英语 中的 same 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 same 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 same 的说明。

英语 中的same 表示相同的 xiāng tóng de, 同样的 tóng yàng de, 同一个的,同样的 tóng yàng de, 同样的, 一样的, 同样地 tóng yàng de, 与…一样,与…相同 yǔ yí yàng,yǔ xiāng tóng, 我也是,我也一样 wǒ yě shì, 尽管如此…(仍然) jǐn guǎn rú cǐ réng rán, 同时 tóng shí, 一起 yì qǐ, 与此同时 yǔ cǐ tóng shí, 同时 tóng shí, 与…相同 yǔ xiāng tóng, 同样 tóng yàng, 开胃菜 kāi wèi cài, 处境相同, 但同时,但紧接着 dàn tóng shí,dàn jǐn jiē zhe, 在同一组 zài tóng yì zǔ, 同样地 tóng yàng de, 同一个主题的 tóng yí gè zhǔ tí de, 以相同的方式 yǐ xiāng tóng de fāng shì, 与…同样的方式 yǔ tóng yàng de fāng shì, 都是一样的 dōu shì yí yàng de, 对我来说都一样 duì wǒ lái shuō dōu yí yàng, 仍然 réng rán, 完全一样的 wán quán yí yàng de, 差不多一样的, 与之前…差不多一样的, 几乎差不多的 jī hū chà bù duō de, 意见一致的 yì jiàn yí zhì de, 意见一致 yì jiàn yí zhì, 想法类似, 同一个人 tóng yí gè rén, 差不多一样的, 差不多一样 chà bù duō yí yàng, 我也是 wǒ yě shì, 当天的, 同性的 tóng xìng de, 完全相同的 wán quán xiāng tóng de, 还是老样子, 达到相同程度, 看待事物的两种角度, 完全一样的 wán quán yí yàng de。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 same 的含义

相同的 xiāng tóng de

adjective (identical)

We go to the same place for our holidays every year.

同样的 tóng yàng de

adjective (unchanged)

Laurie still looks the same after all these years.

同一个的,同样的 tóng yàng de

adjective ([sb]: same one) (指人)

The same man designed the Eiffel Tower and the armature for the Statue of Liberty.

同样的, 一样的

pronoun (same person, thing) (同样的人或事物)

She chose the same as I did.

同样地 tóng yàng de

adverb (equally)

A mother loves all her children the same.

与…一样,与…相同 yǔ yí yàng,yǔ xiāng tóng

expression (saying two things are similar)

Withholding the truth is the same as lying.

我也是,我也一样 wǒ yě shì

interjection (informal (showing agreement)

"I'm so tired I could fall asleep at my desk." "Same."

尽管如此…(仍然) jǐn guǎn rú cǐ réng rán

expression (even so)

Max promised to change, but all the same I decided to end the relationship.

同时 tóng shí

adverb (simultaneously)

It was fortunate that we both arrived at the same time.

一起 yì qǐ

adverb (in unison)

We all screamed for more ice cream at the same time.

与此同时 yǔ cǐ tóng shí

preposition (concurrent)

同时 tóng shí

preposition (at precise moment)

Joey returned home at the same time that Zula was preparing to leave.

与…相同 yǔ xiāng tóng

transitive verb (be identical to)

The blouse that I wore was the same as my sister's. Christmas dinner was the same as always: ham, potatoes, and salad.

同样 tóng yàng

expression (similarly)

开胃菜 kāi wèi cài

noun (French (food: appetizer)

If you fill up on hors d'oeuvres, you will have no room left for dinner


expression (figurative (in a similar situation)

但同时,但紧接着 dàn tóng shí,dàn jǐn jiē zhe

adverb (figurative (at same moment) (转折)

The Prime Minister denies climate change and advocates carbon tax in the same breath.

在同一组 zài tóng yì zǔ

adverb (within the same group)

Martins are birds in the same category as swifts and swallows. That is like comparing apples and oranges; they are not even in the same category.

同样地 tóng yàng de

adverb (similarly)

The teacher was always fair and treated all of the children in the same manner.

同一个主题的 tóng yí gè zhǔ tí de

adverb (regarding the same subject)

He started talking about politics and went on and on in the same vein for two whole hours. My sense of humour's in the same vein as yours: we both laugh at the same jokes.

以相同的方式 yǐ xiāng tóng de fāng shì

expression (similarly)

She never cooks that dish in the same way, so it is different every time.

与…同样的方式 yǔ tóng yàng de fāng shì

expression (similarly to)

I tried to paint the sunflowers in the same way as Van Gogh.

都是一样的 dōu shì yí yàng de

(there is no difference, it makes no difference)

I can either go to the party or stay home. It's all the same to me.

对我来说都一样 duì wǒ lái shuō dōu yí yàng

expression (informal (I have no preference.)

You can stay or leave; it's all the same to me.

仍然 réng rán

adverb (informal (even so)

Although Davina probably won't mind, just the same we ought to ask her before we borrow her bike.

完全一样的 wán quán yí yàng de

adjective (informal (exactly alike)

Are those new boots? Ed has a pair that are just the same.


adjective (very similar)

I will use much the same method as George did to make these changes.


adjective (unchanged)

The doctors say he is in much the same condition as yesterday. My hometown looks much the same as it did when I left 10 years ago.

几乎差不多的 jī hū chà bù duō de

adjective (very similar)

The professor noticed that the two students' papers were nearly the same, and failed them both.

意见一致的 yì jiàn yí zhì de

adjective (having a similar opinion)

We've reached a consensus. The whole committee is of the same mind on this issue.

意见一致 yì jiàn yí zhì

expression (figurative, informal (in agreement)


adjective (figurative (thinking similarly to [sb] else)

同一个人 tóng yí gè rén

noun (same person or thing)

At the end of the story, the boy and his twin were revealed to be one and the same!


adjective (informal (very similar)

It hardly matters which candidate you vote for; they're all pretty much the same.

差不多一样 chà bù duō yí yàng

adverb (unchanged from earlier)

The state of the patient's health has stayed pretty much the same.

我也是 wǒ yě shì

expression (informal (showing agreement)

"I feel thirsty". "Same here".


noun as adjective (service: provided on same say) (服务)

The laundry provides a same-day service.

同性的 tóng xìng de

adjective (relationship: gay)

Same-sex marriage is such a contested issue everywhere.

完全相同的 wán quán xiāng tóng de

adjective (identical, very same)

The woman at the beach was the selfsame one they had met earlier at the airport.


intransitive verb (not change)


adverb (to a similar or identical degree)


plural noun (figurative (opposite but connected ideas)

完全一样的 wán quán yí yàng de

adjective (exact or identical)

At 15 Jacques enrolled at the very same school that his late father had attended.

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。