adjective (reasonable, acceptable)

I didn't get top marks in the exam, but my results were fairly good.

感到高兴 gǎn dào gāo xìng

(be happy, optimistic)

I feel good now that my exams are over. Springtime always makes me feel good.

感觉良好 gǎn jué liáng hǎo

(not feel guilty)

感觉良好 gǎn jué liáng hǎo

adjective (informal (that causes happiness)


verbal expression (be optimistic)


verbal expression (find [sth] morally acceptable)

永远 yǒng yuǎn

adverb (permanently)

His severe injury ended his sports career for good.

另外,此外 lìng wài,cǐ wài

expression (a little more than required)

Emily added an extra teaspoon of cinnamon to the recipe for good measure.

顺利开始 shùn lì kāi shǐ

verbal expression (informal (begin well)

Our new employee has gotten off to a good start.

将某人狠骂一通 jiāng mǒu rén hěn mà yì tōng

verbal expression (informal (reprimand)

When the boss found out what had happened, Sally was taken into the office and given a good telling-off.

下午好 xià wǔ hǎo

interjection (greeting)

Phil wished me good afternoon as he passed me in the corridor.


noun (healthy desire to eat)

规矩的行为,言行规矩 guī jǔ de xíng wéi,yán xíng guī jǔ

noun (child: not misbehaving) (孩子)

Billy got a sticker for his good behavior today at school.


noun (prisoner: good conduct) (犯人服刑期间)

I expect that he will have his prison term reduced for good behaviour.

圣经 shèng jīng

noun (Christian Bible)

The Good Book says, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

好孩子,乖孩子 hǎo hái zǐ,guāi hái zi

noun (well-behaved male child)

He was a very good boy.

好孩子,乖孩子 hǎo hái zǐ,guāi hái zi

interjection (used to praise a male child)

Good boy! You received an "A" in mathematics.


interjection (used to praise male dog)

好买卖 hǎo mǎi mài

noun (bargain)

I got a good buy on these drinks, only $1 per bottle.


noun (informal (smart decision, wise judgment)


interjection (informal (That is a wise decision)

寻欢作乐 xún huān zuò lè

noun (joyfulness)

The party guests were in good cheer.

好孩子 hǎo hái zǐ

noun (child who is well behaved)

My mother says I was a good child when I was younger.

虔诚的基督教徒 qián chéng de jī dū jiào tú

noun ([sb] who obeys Christian teachings)

A good Christian uses Jesus as an example for his life.


noun (helpful member of society)

好衣服 hǎo yī fú

plural noun (finest or most formal outfit)

I would not wear my good clothes while doing the housework.


noun (invariable (pleasant, welcome companion)


noun (day spent well)

William had a good day at the races, winning a considerable amount of money.

日安 rì ān

interjection (formal (salutation)

Samuel wished us "Good day!" as he passed by.

日安 rì ān

interjection (formal (salutation)

"Good day to you!" shouted Jenkins from across the street.

好事 hǎo shì

noun (charitable act)

Have you done any good deeds lately, like donating blood?

好性格 hǎo xìng gé

noun (pleasant manner, character)

Labradors have a good disposition which makes them a good dog around children.

好的英语能力 hǎo de yīng yǔ néng lì

noun (skillfulness with English)

Good English is a necessity for any foreign student wishing to study at an English university.

相当好的 xiāng dāng hǎo de

adjective (satisfactory)

It isn't the best computer available, but it's good enough for my needs.

晚安 wǎn ān

interjection (greeting)

"Good evening, Sir. Are you ready to order?" asked the waiter.

好例子 hǎo lì zi

noun (model for others)

As a teacher, it is important to set a good example for your students.


noun (activity encouraging fitness)

善意 shàn yì

noun as adjective (law: as an indication of sincerity)

好的预感 hǎo de yù gǎn

noun (premonition of [sth] good)

I have a good feeling about this interview.


noun (positive evaluation of [sb])

I've got a good feeling about you. I think you'll go far in this company.

好人缘的人,好人 hǎo rén yuán de rén,hǎo rén

noun (informal (likeable man) (非正式用语)

My daughter´s new boyfriend seems a good fellow.

健康食品 jiàn kāng shí pǐn

noun (healthy or top-quality food)

Athletes eat only good food.

有趣的 yǒu qù de

adjective (UK (fun, amusing)

Laurel and Hardy films are good for a laugh.

有趣的, 幽默的

adjective (UK (person: fun, funny) (人)

I might see if Karen's free to come out; she's always good for a laugh.


interjection (well done!)

You have lost 10 pounds already? Good for you!

有益你的健康的 yǒu yì nǐ de jiàn kāng de

adjective (healthful)

Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables is good for you.

健壮的体魄 jiàn zhuàng de tǐ pò

noun (fitness)

The horse is in good form for the race.

举止有礼 jǔ zhǐ yǒu lǐ

noun (appropriate behaviour)

It is good form to offer your seat to a lady.

好运气 hǎo yùn qì

noun (good luck, happy chance)

He had good fortune to win the lottery.

耶稣受难日 yē sū shòu nàn rì

noun (Friday before Easter Sunday) (复活节前的周五)

In the UK, it's traditional to eat hot cross buns on Good Friday. We will not have class on Good Friday.

好友 hǎo yǒu

noun ([sb] close, trusted)

My good friend will always tell me the truth, and always in a kind way.

有趣的事 yǒu qù de shì

noun ([sth] enjoyable)

It was always good fun going sailing with my cousin's family.

高分 gāo fēn

plural noun (high marks: in exams, tests)

She needs good grades to get to University.

天啊 tiān ā

interjection (informal (disbelief) (表示难以置信)

"Good grief! Ben's finally managed to pass his driving test!"

天啊 tiān ā

interjection (informal (exasperation) (表示愤怒)

"Good grief! We must have been here for at least half an hour and still haven't been served."

好人 hǎo rén

noun (informal (decent man)

I'm glad she's going out with Rob: he's a good guy.


noun (informal (fiction: hero)

Almost every major movie involves the good guys versus the bad guys.

身体健康 shēn tǐ jiàn kāng

noun (healthiness, fitness)

I am lucky to enjoy good health.

好听力 hǎo tīng lì

noun (ability to hear clearly)

My grandmother does not have good hearing so you need to speak clearly to her.

天哪!不会吧! tiān na bú huì ba

interjection (slightly dated (surprise) (表示惊奇)

Good heavens! You can't possibly go to the party wearing that.

好心情 hǎo xīn qíng

noun (cheerful mood)

When the sun is shining, it puts me in good humour.

好主意,好点子,好想法 hǎo zhǔ yì,hǎo diǎn zi,hǎo xiǎng fǎ

noun (wise suggestion) (建议)

It is a good idea to brush your long hair before going to sleep. It wasn't a good idea to eat that third piece of cake.

好的创意 hǎo de chuàng yì

noun (clever invention)

Sliced bread was a good idea.


interjection (yes, agreed, let's do that) (感叹语)

"Let's go to the movies." "Good idea! Sounds like fun." .

好榜样 hǎo bǎng yàng

noun (prompts good behavior)

His elder brother is a good influence on him.

干得不错 gàn de bú cuò

interjection (informal (expressing admiration)

That's an awesome painting. Good job!

幸运的是,幸好 xìng yùn de shì,xìng hǎo

interjection (UK, informal (it is fortunate)

Good job you remembered your umbrella!


noun (informal (funny, fun)

Your mate Jim's a good laugh, isn't he?

富裕的生活 fù yù de shēng huó

noun (luxurious lifestyle)

He's living the good life on his yacht in the Mediterranean.


noun (attentive when others speak)


verbal expression (earn good amount of money)

He makes a good living from his paintings.


plural noun (informal (attractive appearance)


interjection (UK (expressing surprise)

Good lord! Is that really the time? I must be going.

好运 hǎo yùn

noun (good fortune)

It was such good luck that I ran into him yesterday. This item brings me good luck.

幸运符 xìng yùn fú

noun (trinket worn for good fortune)

Many people carry a rabbit's foot or four-leaf clover for a good luck charm.

祝你好运! zhù nǐ hǎo yùn

interjection (used to wish [sb] good fortune)

Today's your test? Good luck!

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。